National/Regional Officials monitor National Guard TAMARA ARMY BASE. Honduras (AP) — Officials from several U.S. slates are traveling to this Central American country to find out why U.S. National Guardsmen are taking part in war games conducted with Honduras. Politicians from Oregon and Mississippi have arrived in recent days, and more are due from Arkansas and Michigan. Oregon Sen. Jeanette lianby. a R-Hiilsboro. said she sees the maneuvers as a form of pressure on the government of Nicaragua, which borders Honduras. . *'I don't believe in military intervention in a country that has had a popular election, has elected a president and wants their own . sovereignty." Hanby said, referring to Nicaragua. Oregon Rep. Bill Markham. R-Riddle, disagreed. • . . "If the Guard were ever nationalized (sent to war); heaven forbid, they would be better prepared if.they train in the terrain, language and customs of where they may be sent." Markham said as he watched guardsmen and Honduran air borne soldiers storm a hill while firing automatic weapons. This week, about 950 National Guardsmen are in Honduras, a country that U.S.-supported rebels use as a base of operations for their efforts to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. Guardsmen are being trained here in targe numbers for the first time. The Oregon legislators questioned U.S. military officers about why the maneuvers involv ing their guardsmen were held in Honduras in stead of Oregon. Lt. Steven Muhr, a company commander of the Oregon contingent, said the exercise provided training unattainable in Oregon because soldiers could be sent thousands of miles away on short notice and operate in an "austere, remote environment.” Arizona Qov. Bruce Babbit, a Democrat who recently agreed to let 65 guardsmen from his state help build a military highway in Honduras, earlier this week in Phoenix criticized the idea of having guardsmen take part in military exercises. Interest-reduction plan• to assist farmers ^ WASHINGTON (AP) — A new inferest v» reduction .plan. ordered by Oohgressis’being . set. lip by the. Farmers. Home Ad minist ration-to, *" "farmers lower their loan payments■ to ° Commercial banks. . . „ ’ * «.. '? * ' o . . * . * So'*- * • o • ° • . ■ . O • 6 * . ° * • 0 • 0° ° The “Agriculture Department agency "also - tnigair Bending out letters this woekjto 65v3(j3 ‘i - dejihquent'borrowers. Most’of themfwrtll|et» • “a friendly reminder' ‘ .to contact* local officials . about' their -overdue” loans;,’ the head, of the ;'agnnc'y said-Wednesday. “ ‘ - * • • a • 0 •*. • ; • • • . ° ’ • * “ . Vance-Clark. FmHA administrator, said / much tbugher letters serving notice of “intent,, to take .adverse’action”; are going to every-id of those tardy payers. About 27.000. .borrowers are,.three years or more behind in ..payments,, including 3.0*00 who .may . have fraudulently dodged;their debts.' . ' • • * ■ '* '[• . ■ . . . "Iydon’t ; expect'. a lot 'of great; terrible tthings- to^ be”- happening ; across the nation becausejof't,hbse mailings,” Clark said. "There- * .WiiVBefprBcIqsures.'sure.andlthinkweKave' :-to" prepare;for- some of those; but it's not the , end of the world.’’ ■ s " •, •• . •• '■ ^ The'.mall}rigs began Monday and are;. completed by Feb;.-2l, Clerk'said. . U.S. flights may soon travel to UvS.S.R. WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and the Soviet Union were set Thursday to seal an agreement for civilian flights between the two countries for the first time in more than four years. A ceremony to exchange notes was set for late afternoon, with Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin representing the Soviet Union and Deputy Seretary of State John Whitehead acting for.the United States.-' •" / ' V Flights between New' York and .Moscow .are due-to. begin A''.2 7? a n;.d bet Ween . Washington and . the Soviet - capital-two days later, i At least fdUr Aeroflot and Pan Am flights a week are ah; t i ci pa te d. . Pan.. Am .the'. Am^rican;carr|er. will also ser? vice-Leningrad • of * • •• ,■ „ . ‘ „■ v Commercial air. travel .was ' suspended by the'United States after" more, than 100.000. Soviet troops Amoved, into Afghanistan •in ” late .1979 ‘to support *the Moscow-aligned government in Kabul against rebel guerrillas. There were twice^a-week flights .then.- The "new. agree ment-,, whichwas slowed.down by;a dispute over Pan. A.m's share of the revenue, will- dou ble: the traffic.- * . : . / f ! or Country*w Garden Ss* BED ft BREAKFAST Zib Pearl Strict Eugene. 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Did you know that your university offers the larqest public test-preparation program in the Northwest, and that for over seven years this program.has been na- • tionally recognised tor excellence? •There is no reason to pay hundreds of dollars for. commercial preparation courses or to buy commercial manuals or computer courses that are wjdely'criticized for their inaccurate portrayal of the test. Inquire about the University's preparation progfam at the . • !■ . ' LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER 5 Friendly Hall 686-3226 A 6 session workshop for the April 12 exam begins this term: Tues./Thurs. evenings 7 - 9pm March 11, 13 and April 1, 3, 8 and 10 No workshops during finals or Spring break A $45 fee ($50 non-student) covers information and materials including complete sample tests We also offer workshops in GMAT, LSAT, and CBEST.