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Besides the two close losses in Washington, the Ducks had put together tWOtCOUfereiiee wins •' In a rtiw, over Californiaand Oregon State, for the first time this season .. .' ‘ That thought is of little solacev to Oregon 1 coach Don Monsoh, however. - ■ : ° "We played well,, but that is not. to say that losing it OK." Monson said after the loss to • /Washington He was pleased with the effort "• displayed by his team, however.. . • '• • : We played them tord thfe whole way.’.'’ . • Ntonson said of the Washington loss, - h an'i say enough about the way the kids played. it was’just'. . a coupje of little things that cost us in the end/' Those little things were not the same 'one's • .. that cost Oregon so many gabies in the early part of the- season. Oregon - made their free throws ‘ . (23-30 for the game)., they made the key shot, and they didn't lows compdsure when'the going’iook-' . eqniike it was going Ingot rough .. ; • ■ ■ Smillln nn Sunday-th'\t)iu L«->-Iverged;'«u!. • * .of th.e blocks like.they were going to run away and • hW from the Iliisk'iUs'as.they'opefted tip it 2dVl2- ■ -' W eight ° m inufas. iniq the game ' ■:' " •• ' "Th«n the difference between the best'team In. . the conference (Vyg*hlngtnnf"«(Hd'tH«;oin‘ that is . '• struggling. .In The conference cellar' (Oregon) .• became apparent, .. :.v. ‘\ ■ l..;r • . • • , : Washington coach Andy, Russo looked down his.bench,and flagged'in guard ’Af Muscatel to revive his dogged tmop*. .Moiuon -did riot have the luxury of. hringing such 'taleut p'ff his bum h as Musi ateI came In to score, lb points on eight of • 10 from the floor, mostly froth long range. Behind- Muscatelthe Huskios oame right back at the Ducks, as the gritty 6-foot-3 guard from Mercer Island< Wash.; threw in four straight long-range lumpers to bring the Dawgs to within 23*20 with eight minutes left in the first half. • Most aid's springers'Started Washington on a 20;S run that eventually brought them the lead at 32*25 with four minutes left,before halftime .,. Then' it was t he. Ducks't urn to ploy catch-up and they did:H.very well as Oregon caught the Huskies at '30-30* on David tJirley's running lumper In the lane et the buzzer Indore halftime. In the second half there was more well played basketball on the part of both teams, and fc. the game was relatively close the rest of the way. The Duck's biggest lead In the second half was five points a! 57-52 with 0:17 left in the game. ... ..Oregon used the inside play of center )erry Adams toTiuild the lead Adams scored a career high,21 points'll) go along with 11 rebounds for . the game. rAdams' offensive statistics may not , have-.lieen the most important aspect of his game as*he.held'Washington's high-scoring (hristian ... W.elpto- I'T'pdintsonfourof 11 from the field and . nitpr rfiboitud.8.’• . * .- "•Jerry'really had that many points?” Munson asked-'after"the; gathe. : ”llo, gives us so much on the -defensive - and; relMiundtiig end that people tend U) j)jyir.l/«ik.hi.s_i:i).iUtiluiM(ins on the often sive end." Adams may lend to be overlooked on the of fensive end of the floor, but that will not be the lasting rememberances that the Huskies will take home from this one as they barely escaped with their league-leading lives. Muscatel started a 6-0 run that regained the lead for Washington at 58-57 with 7:30 left in the game. The game see-sawed from there until Washington’s Paul Fortier was fouled by Oregon’s Thomas Deuster with 4:21 left irr the contest. . Fortier drained both free throws to give the Dawgs a 65-63 lead .Oregon then missed the front end.of a oire:and-one.' and Fortier drilled a free . throw line .jumper Jo give" Washington a 67-63 lead with 3:00 left to pl&y. • ; ' Welp then' blocked ^Adams'-shot and Jhe ball" : appeared to be going out-of-bounds off of Welp," hut. Oregon'.s Anthony Taylor tried fo-save it with rip-.luclfr and t-he .fwlk went back tb the Huskies • with -2:25 left ; 'g, TIjisJtime Fortje( inissed and Qreg'pn had life; - ag.iiii. ^rjlg0,Senior.*- who//was .in ..for JKefth„ . Hal.der'iltin.' vyHir fo,uled put at,th® .5;51.mark, was ; foOled-by/.Was^nhgtc>n’sf.ShagIvVillia'ms! but he' ." inisHeVi'fg)tfi;fre^throws vyith‘4J:36‘left . /'FoTiiet.didnT’give.tbe Ducks’another.chance as he oarinetiVaMuniper-th^Fpot the game out of reacluat* tifJ-63- w i t h«1*jol ,\e jft. v" • .. ‘‘We t haVe/'foiir' Of \dur jast t fivej games' at!. h— Pacific Northwest Book Sale : AW Regional . titles in our Pacific Nprihwesi • : Section • Picture books • Regional history • Oregon Folklore • Out-of-print editions . In the General Book Dept. February 17-22 • Limited to »tock on hand • Cash register salat only • No turthar discounts apply yQ 13th & Kincaid M-F >J(W:30 • ' SAT ldtKW.OO Supplies 6*6 4331 Special Purchase $-198* up settes or LPs • ROCK • COUNTRY Something for Everyone! * White supplies last Your Store Since 1920 13th & Kincaid M-F 7 30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Supplies 686 4331