Continued from Page 1 raped on Feb. 14 just like on any other day of the year,” she says. Linda wants the “Heal Your Heart” program to reach the silent 90 percent who don’t report their rapes. “I’m asking anyone who has been raped and has not reported it to do so," she says. “It doesn't matter if it was two days or two months ago." If the case numbers are more realistic, Linda says, the police will “have to change the way they treat the crime.” Sgt. Chuck Tilby of the Eugene Police Department sup ports the program’s goals. He stresses the importance of reporting a rape and says even,if the case is old, often identifying an individual from a past crime can help with a current case. Tilby also recommends that women report their rapes even if they decide not to prosecute. “We will support her deci sion, whatever is decided." he says. Both Ormsbee and Tilby say there are still many myths shrouding rape that contribute to the low number of reports. Tilby says police officers also must deal with a lot of the myths in their own attitudes about rape. . “One of the traditional myths was that rape victims are bat tered,” Tilby says: This; is usually hot the case. ' ..... Another myth is that rapes are committed by strangers. Only 25 to 40 percent of rape victims are assaulted by strangers as in Linda's case. The majority of rapes are committed by an ac quaintance. often a date of the victim. College campuses present special problems. Although statistics show that 25 percent of all college women will be rape or attempted rape victims, the report record is consistently low. The University is no exception. "The on-campus reporting rate is even lower than in a nor mal community.'* Tilby says. Since her rape, Linda has "become dedicated to changing the way society . views and handles rape. Linda says the newspaper ac count following her attack described her only as a 43-year old soath Eugene woman. "I was like every other rape vic tim.” she says. ”1 was nameless, faceless and forgettable.” But Linda chose to make her ordeal public. She and another woman. Margie Roberts, discussed their rapes and the aftermath in a Register-Guard feature. By choice, their pic tures and names accompanied the article. With the publicity she gained from the article, l.inda has been asked to give talks to different rape awareness groups in town. r and she plans to lead a summer retreat for women who have been raped. She also is taking television classes and plans to air a monthly rape-awareness program on Cable Access this summer. Linda’s life is still not back to normal, and she doesn't know if it ever will be. Her boyfriend of many years now lives in Califor nia. She still has flashbacks of her rape, and she still searches every male face looking for the face of her attacker. But she is a survivor, and this is the focus of her program. "I want women to know that there's a way to win. You don't have to feel powerless, but you can do something to change It ." 1 Heart-Shaped nzzas * Vilmtliwy Day Fri. Feb. 14th MS-4111 r ★ COPIES* I Krazy Kats I TryUml I • S*4 East 13th at : . >>•* ■■■■■■■■■ n ^with'the purchase of. any pastry, get your ' first’cup-of coffee or’ tea fr§e during our new HAPPY HOURS 3 - 6PM DAILY BOOK and TEA ° ; ° open 8 30; 6 daily •10. 5 Jajnday ■on rne sbutnnj&fxornjr ot'campus V 't«49.1l9th . 344-3422 Specialty Drink of tha Month % : Cappuccino / — o a , <"V m-y BRAUM/ INWOCENTIy CONPU51M6 ME? pHYSic* CU^ with A PHYSIQUES CLASS) FEWT5 A CAP FROM NATIONAL AND PURSUES HER INDWEND£MT ‘STt/D/ PROJECT AT NEARRy HAvSclE GftCH. 'TER DAY WEEKENDS ISO free mile* Additional milage 12C per mile. Non-diyctnmtabfe rate applies to Chevx Cavalier or similar- size car and is subject to change withtho notice Ham slighth higher fur drivers under 25 Specific can subject la availability Weekend rate available from mum Thursday to Monday Call for detail t W« fedtuiv CM C4»» lik* thi» Chrvy C«v4li*r National Car Rental You deserve National attention! Available M: 688-8161 Eugene Airport Professors raze champs The all-star Gang of Four challenged the faculty Super Bowlers — left to right: Jack Maddex, /ohn Farley. Kenneth Helphand and Cheyney Ryan — Wednesday night, but the student team took a severe beating in two rounds. • \ The Gang of Four will compete in the regional competi tion in the EMU on Feb. 22 against teams from Oregon. Washington. Alaska and Idaho. ■ . - . Photo by Harvey Young 9efrn°re facts f Aamll'lttraiion