EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY MBWWwrayw Ou« IPMM cafca» 4 GOOktM Chocoiala Maoris • Cafcos (or two *«*i*Ot* Thurs Iho ij»h | *11 Day Yrtday (ft* 14m PAKISTAN! Jem Tom Souman *hon ho wifi pmaont ■ (no slido ahoor of Ciimtwng m in* Karakorum tango Ksportonco Iho climb ond outturn on Monday, fob. IT, MO pm m ITT Uwronce Moll Sport sotod by Iho 0 o! O Outdoor Program Tot' mom information can (144-4345 •' , ' . • _444TJ-14 H«U> CR4AT4 LAM COUNTY and Orogon Nucloar Fno Zonoo NO NUKES DANCE CABARET □VC AND LET LIVE . DUKE AND THE . NO NUKES DON SKINNER. / SWEETGRASS AND OTHERS SATURDAY FEB 15 Olnnor 5:30-9:30 Dane* 9:30-12 1236 Kincaid GAY AND LESBIAN V DANCE ■ Tomgw «pm to 12 am UunMwooO Ootl Couiaa. 2700 Columbia It So -“ Into Q At* 6194390 64 S3 2 14 RANK AND FILE w/ REBEL KIND FRI FEB 28 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Descendents D R I DEATH SENTENCE HARDCORE 86 EMU DINING ROOM SAT MAR 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tlx are $5 Adv $6 a! the door TH« MARCH Wert (hop, Astrology mi NrilMW) 2-14 FABT LIFETIME REGRESSIONS 120 Astrology chart readings S30 What is ■ your Karmic destiny? Cell 'Tom MMW ' 5896 tfn EVERYBODY DANCE Hamilton Sal IS S-lpm 2-14 BRAD I'm gapsychad! SI* months are here and so are you Let 's celebrate whipped ' cream, frozen yogurt and no more beer labels And psomethmg else- oiir love ALWAYS. COLLEEN 2-14 ' Get Involved Help Others Office of Academic Advising ;s now recruiting lor paraprofessionals Must be at least a sophomore and give a on* year commitment Applies lion deadline Feb 2t Applications available in 164 Oregon Hail 686 3211_ 6437 2 18 HUNGRY? Tri Delta Pancake Breakfast February IS, 900 to 11:00 only SI Tickets available from any Tri-Delt Limited tickets at the door Prodeeds go toward undergraduate scholarship For more information call 343-8994 ’ 214 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY from ne tional student exchange' Remember applications are due Today .in 164 Oregon Hall ___ 6449 2-14. LAURA. I love you BARRY _ 4;9 COLLIN Are you ready In' *n evening ol romance, candlelight, and dancing' I tova you, Your lltlte Theta ■ ■ 2-14 It’* been our third, You may think ma a turd. I lov* you to, plea** please never go. If you do I’ll cry boo-hoo. Lov* you with all my heart Andrea. SYLVESTER 2-14 HERE’S TO PSI ALPHA! 2 14 xq Terri Mullin and riKA Mike Amnett Congratulations on your pinning! Love, Chi O'* 64512 14 VALENTINE’S DANCE AT CARSON, February 14th, 9 pm until midnight Music by Rock Expreu - Price St .SO per person. 25* off il pink or red I* worn. Pictures can be lM>en. 2-14 ANN: Happy 21st from the noisy Oastards upstairs • • 2'14 MOUSE: Thanks Jot dinner at Encore and the wine. We ll have to do H again soon!-.Happy Valentine's. Day' LOVE. STUD • _, GRACE:. You bring the pickles and I'll • bring the Cuervo Gold 'Can't wait til nest week! Have a Happy Valentina's Day1 LQVE, MORRIS ■■ . MR ZKJFIELD. MR. 2JG FIELD: You're 21. you're 21. you Teadiot1 Goodbye Shady*. here's .Sneaky and one moo’, thing! ' ■ IJwaUvftj rteppy wrmoay Leaky and Geeky. 2.14 . Newman Center Roman Catholic (.ommuniiy at the University of Oregon Worship with us Weekdays 5 15pm Sundays 900 am 1100am 7 30pm 1*50 I Wednesdays at SOOpm raid SI. • 343-7021 For one week onfy. 3 wonderlully relaxing session's in our Wold System tanning beds tor only *5! Oder expires MEM One otter per customer SumShower 485 2323 874 E 13th Up the stairs next to Kinko’s OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 am _____ WEEKENDS 8 am BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed