-tfo&worxfa -grtctmQs * BIG AS LIFE POSTERS, TEE SHIRTS, OUTRAGEOUS GIFTS, AND..* fU£NHNE CARDS RFTHPEARL SHOPS CORNER OF FIFTH & PEARL 687-9009 OPEN 7 DAYS STUDENT CAMPAIGN FOR DISARMAMENT PRESENTS SHELLEY DOUGLASS “NONVIOLENT RESPONSES TO NUCLEARISM” . THE PEACE MOVEMENT: ISSUES TO ADDRESS Shelley Douglass Is a core member oTthe Ground Zero Center (or Non violent Action. She has done speaking and writing on the arms race and nonviolence (or many local and national peace groups and publica lions. She is also a member of the Fellowship of National Reconcilia tion and has served on its National Council for the past five years 7:00PM FREE TONIGHT! EMU FORUM ROOM i-W i DEBATE of WOMEN’S ISSUES (inrMmc: Abortion, ERA. and Comparable Worth) Phylli* Schlafly VS. • kiHMii (nr Int ui^iiihMin i<» fvMA • li.wbf at lln \*aUmiwb miviiiatH • Ainlwir at Hu Umit t* IHmUsi WiWitrii .nhI ( IhMI MmmmUn ( Lt+snmmn <«« tm^iitManat«4|i*)|r. IhMll «»» n .mutb 4 vtrwn " K Surah Weddington • I^H->4-r w1*» flw k«Mlnv«h .llHtftftNI « .IST M4H VHW.uk In***' in s StimiiM-( * HI • «1* f AHH*HM4Mk>«k'lln sHkiMiHHlf r THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1986 Mac Arthur Court 8:00 P.M. Ticket*: STUDENTS: «3.M mtoancUUMiaj of allow GENERAL: K M •rfranet/WSO da; ot iho* dm mlt «t Ml Uwm Dmk. h*^il tf MW] CMaral fmwm. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmih National/Intemation Airline employees are charged WASHINGTON (AP) — The Department of Justice is preparing indictments against about 50 employees of Eastern Airlines believ ed to be smuggling cocaine from South America, federal law enforcement sources said Wednesday. The sources, who spoke on condition on anonymity, said the 50 employees are "almost exclusively baggage handlers" in Miami. The handlers are said to be the key to a narcotics pipeline bringing cocaine into the United States from Bogota, Colombia, by way of Miami, where the carrier is based. The probe has been going on at least two months, the sources said, and it may continue for another two months, "We think there is a small cadre of handlers who are holding out baggage" to cir cumvent a narcotics net set up by IJ.S. Customs officials, one of the law enforcement sources said. The sources said that customs officials employed sniffer dogs to detect drugs. The baggage handlers involved in the drug shipments have, for example, kept baggage containing cocaine away from the conveyer belts at the Miami airport until after sniffer dogs are taken away, the sources said. One source said that in some cases, the handlers simply keep the bags loaded with narcotics on the planes until customs checks are completed. Tuesday, the head of the Drug Enforce ment Administration, John Lawn, said in California that the indictments wore being prepared, but did not name the airline. ”We have cooperated with the leadership of that airline,” said Lawn, adding that the in dictments would come in the “next several weeks." •• •• ; ‘. ' He said employees of the airline were in volved in smuggling a substantial amount of .■ cocaine to the United States "by way of handl- • : : • ing baggage.” .... .. Lawn disclosed some details of the case ' • after delivering a speech in San lose, about - drug abuse. V \ • . • ° * •“ In describing the DBA'* fight to stop !}he flow of cocaine to the Unlteti1 States from South'. America. Lawp said the agency has been focusing on controlling the flow of.c:hetpic*ls\ . ’' especially ethyl ether. used In making the drug ' „ from raw coca paste.- • ' ’ . « 9 ' ■■! Shcharansky to renew freedom caifijiaigh JERUSALEM (AP) - Anatoly Shcharan sky said Wednesday he will resume the cam .paign for free emigration of Soviet jews that led the Kremlin to put him in prison and labor camps for more than eight years. Israel radio also said he sent forms to Moscow formally inviting his 77-year-old mother. Ida Milgrom, and his brother Leonid to Israel on the basis of family reunification. That is the first step in getting exit visas from the Soviet government. The State Department said Wednesday the Soviet Union has “indicated'' Milgrom and other relatives of Shcharansky would be allow ed to emigrate to Israel. The brief announce ment did not elaborate. The Jewish human rights activist, who was imprisoned as a spy, told Israel radio in his first interview since being released to the West:' “It is my task to use my experience to help those people who stayed behind in the Soviet Union.’’. On Tuesday. Shcharansky walked across • the Glienicke Bridge to West Berlin from Com munist East Germany. Three other people held in the East and five imjprisoned in. the. West, all on espionage "charges'- wei?Bvoxohangfid‘oR' the ‘ "bridge ofspies > Hainan, hour’later .' .»"« In East Berlin; he-said.'.he Was tpldtp walk .‘.a straight line to a car.and deliberately, took.a zig-zag. route. "Ofoourse. tliat-'s funny, biif. it was a matter, of principle never *W agree ; to anything’for.'lhe'„K(}B’(Secret police)."He said “Either I didn't Iisten‘to what thev told tnd’ to do."or I did exact1y-the opposite.” . ’ His brother .Leonid; * 30,' fold Western reporters in. Moscow. that "SHcharahsky/ lay down iii the snow, demanding the.return of his belongings before boarding the-special plane taking him to. Berlin: but finally left withdnly a prayer book. He crossed the Bridge iobo.rrowdd clothes. • . . .... . • : ... t . . The radio said the.38-year-old mathemati cian an.d conuniter analyst, w hpJwasrepqrted to- have, health "problems during hls 'corifim! ment. had undergo he a med'icaI examihnt ion. ° He appears pale arid'thin but tollja govern ment spokesman •he;' gained ” moreV.than 30 Kunds because of better .t refitment during the it weeks before his release. . Rajneeshees face declining ihembership PORTLAND (AP) — The Ra- . jneeshee movement in Europe is foundering in the wake of the breakup of the sect’s leadership in Oregon, according to a published report. The once-flourishing Kota Ra jneesh Centre in Zurich, Switzerland, declared bankruptcy about two weeks ago and closed, The Oregonian newspaper reported in its Wednesday editions. The newspaper quoted un named Swiss sources as saying the facility had as many as 500 members in 1983 but now only 30 remain, and they have dispersed and are living in small groups in the city. The Oregonian said the once strong Amsterdam commune of Indian guru Bhagwan Shrae Ra jneesh had dwindled to perhaps a few hundred active members', down from as many as 4,p(M) just two years ago.. •/ . .. "There are probably another 200 Rajneeshees here who don't live in the commune, but at the. most there are just 4Q0 or 500 ° now," said a former member who quit the sect in September. In West Germany, the Ra jneeshees' traditional European stronghold, one Rajneeshee spokesman said the followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Ra jneesh are dispersing to form their own communities, "The whole structure is changing,” said S w a rn i Ramateertha. coordinator of Europe’s largest Rajneeshee Mental Health Counseling Mix dim Hayden, HIS. CCfHHC Certified Counselor • Women & Adolescents 10% Student Discount 344-2912 center,, the Wioska=Ka)naosh in stitute oft'ologne ° ’.* 4 .-. • R a ma toe rt haa .". for pie. r ^Munich.'- pediatrician. whose legal-name is Ruuert.PeUfseh, said^.'‘What 'iS' happening in most of the centers js that the businesses no*// held by. the commune* are going into the hands of individual sannyasins who are- running them by „ themselves.'! . -• . - • jutta Schuider. a staff member of the West German Society for Psychological and Spiritual Freedom, an anti-cult group, said in an interview from l)Usse|dorf that "as far as we know, they are spreading." Kamateertha said the Kota bankruptcy in Zurich was more the result of bad management by former Rajneeshee officials than to a decline in interest in the movement. He said the restaurant loca tion chosen by Kota's leadprs was in a part of Zurich tpht essentially closed down in the evening, leaving few potential customers. ODE Eor all your news