Sports Women face important weekend of NorPac action By Capi Lynn (M Sh* Km«r»lil ", The Oregon women's basketball team faces an Im portant weekend of Norl’ac Conference, play-as they . visit San Jose State University tonight and the Universi ty of California-Berkeley Sunday. "This weekend will be the toughest weekend of the’ season and maybe the most Important,’.' Qmgoh.cdach | Elwin Heiny says. "If we were to lose either game^ the .• game ugainst Washington wouldn't mean as much'.'' . The liucks, IB-6 overall and 5-;i In Jhe conference, ' have a firm hold on second place in the. No/Pac.)usia half game behind the University -of. Washington Huskies who are a perfect 8-0 in the conference • * ' ••-r. ' Oregon easily defeated SJSU (77-64) and .Cap" (38-71) In the first found of conference play . bur'Heiny • . is hot ready to.overlook either team.. , ".One of rtiy biggest fears is when'we beat a team ' fairly big at home." Heiriy says. "Playing them On their ■ court is. then very difficult.” . . .. • ! ' ■' • ’ • ' . • Homy also shows concern about the Ducks' 6-6 road record this season. All of Oregon's losses have been on enemy hardwood. "We haven’t really played that well on the road yet," Heiny sayB. However, the Ducks have won 15 of their last 17 games., losing to only Long Beach State University and Washington, both on the road. "The main thing we want to do right now is show consistency as a team and as individuals.” Heiny says. -Although the Ducks have been producing a balanc ed offensive attack lately, lauri l^nderholm and Gabi Neumann continue to be the team's top scorers. Landerholm, third in the conference in scoring, is averaging 15.8 points per game, while Neumann is pro ducing 4,3.1 points per opting. Neumann; last week's NorPac Player of tha.Week, also'leads the team in the rebounding column with 7.1 caroms per contest (fourth irithe NorPac)” and tops all conference players with a .564 field goal" .percentage’ .... I’.SjSUds an "amazingly quick team” .according to ■ • • Heiny. The Spartans, 5-14 overall and 0-6 in conference play, are paced by Dana Foster, the speedy guard who poses as one of the reasons why Oregon is not able to use its tenacious press against them. Foster is tops in the NorPac in assists (7.42 per contest) and steals (3.74 per game). . Cal, 11-9 on the season and 3-3 in the NorPac, is led by Jennifer Bennett, who Heiny considers the best post player in the conference. Bennett is second in the conference in scoring, averaging 16.6 points per game, . and fifth in the NorPac in the rebounding column, averaging 6.8 per outing. • . Every game down the strecth is an important ori.e " for the Ducks. This year, only, one team from the NorPac Conference will receive an automatic, berth to the NCAA Tournament. There will be no conference tour-' nament playoff, thus the conference chamipiqn will be the only team assured of a post-season bid,'' ° large bids are possible. : * ..'••* C • This weekend's action should shed some .light as to . whether or.not the Ducks keep wjthin reach iiig distance. "of the sole automatic berth. Gymnasts looking good in 1986 By Dean Connor Of Hm ' This.season the Oregon gym nastics team has been a pleasant . . . surprise to everyone except Duck" head coach ’Ed Boyd,/ Boyd.w.ho, is now in his forth year; has taken the gymnastics team from scratch to a com petafive team in 1986. . .*'! knew we had a good team going into the season," Boyd, says as the Ducks prepare for their two upcoming meets this weekendIn Washington. "The i only surprise was some of the girls weren't in goc»d 'shape, when they came to school, com sequently it has taken them longer to get into competitive shape." , In shape or not. the Ducks have been competitive for the first half of the season. Oregon. 8-7. has lost five meets by 7.0 points or less. With, those eight wins the Ducks have surpassed their .win total of ,t he past .three, years combi nod.' * • * ‘ • . • ° . • Oregon has .nearly rewritten all t-K«T gymnastics recbrels this yjMtr, jhe o"rfly„qrie“:unbrplteri:is the, .indiyjdual.- record rtrejcurrerillyvl;? Iti Gon ference action this year. ; 1 “ We still hope, to finish third or fourth this .season.”,. Boyd saysV>“THe{qiily thing that, will stops us° from doing it, is injuries.” '■ Unti.l Wednesday night the Ducks had managed tq stay .a„waV 'ffdm gny. wrious injuries. ■ . ’ »• . ■t'*. «' ^ . .V : ■but frephman Jennie-Fiarvey/ is . . the firat'casualty. Harvey had to-, leave Wednesday's meet against Oregon. State .University .after.' ‘ ‘two events because of a possible 1 . stress leg-. . • • >. .; * ' “* 'It has been -a tough week for -. the .team.” Boyd' says.'-- “The traveling, take's 'a iot oui.of you ■.’•arid consequently ybiTJtwcome a *’ lot more ' susceptible to injuries’”. •«' .. : ‘ * "** ; ... . • : Injuries aside.-the Ducks are . vastly improved this year. One . 1 pf the. reasons is assisant coach fKim Rogers. Rogers-, who com peted for Wash i hgton State University the past four years, brings. to; the program ex perience and knowledge. ' • '*.#■*• .i ’ , “ ' •. *j *’ ’ ‘ “■Kim helps the team in many ways/-U' can't,” ' Boyd says. “Sh.e's a great communicator '.’ Wjth a little more than half the season left it will be exciting ; see what surprises are jn store .'for the Oregon gymnastics .-'.team: f.;' ;• I Sports shorts Thn Oregon women’ll tennis team will open its season, this weekend at the Louisiana Pacific: Invitational tournament at the University of Portland .Chiles Center. The women boast a lineup of six returning players from last year's team, and are led by senior captain Sarah Grail. • Grail will Welc.ohie he r1 .. freshman Sister Cindy Grail to, the-I tuck's roster this season. Thi! Oregon gymnastics tram wilj Ini inaction }his Weekend as they meet the. Washington State University Cougars, the Stanford University Cardinal; , and the University of .California Golden Bears today in a four way meet in 1’uflman, Wash. The Gymnasts,will then travel to Spokane, Wash, to take on Spokane Community College on Saturday. -+y BMBM m %PMUM CHINESE ** RESTAURANT ft*f A Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs C Try Our Dinner Upstairs Houri: Downstairs M Th 11 00 7 00. F Sa I I 00 4 X Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs Su Th 4 30 10 00 F Sa 5:00 10 30 1273 Alder Street • 683-8886 rsF & PUu Try Our Fish & Chips or Broasted Chicken To Go! Open 7um - 7pm 124V Aider • 4K4 2VS6 THE INCREDIBLE 5 FOR *1 SALE STILL JAMS ON! until feb 17 th THIS WEEKEND ONLY | .pi | TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. ■ Good only Frt Feb 1 *. Set Feb IS aod Sue Feb 1C. IMS ONLY I " lJn| Mmlitt ufitli mmmt nttvmv nftmm '■ » * "wwi vwo wnn any oivscr oner ■■'COUPON •'■■■■■• You're Invited To Stop and .Shop at THE THRIFT & GIFT SHOP Gift Certificates now available! i0 Ytiin Serving the Eugene Spnugfi'eU. 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