Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1986, Page 5, Image 5

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    World news
Aquino warns Reagan not to back Marcos
MANILA, Philippine* < API —
Corazon Aquino war nr Presi
dent Reagan on Wednesday
against supporting the National
Assembly'* expected proclama
tion of President Ferdinand
Marcos as winner of last Fri
day's presidential election.
The assembly, dominated by
Marcos' New Society Move
ment party, is to begin official
tabulation of votes this Friday,
using what the opposition has
said are fraudulent local vote
.. "I would wonder at the
motives of a friend of
democracy who chose to con
spire with Mr. Marcos to cheat
■the Filipino people of their
liberation'." said Aquino, who
claimed anew that she has
already won the. presidency.
Marcos has declared himself
the "probable winner."
• v ; Reagan asserted at a - news
Conference Tuesday, night that
the elections were marred, by .
. fraud on -both sides, but' his
remark Svas-disputed by several
° Cl.S. election observers who
said they had keen no evidence .
o f f r a u d b y- A.q u I n o '.s-. ■
supporters. ' . , • ’
No immediate react ion came
from'the'presidential palace to].
Reagan's statements or to his .
. decision to Send diplomatic
trouble-shooter Philip Habib, to,.
Manila as- his' -personaF
emissary.- . .. .
Aquino said only that Habib,
would' likely: get a courteous
, „ welcome. .
'.' As to suggestions 'that she
reconcile with Marcos, - she
• . replied: '‘It.w.ould be a delusion
of policy ' that an. opposition
whose leaders and . followers
have been and are being killed
can suddenly settle downito a
Western-style opposition role in.
' a healthy two-party system Too
many will be dead the moment
- the world's head is turned." ‘
, the nation's Roman Catholic
bishops arranged to meet Thurs- .
day to review the election.
. The military say? 8(5 popple
were killed during’ the two
French will help
in restoration of
Statue of Liberty
• ‘ PARIS (AP) — A French
Arnerican group hus announced
it will help raise : funds in
France for the restoration of the
Statue of Liberty, which, was
donated to the United States by
France 100 years ago.
“We want to reaffirm the
gesture France made a century
earlier," the Franco-American
Committee for the Restoration
of the Statue of Liberty said
The group will concentrate
on raising funds for a new torch
to be built by the French com
pany Let M e t a I 1 i e r s
Champenois. Total repairs on
the statue, whose restoration is
to be completed by July 4, will
cost about $320 million.
Fundraising events include a
trans-Atlantic race in May from
Rouen to New York and a series
of television program ex
changes between Houston and
Paris entitled ihe “Liberty
Channel. ”
month campaign, the latest be
ing Aquino campaign official
Evello Javier, a former governor
shot dead by hooded men in
Antique province. The Philip
pine News Agency placed the
total at 107.
Results of two separate counts
kept showing opposite results
five days after the election
Aquino had gained in the
government election commis
sion returns but Marcos led
with 7.032,695 votes, or 50.6
percent, to 6,850.234, or 49.4
percent, with two-thirds of the
precincts reporting.
The independent ballot
monitoring group National
Movement for Free Elections
had Aquino ahead. 7.158.679.
or 52.3 percent, to 6.532.362, or
47.7 percent for Marcos, based
on 64 percent of the precincts.
Both counts were continuing
although they are not legally
binding. Only the National
Assembly count, to be posted
on chalkboards as tally sheets
are read, is official.
Marcos. 68, president for 20
years, has not faced real opposi
tion since 1969. He ruled under
martial law from 1972 to 1981.
His six-year term runs until
1987, but he called a special
election trying to prove lie still
had overwhelming support.
Most of the districts not yet
reported were in areas Marcos
was expected to carry.
Marcos’ New Society Move
ment has a two-thirds majority
in the assembly. .
t 8'ew iq Co M v\ a*iK»>*
Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.