Seattle theater troupe revives radio classics Good evening. Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea. . .Ah. there's good news... The Hult Center returns to those thrilling days of yesteryear Sunday night, when the Seattle-based Bathhouse Theatre pays tribute to the Golden Age of Radio in "The Big Broadcast." "Broadcast” is a rollicking musical chronicle of American radio from 1920, when KDKA of Pittsburgh became the country's first commercial broad casting station; to 1950, when the in creasing popularity of television hastened radio’s decline. Members of the Bathhouse Theatre portray such radio luminaries as Billie Holliday. Jack Benny. Bing Crosby and Ed “Texaco Fire Chief' Wynn. Popular dramatic and comedic characters, such as The Shadow, Fibber McGee and Molly and lack Armstrong, become flesh and blood on stage. Always true to the medium, the troupe accents the production with classic radio commercials. News bulletins take the audience to Pearl Harbor. V-J Day, the sinking of the Titanic and the liberation of Buchenwald. An actor portraying CBS newscaster Edward R. Murrow re enacts Murrow's famous wartime Christmas broadcast from London. “The Big Broadcast” takes the air — oops, stage — at the Hull Center at 8. Tickets are $4.50, $5.50 and $6.50, with student discounts available. Tickets are available at the EMU Main Desk, the Hult Center box office and all Hult Center ticket outlets. For more in formation call 687-5000. Hnto UMirtwy Huh C—If. The sound-effects person was a vital part of old-time radio. Allen Galli executes this role in Bathhouse Theatre's. “The Big Broadcast.?* •' 296 ET 5th 485 2005 Sweetheart. Sale MANICURES * Women’s.! ™..:.8800 Men’s,..,..:..'......'....:,....... ®700 Sculptured Nails, reg. $30.00....825°° • For'appointments or questions mil Julie U 4§^20O). ■•COUPON 1 THIS WEEKEND ONLY 2EDITir medium FfILL drinks wttti food pufciiasr TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. Good only Fn FeO 14. Sal Fak IS an# San Faft IS. ISM 0M.T ■•COUPONi VALENTINE’S SPECIAL Buy any coffee drink and get one free - all day with this coupon Good only February 14, 1986 Trmmt your owootlo. BOOK and TEA open 106 daily • iO-S Sunday on me aoutneest corner of campus 134* E. 19th • $44-3422 ^JJO Bookstore— Attention Freshmen! POSITION AVAILABLE: UO Bookstore Board of Directors, Freshman Representative There is an immediate opening on the Board of Directors of the U of O Bookstore for a Freshman Representative. To be eligible, you must be a Freshman at the U of O and maintain a course load of 12 units. Student Board Members receive a stipend of $20 for each monthly meeting from October to June. This term of office will run until May 1987. Applications are available at the Administrative Of fice of the U of O Bookstore, and will be accepted through Monday, February 17th, 5:30 p.m. For more in formation, contact UO Bookstore General Manager, Jim Williams at 686-4331. McCaslin, Ringer are back Cmute*? WOW Hall Mary McCaalin and Jim Ringer perform Satur day night at the WOW Hall. Cquntry-foik couple come to .. ■ •• The fcountry-folk-, tradition. returns: to the :WOW flail’ Saturday < night 'in thif form .of . Husband-arid-wife duo Mary- McCasliri.SndJitri Hingrir.'/. •*.;•• - -MdnasUri .and .Ringer mix. cbriteinpprary . songs With traditional material -to-‘'exemplifyiff kind 'of musical 'integrity’that .may dnly'flriurtsh . .outside- the inalnsirearti of popV" according to a ° recent New York Timesrev lew . ’ Mcifiasliri's plain! iiasa.l sinsiriit Has earned her title . "Songstress,'"Awhile". Ringer's singing evokes strorige’ image with strong ties to the.t'95t)'s• Doors open at 8 p.m arid. rpcyi •j<*ur<1«v