Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1986, THE Friday EDITION, Page 6B, Image 17

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Spring Workshop
Instructors Needed
The SEARCH Office is looking
for people willing and able
to share their expertise.
If you're interested in
teaching a Spring term
workshop, contact us at
MD'MllO, or call 686-4305,.
The deadline for Spring
term workshop proposals is
February 20 at 5 p.m.
Heart-Shaped Pizzas
IU I Broadway
Valanttna'a Day
Frl. Fab. 14th
□ □□
□ □□
A Gift of Love.
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• Cards • Candy • Gifts
• Calendars • Books
•Prints Posters • Mugs
• Gift Certificates • Hats
• Jewelry • Stationary
• Art Supplies • T-Shirts
• Tapes • Radios
• Cameras • Sweatshirts
• Sporting Goods • Jackets
For Your Valentine
Your store since 1920
13th & Kmc aid
M T 7:30*5:30
SAT 10 00*300
Supplies MS-4331
For the Week of Feb. 14-20
FRIDAY. 2-14
"Fahrenheit 451” ISO PLC. 7 ami
9:30 p.m. $2 ami SI.
"Notorious" 150 Geology 7 ami 9
p.m $2 ami $1.
Cinema 7: "Louie Bluie” 7:30 and
9:15 p.m. $4 general. $3.50 student*.
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's .
Nest" 150 Geology. 7 ami 9:30 p.m.
$2 and SI.
"8 12” 180 PLC. 7 and 9:30 p.m.
$2 and SI
.Cinema 7: (See Friday's listing)
SUNDAY. 2-1*
"The French Connection" 150
Geology 7 and 9 p.m.'$2 and $1,
"The Killer is Loose” and."The
Shanghai Gesture” 180 .PLC. 6 p.m
SI 50.
Cinema 7: "Louie Bluie'.'4:30p m
$3 7 and 8:45 p.m $4 general. S3- 50
students .‘I
MONDAY, 2-17
Cinema 7; '"Louie Bluie" 7 and .
8:45 p.m. S3.
"Mississippi River Adventure” a .
travel film made and presented by
adventurer and filmmaker Rudi
Thurau Soreng meat re. Huit Ccmei
7 30 p m S5 50 Call 687 5000 far
reservations and further info
Cinema 7: “Louie Bluie" .7. and
8:45 p.m $4 general. $3- 50 students
Brown Bag' Videos Outdoor Pro
gram. 12:30 p.m Free.
"Persona" .150 Geology 7 p.m'
-. si'. • ■
Adventure Videos Whitewater 138.
' Gilbert .7:30 p.m. Free' ' .
Cinema 7:, (See.Tuesday.'s listing)
"The Battle of Chile. Part I". EMU
Forum Room 8 p.m Free.
Cinema 7: (SeeTuesday's listing) ■
FRIDAY, 2-14
Valentine's Day Dance with the
Crazy 8't Mac Court Doors open at
8 p.m $4 students. $6 general in ad
• vance. S5 students dayof show Ad
vance tickets available at EMU Main
Desk. Everabody'a Records, and
Earth River Records.. •
Valentine's Celebration, with Shorn
ba. plus Willie Dee and Shakubuku
The WOW Hall. Community Center
for the Performing Arts. 8th Ave, and
Lincoln St Doors open at 9 p.m.
$3.50 Shumha’s proceeds will go to
the 1986 "WOW It's Ours" Fun
dratser Call 687,2746 for" further
info. . '. • ;
Eugene, Folk Song Club Meeting. :'
theme Heart Songs: 85780 Me Beth
Road. 8 p.m. Cali34.3-9l70.for fur
ther info. . • . .
. Taylor's: Magic Swan and the
Dukes 9 p m. $2..
Guido's: Top 40 musk with KPNW
disc jockey Steve Hills 10 p.m SI','
Lotte Star: Nemists 9 p.m Cover
Shilo Inn: Carmel Waters Band 9
p m. Cover. . , .
Folk Dancing with The Balkan
" tones. 350 Gcrlinger Annex. 7-8 p.m.
teaching. 8 p.m midnight dancing
$2. Can 344-3419 for further info.
Mary McCaslin and Jim Ringer,
country and folk music. The WOW
Hall. Community Center for the Per
forming Arts. 8th Ave and Lincoln
St Doors open at 8 p.m $5 50 ad
vance. $6.50 day of show. Advance
tickets available at EMU Main Desk.
House of Records. Ralladccr Records.
Everybody's Records. The Literary
Lion, Cat's Meow, and The WOW
Hall Office Call 687-2746 for further
. Taylor’*: (See Friday's listing)
Guido's: (See Friday's listing)
Butte Tavern: More Time, reggae
9:30 p.m $2.
Lone Star: (Sec Friday's listing)
ShHo Inn: (See Friday's listing)
SUNDAY, 2-16
Harp Workshop firor harpists of all
ages by DcWaync Fulton, former pro- ■
fessor of harp at the Conservatory of
Music in Istanbul. Turkey 198 School
of Music I p m $15. Call 343-6306
to register " L
Taylor's: The View .9 pm $1
Butte Tavern Blues Jam' 9 p .m. 50 0
Monday;.2-17 ' < •
Starship Silva Hall. Hull Center 8
p m. $15 50 and $13:50 Call .
687-5000 for reservations and further
"info '■ . \
Eugene Symphony. Guild's -Lunch
and Listening Series Suidio Li Hull
Center II 45 ca m .1 „ p m. Call .
.687 9487. for further info .
Taylor’s: .Blues Jam 9pm 50
cents ; . ’
Lone Star Rcdas 9 pm* Cover. ’ .
TUESDAY, 2-1* •
'Hi Oregon Wind Ensemble. Beall •
Concert- Hall . 8 p m Frwr , . '
Songwriter’s-Showcase witho|jirry
Rov.cn. Mike. Rcchel. Gary Battles,
and Ben i Boeimef.VVthc beanery:
.7.30-10:30 p m -Free ' -• /•' ./
, Eugene Symphony Guild V,Lunch
and. Listening .Series. (See Monday 's
liMing) ’ * . \
•Taylor s .Rock iam-9 p m $1
Arnold's.’Hideaway:.; Eagle, Park
Slim, wrthDr'D and his washlub
bass 8 p m. Free.
Lotte Star: (See Monday's listing)
Taylor’s: Mack Swan and the
Dukes. 9 p.m. $1. . .
tome Star: (See Monday's listing)
THURSDAY, 2-20 ■
The Second Annual High School In
vitational Choral Festival. School of
Music, 9:30 a m.-3:50 p m
Taylor'*: Nine Days Wonder 9
p.m $1 . j
Arnold's Hideaway: (Sec Tuesday’s
listing) -.1 . • -
Lone Star: (Sec Monday's listing) *
"A . My Name is Alice.v a musical
revue in celebration of American
womanhood, performed by the
Oregon Repertory Theatre- Sorcng .
.Theatre. Hull Center Feb -14, 15, 20.
21. and 22 at 7:30 p m!. Feb 16. at 2 ■
‘p.m.. ’and Feb. .19. at 6:-30 p.m
Tickets art $8 $14 Call 687 5006 for
reservations and further ibid.
"The Big Broadcast" performed by
The Bathhouse Theatre -Company
from Seattle. Silva Hall, Hull Center
Sunday only at 8 p.m $4 50. $6 50
and $8;50/Call 68 / 5000 for, reserva
tions and further info. .
Auditions for Lane Community Col-.
leges production of "The Taming of
the Snfew" directed by Patrick
Torelle. LCC Performing Arts ,
Building. Feb 14 at 7 p.m. The play
will be cast "sex blind" so auditionerx
may try out for any character,'
Continued on Page 7B
SeH Service Cople*
Happy Hour
81/* *11
i«o Mon.-Frt
5Pm • clf!?n«v Sunday
860 £.
AH Day