Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1986, THE Friday EDITION, Page 7B, Image 18

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Continued from Page 6B
regardless of sex. Call 726-2209 for
further info.
The Factory, Springfield: Stand up
Comedy on Mondays at 8:30 p.m. $3.
Amateur Open Talent Night on
Tuesdays 8:30 p.m $1. Film Festival
on Wednesdays. 7:30 p m. Free p«»p
corn. Preferred scaling for all of the
above with dinner reservations Cal!
747-7900 (or more information
KWAX Pm, 91 I Weekdays Mor
ning Edition at 6 a m? All Things Con
sidered at Sp m Music.Through the
* •..Night " all night long Friday: Nor
thwest Week in Review at 6:30.p m
v Concerts from- Europe at H p.m. 2C8h
' Century Music al l.O.p m. A. Night at
. the. Opera at . 'I I' p m Saturday:
. Mefropplitan .O.{>cra -MoVart-s •
■."Idomeiteo* at I l;a-.m. The Bob and*
* Ray .Public. Radio ,S(hiw" at-4:3d prm
; .Carnegie; Hall • Tonight'. aV. 6 p rn .
• Philadelphia Orchestra at 7 p jtT Sun->
-. .. day: Saint;Paul-Sunday Morning at 9
,V a°tn.. Ears' of, C^d.'at'•10:30. am,i San
.' Francisco? Symphtiny/ai ’noon .ffew
.V- York Chartiocr -.Music- Festival. at =3 *
• : p hi .-‘The.:: Record; She If ^'at .6 p.m’
:■ Cleyciand/)rchdstra'iit 7,‘p.rp' Mon
day: Getting iTevhruc'ai at 6 .30 n' m • -
f Musa in,O^egim TTic Oregon Sym "
at 8 p in • W ednevtay:*Aif Access at
6} 30 'pin^Chicago. Jiy ihpftphy: ril' 8:
p hi . Thursday UhiversttycStreel at
6 30 p hiCP,'Showcase at-6 4Vp m
Lais Angeles Philharnamic at 8 p m
Kl:CC FM. 89 7: Weekdays: Mor.
mng Edition (ncws) from 5;9a m The
Wireless ■ <fu/j) at 9 *4: m arid v 12;30
p in ■ Blue-Plate Special-ji -noon Cfne
hour "of A<l 'Thin'gs‘;]Ctins'|dercil'-'jL.‘4'
p m l.ocal News at V p.m
Monitoradio at 5 JO p m The com
plcte All Tilings Considered at 6 p m
Mondays: Friends and, Neighbors at
7:30 p itt Women's Music at 9 30
p.m New Dreamers at ,|f phi
Tuesdays: Ja// Inside (hit at 7 30
p m Night Ja// at 10 n m Wednes
day FoCUi on Ja// at 7 30 pm l)r
Renop and The Masters of Ja// at. 8 30
pm Night Ja// at 10 30 p in Thurs
day: New Acoustic Music at 7:30
p.m. Ja// Album Preview at 10 p in
Night Ja// at 10:43 p.m Friday;
Straight Street at 7:30 p.m Harlem
Hu Parade ai 8 p m Black Is at 9 p iri
Air Jamaica at II p m Saturday;
New Dimensions at 9 a m Saturday
Cafe at 10 a m Infinite Ja// at noon
Blues Power at 3 p m Harlem Hit
Parade at 4 p.m A Prairie Home
Companion ai 6 p m The Thistle and
Shamrock at 8 p.m Music from (he
Hearts of Space al 9 p m Pure Jati at
IQ p.m. Sunday: Mist Covered
Mountain at 9 a in, Sunday Morning
al 11 a m Big Band Hash at noon In
the Tradition: I hike Ellington Special
al I p m Sunday Afternoon Ja// at 3
p.m. A Prairie Home Companion at 6
p m Ahora Si (laiin music) al 8 p.m
Another Green World at 11 p m
KRVM-PM, 91.9 Weekdays:
Morning Jazz from 6:30-9 a m Radio
80s from 9 a m.-4 p.m. Evening Jazz
from 4-6 p.m Big Bands Plus from
6-10 p.m Radio Classics (old.lime
radio theatre) at 10 p.m Radio 80s
from 10:30p.m.-midnight Saturdays
Doc Holiday Show from 8-9 a.m.
Blucgrass Hour 910 a m. Definitely
Dixie from 10-11 *.m. Radio Classics
from U a m -noon The British Invg
"sion from noon-2 p.m. Coin' Back
. from 2-4 p.m. Album Preview from.
4 6 p.in. Radio '80s from ■ 6
p’.m' midnight.'Sundays Blue Sunday ; ■
froyti 8 .11. a.m .- Cruisin' *.irorji 'I)
a h\.--2 p m VRidcrn Mono from 2-4 ”
p.m. Radio '80s from 4
. p.m. midnight
.SATURDAY, 2-15. '•. v''
-Bandsaw Carving Workshop. with
• Robert. Holden "EMIJ Craft" Center
9;30 a.hr.-noon $10 member;..'$12
■ •nonfmembe'rs • :,.k°
"•'Papqrmaking.. II Workshop, . with
” Aimcc -Yogi . Eh^U -Craft,, Center •
12:30 2 30 pm $J4 mempers; $16*'
rion-membets' ' •
' Mini workshop .on ’ the - works ' of.
. writer" John A.. Williams • by..pdcf-"•
’musician ”Ajule Kinlm- followed by-»
readings.fron, Rutliri'j own.works plus
ciphers Cierlihgcr Laingc. .T:36-ppfn:
$2'dofuilion requested.- but rid ohc will
. "he .Hirned': away? 'Call 34S„ 2409 "or.'
• 687:924 5 f&T;further info;,>.4vj,' •> •'?
; Eljonc , Eyes Seventh..' Annual
-Cultural Fai/c. celebrating. Black
.History Month: - .Churchill - High
Schqpl,. 1850 Bailey r Hill "Road.
l2;3b-5.'p.’m . Included -are* various
■workshcips: into,mation booth's,' food*.' ■
and .The Northwest Afrik'an'American
",;Bailci^fnihvPortJand '■
-The Circ«','<lireg<*n Clearance and
Q a rii'gje :Sa;l c. AV.t a n'c.r.Cq uri i-yj
EarigriHinds Exhibit Hall. 10 a m -6
p m Free ^
County Carousel Elea Market Lane
County fairgrounds Agriculture
Buildihg. 9 a!m -4 j> m 50'ce'n'ls. .
Variety Show featuring comedy,
live! musk and magic acts lane Ciiun
ty Fairgrounds Auditorium 4 and 7
pm $4 general. $16 family ticket
Call 741 0949 for further info
Oregon's,Junior Miss Competition.
Silva Hall; Huft Center 8 p m-.Call
687.-5000'for reservations arid further
SUNDAY. 2-16
lecture by Alan Jefferson on Mem
phite Theology. Dream Technology,
the Dcnu Urge and the Harmony of
Opposites Gerlinger OHinge 7:30
p.m $4 donation requested. hut no
one will be turned away. Call
345 2409 or 687-9215 for further info
The Great Oregon Clearance and
Garage Sale Noon-6 p.m (See Salur
day's listing)
County Carousel Flea Market (See
Saturday's listing)
PiccaDilly Flea Market Lane
County Fairgrounds Expo Halls 1-3
10 a.m. -4 p.m 75 cents." 0
MONDAY, 2-17
Slide show of a recent mountain
climbing expedition to Pakistan by
Tom Bauman. 177 Lawrence. 7:30
Gallery 141:,Woodcuts, sjfkscrcens, '
and monoprirtts by Kyu Park, charcoal
drawings and oil paintings by Norm
Rosenberger. Through Feb 14.
Ceramic sculpture exhibit dedicated to
•the late Betty Fevea.: by 30 faculty
..members and:; students. Opening
reception ..Monday al-7*p)m.. during
w"hich ‘ a-.sculptural' piece will be
1 created. * •.
. Aperture Gallery: Photographs by
Beth Tuttle. Through February.
. University Main Library Special
display'Vm Halley s Comet. Through
Feb IS. :■ A®’,-:
r.‘ .•: : :
Mu scu m,ob A n l^rgc, Ftgu rat i vc
Wajcrcplors " by P^ulineidox: / fain: ’
.‘lings,'’Prints, and,*Draw,ings>''by.‘Jbhh (
Rock. .Through FcK.'ji.i:v 'y
Tnoipgfaphy^ at ,;Oregon' ^Gallery:.
Black arid white portraits byJia'n- Frari
“ciscd'Bay’.afea ■ phiilbgraphcr „ Leon r
Borensbiein 'rbnxigh'Marcfi 8. "J
0 • Lane Community • Colfegc:, Wiirks
• .by.Lin Cook Harpstcr and'Dan White.
^imugfi'Fcfcf^i, i.
r ... Ncw^/pneGaHcrx'r'l-Chairs'in Art**,
.works', by" "sixteen .Oiegdii',artists; -
.1 .‘Mail jArt/jJ works,scht.:in “by ; mail
from tjie/U nitcd'StateV.'Japan ^Greece' ...
arul l:ngl.iikl.•“’■'Feb 27?Rtccption
Saturday "ft ’7;3G'p'my' °
. » Maude kdfns ArtX'entcr Works by
Jean-Blackburn. Thri>ugh’‘March 2 I>
Keystone Cafe "'.Urban art by Lie
Read ’Xbrdugh'blarch K;C‘.".
■ .* V • l* i ,a-i ? • *w ‘ «• - *■ •
'« McDonald Frarfie Slv>p'and:Cal!cry
‘ Writ ink w ith'.Pictu res " ~ 11 lust rat ions
by Robin’'Michjil '■ KoootC TTtrti&gH
February ';“V V .'V
Hull Center Lojbby,;■'Chariots. • of..
Color• ‘ canvasses and prints' by. Jeanne
Gaudia Through March'28.
Willamette Science and Technology
Center: ‘ Jupiter and Its Moons''
traveling exhibition from the Smithso
nian. "Computers and the Creative
Process" Through March Mb. various
hands on exhibits, plus planetarium
shows on Saturday amt Sunday:
"Winter Skies'' at I p.m and "Fire in
the Sky" a multimedia show on.
Halley's comet, at 3 p m
. University Muesuin of Natural
History: “Natural History
Photographs" by Ashley Foster.
Through March 29. "Indian Basketry
of die Oregon Country ." “Continuity
of Culture Indian and Metis Bead
work of the Northern Woodlands and
Plains." "Otologic History of
Oregon." and "Stone and Bone
Sculpture from the Columbia River"
Through June 14 "Thomas Condon.
Father of Oregon Geology" Through
Compiled by Bob Webb
686-INFO Tape 651
Contunued from Page JB
Perhaps the most touching scene involves
Ruth and a friend of Olga's who has t>oen commit
ted to an asylum. They communicate through in
nocent touching, feeling the texture of one
another’s hair, and then turning to Olga. Olga ac
cepts the gesture but cannot return it The im
mediacy and honesty and openness of Ruth is im
mediately linked with that of the mentally and
emotionally disturbed. Quite the opposite of
Olga, I think, but the relationship between these
opposites is a mutually-rewarding friendship.
Von Trotta doesn't allow for simple or
simplistic relationships, and it is the complica
tions which make “Sheer Madness" a brilliant,
powerful exploration of human relationships and
“Sheer Madness" opens tonight at the Bijou
Theater, 492 E. 13th Ave.
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Mother Kali's Books
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ASUO presents
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