Oregon Daily Emerald Students voice opinions on U.S. involvement in post-election Philippines See Streetwise, Page 9 Monday, February 17, 198B Eugene, Oregon Volume 87, Number 99 Student ‘volunteer f, - Siafra.:3tiomaa is: one of several children faking \ part in the: University 's TAG-IDEA progfam.which is . designed educatidhiil heeds; of ' tiilenied and gifted thildfen :.‘s. . , ■ " Photo by Karen Staltwood „"J ■: See story. Page .18 Board may decrease faculty’s input in selection of president By Andrew I^Mar Of lb* emerald ' The University.’s faculty may have a smaller roje in the selection ofthe next University presi dent. That is if the Oregon State Board 6f Higher Education "passes a proposal that" reduces the " numbered faculty members on a presidential . searoh.commitlee .at its monthly ’meeting Friday. . "The -boaTd's Committee on Finance,- . Ad ministration,'and Physical Plant .wii.j'di.scuss.Hie0 proposa l- Friday rnorn i ng and t hen-'make a refcom " ' me’ndatjon’to the.bdard.*' ' ” !’*•• ’ ... .! ify "the Sta*tevBoard's current rules,' a search .committee cbmptoseR-hiainly of faculty, members , narrows thejSe.leU ion Tor. a. president ti? between threeand.five ffttilists', The board-then''makes' the ’final-decisiop..-: ■/. * •',. .j Bdf .the,new.-pniposal gy/es the board more represe nt ation-on'.ihe sehrch»,com'rriittee. than, the faculty.'■*' :f •• fhe-.pnJpbsil.'retiflires- the search, committee .to be;composed-of .ntne,membejre:. four represen iatiyes Jrdin' the t>tatp Board;„ cine; representative from thejrxim'munityrland.one administrator■ one. - stiidehti and twoTaculty representatiVes frdm the *-./ ./. ■ * ' The •University's' last search committee was ; • composed' of .nine faculty members, iwo: com munity-. representatives, one graduate student, .one undergraduate student, one classified (nbn - academic administrator), one State Board .member and the State System chancellor. ‘That is not going to satisfy the University of .Oregon, which has a struirig tradition of faculty in volvement in the affairs of the.University.” said Paul Ho (ho, the University's vice provost for academic affairs! ■! ■ ; llplbo as Well as the University Senate, the J’aculty Advisory Committee, the Council of Dttans and the Oregon chapter of the American Association of University Professors disapprove of the' proposal. . . . , ' “I have a rather strong feeling that the faculty should have a strong say in the selection,” said University President Paul Olum.. .’ In order for the faculty and-new president to • work well and openly together; the sel^tion.prb-' < cess must-include several faculty.members.-Olum said.. : • • V.v:'y,: >;•. • “Th”p sAAUPV priihary .'concern °iS»V the, substantial, decrea’se" of’ faculty' members'on-1 He search committee, ’’.'"said Chap in-Clark, Va-Univer sityla'w° prdfessor tand president ;qf the - Ofegon conference pf.tHe?AA|:IPj.;A” V- / ‘ > The pjevious' *process°es ‘ hav$° worked " very welbahd thefe"s"hb reaSofitp change therh. 'Clark said.;*?,v•’. •.■ ■ . •y-T-.'?■ '• The-State'Board-,however, apparently Wants to centralize’the/'pHjcess:.V One reason the bpard vvantsj to strengthen.its own role in jhe search proceSs-might be to insure a morej vigbijius search for-^OutjiderVi’v’said'Bill'’. . Lemjfnanqi the ':St'ate'.vfjy§tpni’s' 'executive ...vice:.. ■ chancellor.'Of/the.'eight.state" institutions.: four have' .presidqntst.w.hoi-'yk'ere faculty members of" their instiXiiyon, he.said.. -f' Many "faculty /members • claim' that -eyen. , though ■ / ‘.insiders’,’* often: are. hired, • the .'system » works. Thp.state institutions"ratio