Ducks face tough Pac-10 road as they head North By Robert Collies Of Dm Emerald The Oregon basketball team will try to win three consecutive games for the first time this season when they travel to Washington this weekend to take on the Washington State University Cougars tonight, and then face the conference-leading Washington Huskies on Saturday in a televised game. The Ducks stand at 8-13 on the season and 3-8 in the Pac-10 Conference, but that does not tell the entire story as they prepare to head north for their final two game road trip of the season. The Ducks beat the Oregon State University Beavers for the first time since 1979 Saturday night in Corvallis. Add that to their previous win over Califor nia in McArthur Court, and the Ducks have as much momentum as they have enjoyed all season long. “We may have found the confidence we need to win in Corvallis,” Oregon coach Don Munson says. The Ducks will need all the momentum they can muster this weekend as they face the Cougars and Huskies. WSU’s Friel Court is a very tough place to play and the Cougars are still a factor in the Pac-10 with a modest 5-6 conference record and 12-12 overall slate. The Ducks lost a 60-59 heartbreaker to the Cougars in McArthur Court earlier this season as Oregon center Jerry Adams missed a layin that would have won the game for the Ducks at the buzzer. Against the Huskies, the Ducks squandered an 11 point lead with 12:04 to play on the way to a 61-56 loss in McArthur Court. The Huskies lost and then regained the Pac-10 lead last weekend when they lost to UCLA in Los Angeles, but then bounced back to defeat the Trojans of USC. */A.'b . . * vrTV The Ducks will face one of the Pac-10's new young coaches when they venture to Seattle to face the Huskies' Andy Russo. Russo is in the first year of his contract with ihe Huskies and he has guided the Dawgs to a 14-9 record so far this year. Russo has been outspoken about the Pac-10's lack of respect since his arrival from Louisiana Tech, last April. He also has stated that he is not overjoyed with the Huskies' record so far this season, but he does have them where they were expected to be — first place in the conference. DUCK TALES — Oregon’s Jerry Adams, the lone senior on the squad, strengthened his hold on the Pac-10 rebounding lead with 13 rebounds against the Beavers. Adams is now averaging an even 10.0 caroms per contest, and 9.7 in Pac-10 games. J ** Ms. Alexandre You know what... We ve been over a year Meet you at Shop s next year too? IH be mere Hey .Hour bout the 8 s at the Hilton’ Me either I'd rather be on your porch But then. I'M be on your mother's porch this year ill be iuat as happy My forever Mine... I Love ALYCE H it weren't that I am so wrapped up in your daughter I’m afraid I’d lust for you As It IS I'M lire in covert misery Good luck with the open-house, and I hope you can get fairly engulfed in Fish A SEC ACT ADMIRE A _ PHI PS! FRED: I II never forget teeter loners, balloons, and animals cookies But I’M always have more hair than you LOVE YA, ALI RGB KOLOS VARY Happy Valentine s Day! I love you! YOURS. JENNIFER. LEILA. JASMIN. TESSA. AND THE GIRLS WITH THE GARAGE DOOR To my Chi Psi teddy bear You really do have the key lo my heart I'm very happy lo be your valentine Lots of love. YOUR CINNAMON GIRL AOAMS HALL: You are the best group of people1 Thank you for making being an RA the coolest experience ever1 k> LECHEROUS LITTLE LEPRECHAUN: Looking forward to the next life Glad I met you in thia TOUR "LITTLE GIRL ROSES ARE RED Violets are Blue I may be a nympho but so are you! Happy Valentine s Day Bone I love you ME PORKY: Happy Valenswine s Day! LOVE, PETUNIA BROWN-EYES: A year is almost up. you know: together closer we have grown, I love you more and more each day. You are my honey, please stay that way BLUE EYES_ SMELLY Thanks for a fantastic 9 from Bigfoot to Canada lo Ml Bachelor Let s see the future together LOVE, SPARKY _ BEAVER Happy Valentines Day sweetie It looks like I’ll be having hot sauce on my Valentine' Love you. FUR HOTOOG CINDY, Lets dance tonight and be my Valentine HAROLD (Dear Shorts) I mlsa your dimples and green eyes and life IS dull without you THE GUAR DfAN OF THE DOOR STEVE: Happy V & B Day tonight, The Hilton, the Hutt, and Fantasy Land Hotel fwatch out for cattle grates; LOVE. BEARD I wr, HI JOFIUO: 01 course I ramambx Hop* you have a good one K**p on go ing. ROMANTIC LOVE FROM YOUR HUSBAND HIRAM: We Hfc* you' ME (m*) RHI CELT FLAMER: Han’t a heart throb for your throbbing. Mart? I ton you! CINDY WHO PATMAN AMO CLARK KENT: We think you an magnificent Saturday night is going to b* rad tor batter dates are not to M had! LOVE, S A E_ ; HERTS TO YOU SWEET CAROLINE Wa ve been around and what a time You can’t say no. I'm your ValantlMt CHRIS DEAN Happy Valentine s Day from New York I miss you LOVE ALISSA DEAR 8ACOOBY: I am so glad you are here I lore you forever Lai's hit Florence. Happy Valentine's Day! LOVE. PAMHETT ALISON M.: Here’s to a fantastic first week! Be my Valentine? ERIC S BILL; You I need, want love Go we night Friday, dance drink Tomorrow in hills ride we will LOVE VA. COLLEEN TO BRAT NUMBER 1: You are my honeybunny, sweetie pie. darling deanst t love you DEAREST ' ING I love you always make this Valentine s Day the day that we always enjoy logethy TO THE BESTLOOKING. HAMMER THROWING. DOUBLE EXTRA LARGE EVER: Never change arid always always be mine Happy Valentine's Day/ and thirteen months11 love you BECKY TO THE GIRL WITH THE CUTEST Smile in LCC whose pretty face covers my dream. Valentine Winata LOVE YA. GREG t PATTICAKES: Happy Valentine's and Birthday! Thank you for years of love and understanding. Love always DEEDUB A BROTHER RAY SANDMAN: Will you be my Valentine? PJ. HEIDI ERIKSON: Happy Valentine's Day' You're kinds special I don I send one of these to just anyone LUV, MIKE BUFFY: You don’t know me yet. The flowers ware tust th« beginning Your •bony hatr and shinmg smile brighten S..*g:. ' MO CAT: Your hatr la rod. Your *ya» are graan. of my heart and soul. You arm tha quean KUWPO' ' M*H: Happy Annivarsary and Vatari tina * Day Thank you lor 2 of lha graataat years LOVE. M QMS: I can honaslly say I hava never fait so in love in all my Ida Go Ducks' SHIRINE. s-ove you sweat heart Let's sky diva togethar. OK? Hava to go now it s almost 12 pm * SCOTT: It has boon two months and I •MN OROVE . aramat in* gtaaiait1 oHara a to .ya.- big br'ol. LOVC THE PARS MOWS . ' Thank you tor tha paa.i lt»a /nonlha < Hop* it continuaa to gal halt a* - i lova you! MONKSY • • .• .» 1 ", TETHA ANY: -I lova you' lor your undaratanding laca not your yaooal' ° pAimi . . . ■ * MARTI STO. JASON. BLN •VO. JASON.. SEN. rPETf. SHEA W« Ilka tunl Chaara to Friday and Saturday night partying and , a hbuaaV HCL'VN. ■ ' . . BOOM BEUOTTI Thank* tor'Lwmg bom Lova and ldralgrj'"aid' lor war .cornu . SMAUNVIUM ANO FIONAl Fin going .to amply tha gasbag# today - I maan If ‘Thankflor pulling up with ma LOVE. AM* % • . • TOM: Happy Vitamin#*.- Qpy .Id.'a boylnand who • charmirtg; thoughtful.' ' loving and boat ol all miinat l lova youl. • THE QANO": Happy V 0 and Many drippy raturn* LOVE TESS1 SINCE I MET YOU FALSHINO EYES? avary day la Valantin# a. Day: LOVE ALWAYS, B 0 * •• , - ~ ■■'•afe ' 1 w*?./' • HOLLY: Thank you lor inviimg ma lb lha Oight ol my tile I won.'t lot you down l lova you, SOS _. LIZ. LISA CHRIS. Happy Vitamin* a Day) Thank* a lot lor all tha grant lima* rwlth lova and Irlandahlp LAURII TOMMY Yea I do lova. you vary vary much, and I want to be with you forever! YOUR LITTLE OOUOHEAO ' OSU SCOOTER; 22Happmea» len t perlect until It's ahered " Thank* lor 11. pertact month*! Happy Valanlina a Day. aweetu.nal ILY YOUR ITEM PuRARYi DUCK _ _ a o z i j a~ n" a IT t • SYLIZLAURAORETAKIMBERASHLEYT ERIJUDYTRACY: Happy Valanlina a Da£ We love you. BILL AND SKANK Happy Valentine'* Day. Oratchan Nation, You a» U ol O heart throb: LOVE THE ROOMIES MICHELLE: Who lova* you Baby? Hap py Birthday yogurt head FROM ERIC CHAO: Happy Valanlina* Day. awaathaarl' Just want you lo know how much I lova you I'm your foravar LOVE. NATALIE MICHAEL: Your vialtl* tha bail Valan tln* I could a*K lot LOVE. GAB CAPTAIN ROMANCE OR SUPER STUD: Haro* to our third Valanlina* So whoa* turn it It to buy? LOVE YA. MONA KRIS: You're lha beat-roomtel (Evan II Vo* laaya you! clothe* aii“ovar) Happy • ’• v«n»ww» « Don juim . . • MICHAEL MapWtM; OteenWna oftha parlecl valenim. Slothing can ihii you from eta otma'hom you .KAMO! MAPI MONICA. OWYfA - You SSR4 have# . ■; looMM to Wnd tM'i Ibpatng »gy you * . Hlumblel oM0TT «var.m Ilf#,, fin#-" cui»m# “»ofi music.. now all I-need la • Fatttitultf?. XXOOKX' • »■ RJS II lean t write if in Iha aay, I II tartly ' ' .Ifin-thR newspaper 1°lova youpea aiohetely-u VIP OMNISCIENT.KINO SOX PROCLAIMS •' ' I love .my woman*. mow than- ica-COfd >baar •.* John Sambo. banana* ’an "■ iitropoiogy -and lao'Zapplin * ,'*• • •UV** OOANt. Tour* i wondarlul sensitive a#apy Jad end-iri* best husband anyone •vat had .LOVE. THE AOOHINQ WIPE HOT'PANTS l' hoi partial always and.loravat-.f'iappy Vaten ' line » Oayl LOVE YA’. M P'.- . HETEROPHOSICS Hijppy .Vidynlma^s Day you wonderful woman' I'miaa'ydul’ • LOVE, ROBIN • • • - ■ DAVID: Happy ■ iis.tts valentine's Ofy May wa 'ceiabtala many mora My tovja ‘■lor you ia stronger Than ever ROBIN ", ■ tMk Vciu ra the only one fpr md f l love 1 ° * CAW8S- ^ . .',••• », .. CHUBSYNONTOOTEROONEY. Dang •! Milton why sre-you ao nraaialabta ’ Happy VMantma a Day my awaalal-Ja . • t'almeT HHOO ... . . . • . '. CATHY- W When w<-ial>,hs.h6noaty;...: whan wa looth ila warmth whan wa. < onilon LOVE JIM It ' ' • DAVID MENDENHALL In buy champagne at Fredys' Watched yob in 'jDalt thought you' war# cut# ' • YOUR SECRET VALENTINE ■ . ,, . ' KAREN' A-STERN: .Thanfca" for' tha •' alumbar parties hersheya radio wait licorice and all you; eupport LpVE YA,' LISA LISA • ^ .. . • HANQ. You be.*the reason tha-only raaaon home bdy SIGNED YOURS . LISA lisa • .■ EL STUD UMUNOOI Happy V,n#'i' ••• Pay! Ooaea who luva yal- _». HEY VINI. Happy Vai Day' (Sensuous? Loo** fo me Ilka hidden rnottvaa tor Sat -ml#.- Yoo*trtng tl>e boMhat1 i M.A.:I base my happmata on a dream, sometime* right aomalimaa wrong but always that draam ta your tova B J LARRY/MEO: Happy Val day! This coupon good tor lunch at Toma Radaamabla only aflar 3-1 Smilal LOVE LINNIE __ SPIKE: Do wa have braaaln damage? Wave atayad togalhar lor almoal a yeari You’re alwaya my Valanlmal LOVE. ORVILLE UCHENNA: You ar my aunahlna. Won I you be my Valentins? LOVE, SUZII O