Clifford Ellis Amo Te Sempra Happy Valentine's I love you Regina KMSTEL: Your TWI Francisco rendej vous it MW short days a«vay Forgot old boy Inends. bills and midterms Have a (mat time! I’m outta hare. Utah. Al. and tun times bound Happy Vaten tine s Day! Love you, STEPHANIE OOOG "0,F." HOFFMAN: I miss you like spaghetti and love you iust a tadbtt less than Mr Potatoheed I'm weaken loo. See you tonlghtl With love. BATED BREATH DANA CHRiSTWE DCAIt My low for you >1 deepar than the ocean that separates us Forever loving you ANDY O.S.: You know were attracted to each other because we're both always around and looking let s gat to know each othar and saa what wa cart gat cooking Wara both shy. scared, hurting, and lonely, so It’s very hard to dot But with God's help and a lot of prayer wa can make a dream come true1 T B. GEORGE CATTANO Happy V Day and Anniversary to be. It's been 3 wonderful yews I'M love you forever We to gonna make it' JUUE MATTHEW CHARLES: Every lime I think ot you, even my tom got goose bumps' XXOO C.S JAMES: Remember "Mellmerh ' «nd '•deelly proportioned" Until Itton, remember I tovo you very much Hoppy First VMontino's Doy 8. LEA ■RENT: | io«o yog so much Looking torwerd to spending this Velentlne's evening together Lot's Always bo together NEE_ SNUGGLE, STUD. SUGAR MUFFINS AND O.W JONES: Hove o sweet Voten tine s Doy You guys ere molly greet LOVE, M 204 H203_ TWVL: I'll miss you' When you're reedy you know where I em Don't torget eboot me” I love you! TINA TO T.K.: How about a little rendevous I need the power at your hies I tone you! _ __ KELLY AND JERG Happy Valentine t Day1 Than*a tor being you and putting up with me l love ya1 RANCHO KEMP WENOt HUGHES: Keep Michael in your heart forever Happy Valentine's Day) Love. KENDRA TRI DELTA ESMARELD A No one will be my valentine and I am very lonely Will you be mine ELLIOT Allyson Baird Jessica Csdsrfcsrg Shannon Gaither Geoff Reinville Shawna Reed Alyson Simmons Do you raall*# mat by uamg tha lal tara tn your namai. I can apaM I lova ma "> tan t that intar*Mino7VtMCI VINCE That* tha ttrat lima you** naadad an ancua* to aay III Happy vtAi-Day By tha way. if* NOT inlaratting If* a ■>'U «»tabii»had tact _ HAUNCMO You r* tha baat tninQ that avar happanad to ma t lova you Will you ba my Vatanttna? CUPPttS TKE ERIC: Q«t ptychad lor an evening dining. and dancing! Happy Valentine* Day vy VOUR THETA HOUSEOANCE DATE ng O! Wining y V* isrsiNAK b»yeh SI STEINAR; let * up tho*e grade* Study session Saturday after out pajama*' H*i hai TRULV CHI OMEOA All ARNOLD: Happy Valentina * Day, my prince**, l love you very much The pad two month* h*ve been the beet, l‘m all your* Be ready tor tonight a. d many tupnsey ahead Parhap* hot dog in a wo* W3 W4 LOVE. JEEE CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OfHc», 300 EMU UO Books tor* Stamp Coon Ur EMU Main BOX BORDER S1.2Slday DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: SS.4Mnch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 2S€ For Sale JVC TURNTABLE and cartridge E* cel lent condition SSG 485-4340 keep trying._ 2 14 COMPLETE BIOLOGY LAB technician s kit with cabinet and microscope $350 CaH 345-8341 217 FENDER MUSICM ASTER SHORTscaie bass Pre-CBS Orig custom finish 1200 firm CaH 344-9851 leave message 2 17 HP41CV CALCLATOR, $110, i yr old Rarely used 345-9629 eves _2-17 ASOLO SKI BOOTS. (Snow field) E« eWent condition Size 8 $75 Please call 343-0294 2 2t HONDA AERO SO. Must sell $300 firm 344-6295 _2-26 MOVING SALE: Ragrigerator $40 freezar $25 Tiffany light coffee table $15; end table $20; dishwasher, planters, lawn mower, brass curtain rods, stereo $20 485-7143 2-17 NICE TAPE DECK SYSTEM, $190 Was $600 new Toshiba deck snd rsciever. Audiotex speakers Call tor info eves Diane 3440848 219 Buy a Sell THE BUY 8 SELL CENTER BuyS#H*Tr*de Musical instruments, stereo, tools Photographic and Backpacking Equipement 361 W 5th. HFM81S4 Services BASIC GUITAR LESSONS. Onrhonom instruction Fun and ineapensivf 683 9529 David 2 2 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Grad approv ed Near campus 344-075*. 496i tfn Word Processing/Typing: 15 plus years experience Papers, dissertations, editing mass mailings Micro caselte transcription. Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688 3963 4938 tin TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686 0739 _______ ___ 4953 MUHF WORO PROCESSING BiMa^aaalauhvJ * Pv rlWVPIOTfll I fpwy MrTIGC Theses; Dissertations Legal. Law Review, Resumes. Graduate School Ap proved *1 25 O S Cyndi 587 9326 4976F PRO TYPMGtEOrriNG. “ Guaranteed Close to UO Graduate school approved JENNIFER. 465-3883 _ 4963UWF CAROLYN S QUALITY TYPING Graduate approved, specializing In all typing needs Call Carolyn Sherrel anytime 344 7231 4979HP TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 6 EDITING Resumes. Papers. Theses. Dissert* lions. Graduate School approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 485 1473 _ 5686ltn WORO PROCESStNG. Disk storage Pebra. 345-0368 anytime 5815 HF TYPING ft WORD PROCESSING Thesesldissenatlons. papers, editing. grapnics. law papers, resumes & mass mailings Grad Sch approved WordStytes 6 Typescripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-6044 4940 tin WORDS “R” US Quality lypingiword processing Papers, resumes, editing, tape transcriptions, manuscripts, theses/dissertations. Grad School app vd IBM compatible 57tOUn T yping-Resumes - T ranecriptlons Word Processing Disk Storage Sheila. 345 4530. evenings 59701fn Word Processing- Editing • Resumes Fast*Accurate«Disk storage Close to U o* O* Pam,345-7629 ___ 6349tln REBURIES PROFESSIONALLY PREPARED. Evenings 6 weekends by appt Parkstone Company 344-3226 Visa 6 Mastercard 24 hour service 2 21 WORO PROCESStNG. Term papers thesis, manuscripts resumes, cor respondence. mail litta/iabets ate Open daily 12 306 pm Saturday by ap pointment The Floppy Disc 3454*30 __ 2-22 PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Retired UO secretary. IBM Correcting Seleelric Fast, Accurate 344-68662014 Fast. ProlessionU^chase* to U of O 683-6390 224 WORO PNOCEttiNG/TYPtMG AHordabtelErcellent Rutherm 344 0438 2-17 WORO PROCESSING SY KAREN. Free draft Slfpage 883-1117 6441 HFM 255 East 18th 343-0969 (Dynamic Typing Service) THE Student Specialists/ Business Professionals Word Processing/Typing Complete Photocopy Center Disk Editing imany systems) Pickup & Delivery Available 5m Blocks Iron-. Campus Sound Systems JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1457 W 6th 343-7663 Monday thru Friday 9 am - 6 p.m Saturday 9 am - t p m 3146 HFM . Books 100.060 BOOKS m STOCK All Sailing 40-50% alt Hat prtcas •TextbooksoCWf Notes«Msg*rin*s* USEO BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 70S Eaat IMi 4973 tin Bicycle CAMPUS CYCLE SHOP. Hava your taka In Shapa for Spring! TUNE UP $17 1128 A'dar St 345-7300 214 Cams a Cycles 1904 INTERCEPTOR 500. Immaculate only 260 mi**, full warranty $2450 345-8328. Jeff avaa . . 64IPM1 71 VW FASTBACK. 27.000fmbuHl. tuna ' excellent $460 405-3615.683-3128 2.14 1*03 FORO FALCON. S375 4-door, automatic run* good. AMrFM radio’ Must tail wtH negotiate 663-5901 2-14 HOWDY HI THERE . FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS This la your of pal El Monty Slim' down tiara at Wide Track Honda in ■ Wilmington And have t got a deal fo» ■ youlH fl«s RED 1*7$ VW BEETLE <* jual wailin' for you to drive ar oma ’ New tire*: chain*. AM/FM cassette Whew** and what a deal for you ' Reduced not 20 Not 50 BUT. 75% ItU* week only ONLY $1300 or beat offer Call Russ at 6SA4341 day* of . *60 0107 ereninga and keep trying Ifn Travel FLY TO THE SUN DURING SPRING BREAK SKI SUN VALLEY For as little as $102 Campus Travel Center, EMU SINGAPORE $705 Round Trip details at Campus Travel Center EMU 6434 2 14 ; SINGAPORE. $690 Roundtrlp. Group package Call aiOart L 342 7719 PeedltnaFah 25_2-17 Help Wanted CRUISESHIPS HIRING' $16 *30.000 Carrlbean. Hawaii. Worldl call lor guide r as asm. newsservice! {6161 644-4444 . Xuoregoncruise 2 24 AIRLINE HIRING SOOMI $14 6360001 Stewardesses. reaerveuontsisi Cali lor fluid* cassette. newsseivtce (616) 644-4444 XUAW178 . 2 26 CRUISESHIPS IllWWat $16630.000. Carrtbaan. Hawaii, World' Call lor guide cassette. newsservice (616). 644-4444 XYCW17S • 2 1* THE A6UO « ACCEPTING appiiceHone -tor 1966 A SUO 6 lac I Km CommiMev Thar* are five tlipand position* one chair, loui mambari Tha Committee it responsible lor all aspects of in*. ASUO' ••action* .this Spring Ptaaaa apply- in Sulla 4. EMU by 4 pm Mon Fab ,17 Tha ASUO i* an Affirmative .Acnon/Equai Opportunity Employer ■ 0400£T4 TMt ASUO IS ACCEPT MO applications lor Events Coordinator ■ Monthly all . '• pand of $175 or work study Tha coot dtnator organizes ASUO symposia, Spr .■mg Slraal Fairs; Brown. Bag taclura. •Anas and other ASUO events job : descriptions and applicalion* available’ at Soil* 4.EMU Apply by 5 pm Tuesday' • Pab « .6434 248 . Apply for Contemporary C issues • Coordinator with the ; . . ° Cultural Forum : Oaedlma .Wednesday Fab 16m Ap ' . plication*.' available in the. Cultural Forum-Office..Suite 7. EMU 6424 2 IB FART TIME RCtAJL- SALEScie/kneed.'. ed. for new campus fashion (ewelry . boutique Apply. m parSod Fab 17»h al • 6,am 1340 Aid*.-(above GlenwOodf Bi in^raauma o* wrilian ibb history 2 14 WORKSHOP INSTRUCTORS NEEOEO Tha SEARCH looking lor peo ’ pie witting and able to.share thaireipei' tlse n you >a iniaradad in leaching .a v Spring larm'workshop, conlacl ,u» at. EMU Ml 10. or call 666-4305 . The deadline I or Spring Term workshop pro . ' poaafs is February-20 al 4 pm 6443 2 14 - UNIVERSITY OF OREGON UPWARD SOUND Program Summer positions Resident Group Counceiors . Insiruc " tors in high school math reading writing. ESI. science health speech, social studies Full lime summer see sion 1666 only Salaries $1400 lor 6 week summer session (dune 22 August 161 Job descriptions available el Up ward Bound Office. 1646 E ISth.Unhrer ally of Oregon Eugene OR 67403 Deadline March 3, 1986 Equal Oppor tunny!Affirmative Action . Employer • 0436j-21 HEARTY MOfVtOUAl WANTED to beat the streets for Whet s Happening Join our unique sales learn Commissions plus CaR 464-0416 tor appl 2 14 GAM LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE . Tim ESCAPE Field Studies Program will be' accepting. Applications tor .the following positions lo/ Spring Term - - '■ ' Applies!tons'due by Outdoor School ■ - ' • Division' Head . . , „ c‘2/17/86 • Retreat Coordinator , • 2/20/86 ’' . Publicity end • • , •• Recruitment Coordinator . 2/24/86 " Registration Coordinator* 2127/86 Office • Manager ' • 3/3/86 Job' dasc/iptlona . and- 'application packafa lor all positions' ara available in - the ESCAPE office . Mill. EMU For more' Information call 666.4341 ESCAPE is an affirmative action- equal opportunity emolMar_6444 2 I / IMMEDIATE OPENING. PROOF HUN NER. Position entails deliveringcopies of advertisements to clients in tlr* com muntty Hour* tteslble Position could •sad to more advwtced advertising work including tales. marketing and copywriting' as tlms allows Must nav* rstiabta transportation APPLY AT THE EMERALD RECEPTION DESK. 300 EMU ' EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR WANTED . The Oregon Daily Emerald it looking ■ • toranmlormed, iesufrconacious per. son. to writs adltonats Parson mutt 6s Willing to work long hours- and •stum# much responsibility on ksy part ot papsr Position it non • workstudy . Applications and a |o6 . description art available at ths ODE ' otflca. Room 300. EMU Oaactlina tor . .application it wed Pad. 19 Ths Emsratd is an Equal Opportunity . •I Emptpysr ■ ,7 • •• ,g.|> Roommates SHARE tBEDROOM (iuptsr with mw.'' ■.Ott Watt 2Slh NonsmoSsr *130tmo plus sitihtiss and deposit 342 8016 alts'r ’ • S ' - • . . . . V '■ 2 Y« • SHARE A 4 BEDROOM HOUSE I block . trom campus.Spec tout fireplace, large • kitcnan and backyard JtJBmno plus deposit. 19th 4* Harris 6836166 2 14.. ' 114| PRIVATE GATH. Bright fuVn room In plush’ horns with 3* others Barbers MB Paso . -Y • *17 ATTENTION Female roommats wanisd to shar# 2 • -bSdroorn- ' apt.-on~.JSlh and_Mtil *f37-60rmo- .Move' in.-now*-and gat ' f Sbruary free Call Jaan BS7.g47B .dr . Trlsh" 34‘4 *043 ■ .' 71*. For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, mbrrietf cdtiPtea . and* single parents possibility olil/n mediate occupancy or place yoursatt on' wailing .list WeStmomlaAd furnished .apartment . j bedroom' *t44/mo t: bedroom WSimo Afnaion unfurnished 2 bedroom. *12CYmo -Future openings VS peeled, at) areas' Contact UO Houa ■ Ing Dapt- 66*4277 • •. 4*42*tn FURNISHED LAROE W2 bedroom cam pus *245*329 No pets 48*2823 ’ ' . S43J tln • IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR spwidua one bedroom Jurmahed apt Large south window very clean and quiet Nest to campus ' and ascallent tor ' serious student Applications takan between 4toS pm daily Cametot Apia NO 13, INh and Atdar 214 ONE ROOM APT. *178 90 includes utilities Share kitchen Private bsttwra«rtqerator CaM 466-5720 2 18 outer COUNTRY LIVING Ml the southwest hilt* Beautiful 1 and 2. Bedroom apis with viaw. tannts. pool, '•c room, laundry Close to city bus line Prospect Park Apts 1710 Nor ttnrtew Btvd 111 8693 9449 2 20 * UNOf tt NEW MANAGEMENT WOOOSIOE MANOR ' 1S10 HARRIS Furnished quads now avaialabta with shared bath or privets bath Utilitias. paid, covered parking and laundry facilliiss availabla IDEAL CAMPUS LOCATION FROM *195 Managers no 138 344 2697 Bennett Management Co 1143 Oak St Soils 300 486 9881 ; .• 9666 tin EUGENE MANOR ONE 4 TWO BEDROOMS High riu living at it bad Near cam put . • MSSlfn BEND SKI MOUSE. Thraa bedroom. M- . ly ■ furmthad, tpa sauna »la*p*' • m Sioo per day 360-1431 V;3-7 THE SERENITY. OF THE FOREST 2 Bedroom 1 v* lum 1300 » 1315 M*W Bale on? .-Fully Appliance . . Carpeted 1 Draped o Sauna 1 Pool & •• F. cal lam Bui Service' . • Forael village Call no*“667 1311 » ■ ' • • BttftMf • Hill YARD QUADS 'Well maintained unit available tor immedlated-; move-in. New matreea, nice kitchens on-site mgr. $155/morent plus, deposit SSO cash rebate' for move'In before Feb ■. 15. Call Jay 445*6120 .*' • after 3 pm or visit no 24, '* 1750 Hllyard. - . : • V , ' “ • > 63S0ttn Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Ju»l ana block bom the Horary ■ ’ II_• tnj 1HI-I-. » . rtl° • itiieT i Srv^vi Private refrigerator and vy bath'bom * 5169 Bob pr„ Kaiiy -iMa Alda* no?l 344-5713 ‘ ’ BUtg manaoad by Si Clair Propertie* . ; ^ ' . ' MSI II r * AMPUS OUAOS . V mock Iron cam put USS/mo • ubliliee included - 1686'Ham* Mg* number 4 342 4261 • • . 6376 tin-' . Dorm Contracts FREE BEER AMO MONEV“lo aoyuna ’ amo buyg. my. dorm, contract -So* ’ ■ 4B64B44 ~ ■ • l.ta - DORM CONTRACT FOR *al* Call 344-7779 Mona . ' ■' MS Lost a Found tOST ON FIS 2 at 8:.orrllu t hrr»r. nhvt% atu/ mushriunns Hoknl in n f*.\M ihrtl %nn*hrrrd nvh hnnolo uun r Open every evening 5-10pm for Coffee A Pitirin COME ON UP!