Organization strives to place food-labeling issue on ballot By Scott McFetridge (H U» Knutrald A newly formed group is seeking to place an initiative on the November ballot to ensure that all food treated with radioactive gamma rays, used to kill insects and bacteria, is plain ly labeled. When telling people about the food ir radiation, "No one can believe it," Portland resident Hale Weitzman said. "People just laugh and say they can't believe something like that is allowed." The Coalition to l.abel Irradiated Food, organized by Weitzman, has gathered about 5,000 signatures but must obtain about 75.000 more by early July in order to place the in itiative on the ballot, he said. , The use of radiation, called pigawaves, is designed to kill insects and bacteria in. food, and prevent spoilage. Backers of food irradia tion claim the process would extend, the shelf, life of foods and could decrease the use of chemical pesticides. .Low-lever irradiation of wheat. potatr>es and apices already is permissible, although there .is little cothmercia) use of the process, • said James Green, a spokesman Tor the Food., and Drug. Administration. Only some spices .used .fn processed foods currently; are ir radiated, he said. » .••*.. • „• •But "use ot the irradiation method soon » may be expanded to fruits and vegetables The KDA approved a plan to broaden th'e use -of - .* . radiation in December 1985.-but the plan also approved by the Office hf ■' ' ‘Management andBudg'et. ■ • "Given the level we're using,'the process *; • ' ' J ■ - ' ■ is definitely safe,” Green said. “There is no safety concern whatsoever.” If the OMH approves the irradiation plan, food manufacturers must plainly indicate that the food has been “picowaved.” but this re quirement could be waived after two years. Because members of the Coalition to Label Ir radiated Food question the safety of food ir radiation. they believe labeling should be re quired indefinitely. Weitzman said. Although the initiative will require only Jabeling of the irradiated food. Weitzman's group also questions any use of radiation on food. Despite the government's claims, some experts say the process drastically changes the molecular structure- of foods and may have unknown effects. Weitzman said. ■■ And-much of the radiation used on the food would be supplied by wastes from the production of nuclear warheads and from com mercial nuqlearpowerplants., Weitzman said. ' “A lot of people think it’s just being push ed through by the.nuclear power industry.’.’. Weitzman said. . * . ° „ Green said* the use of radiation On foods could be a cost-saving measure, for thenuclear power industry..'but he doesn’t see this as a. • problem-. •. , • * ' '. ' • Nucjear was'te "could be turned into a* , positive instead of.-something.that normally is . .costly to dispose of.” Grtwri’said. •‘‘•That's a. positive, not a. .negative.” • • ; ' Weitzman said- he/hopes several.-other .statewide gniups/incluamg the Oregon State . I*uhlic.‘lnferest» kesearr:h*GnJu'p. will' help his - ‘ ’group gathersigna|uro? in order to mpet the Ju ly deadline.* ’ T * .’ . " ; . . ■: *. > • • ’ .* 343*1182 \ northwest corner of \ 29 th. A Willamette \ 9:30 -6:00Monday • FrldayX 9:30-5:00 Sat. N no appointments Breakfast We’re open at 8:30 Monday through Friday, and from 10 on Saturday and Sunday for deli cious simple breakfasts. BOOK and TEA \ 1646 East 19th • 344-3422 German AUTO SERVICE VWrS MERCEDES BMW’S Reliatnt service 'or your' . ’ IdriigK bit tinc’f.1963 . DATSUN TOYOTA 342-2912 • # 2025 Franklin «6lvd • •>, .* Eugene' 'Ore 972103 . The" following .Is a list -of;-. University-area crimes reported - ./„■ to-the Eugene' Police*Depart-, merit, within jhe past week . " A microwave valued at $129 ■_ , was stolen from Walton com* . phixFeb.'Bat l\:30a.'m. A vehicle was driven across ■ . the* lawn, near -McAlister dor mitory - Feb? -6. at 11:50 p. m. ' • causing '$50 damage. An.. inr iyestigalion into the incident is ; continuing'. ; • • - ' . . . Thirteen dollars was stolen from ini office in the l front bf* Me Art hu r Court.- „'; / A.purse and contents valued at $135* were stolen from 1430 Orchard = St/"on Tuesday'^ bet ween 2^30-3:30' p. m. The .wallet •: was recoveredjlater in the street v ; ih front of Mc Arthur Court and returned to .its o°wner. ! 0 • :jv Eightbicycles were stolen; none was recovered. ' On any ;.. 1/3 pound Jamie's Burger : - • 2445 flilyard 5t 542-2206 Coupon enpires 2/20/86 1810 Chambers 5t 545,0485 Eugene, Oregon 97405 \ DAYS A WEEK Map* — Blueprints rtwork and much more o in Ken KeAey'L { .y "Hew Ooe/i the Cuckoo?*, Ne&t Salusidcuf' fyelstua/uf. 15 7:00 & 9 30pm 150 Qmlotft $2