Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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Join the battle
Environmentalists be alerted!
We have an endangered species
that is currently being
systematically eliminated in
epidemic proportions. Each
year In Oregon, for every throe
of these highly advanced, uni
que creatures that misses
destruction, one is barbarically
killed. That’s over 200 exter
minations each month In the
Eugene-Springfield area alone. '.
Astonishingly, ' no -govern:
ment steps have b«ian taken to
prevent this hideous, savage.,
destruction: Quite the contrary:
you'll be shocked to knoyoQr
U S. -Supreme,■X.Vur.r has
specifically dot: hired. it-is Ok to
freidy butcher jhiti innocent and*
defenseless species, , ' • v .
' And on top of that..', many
government, agencies ‘(.Oregon,
included) have actively pro-,
moted this systematic annihila
tion. They .are acfualiy" taking ;
your tax money, tp nittke it ex*,
tremely .lucrative, for a-coast-'to
coast network* of highly 'trained
professionals * to ■ methodically
carry. -out’ this irtassi've
slaughter s :* • ;
.'Now it’s time to* end this.na- »
tional disgrace' Join-the battle
against the ° premeditated*.
■. destruction'of ttria Vpiu) of our..* :
heritage. .Demand your -state
and .federal •repie&tttatives; im
mediately. end’ tjiis abhorrent
bloodbathvjb y'f a (I d i n g 1 f h i s
species to the/'Threatened arid
Endangered • Spbc ids " .list.' 'i *. - .
Oh yes ■ what (■ is'. this
species? •; ::: •>!••*. • ••••''
It's not the snaH.darterqf the.
u n a r m o r e d. -th r eo'.B.pTjn e: .
sticklebadt. the Ozark! Brg:eared.
hat. flatrspired. .three.-tool hed
snail or any of-thy over'600 ■.
other species ‘ presentjy pro
tected by gqverhmemt\force^^^
any and all costs,.:
The species I’m,, speaking
about — the pro-born human
being. -
Jon YVoilander
' Kugene
Free ad space
Is it University policy .to offer
the classroom blackboards as
free advertising space for
anyone at all? It seems that
anyone who writes the word
"save" next .to an ad gets space
in front of 30 to 3Q0 people's
eyes for at least 50 minutes
If it is policy , do we want it to
be? I am going to start a cam
paign to erase all of these ads
whenever I see them. I en
courage you all to join me in
this, lad's destroy this practice
John Kosenstein
I name__
| phone . -__
® (Expires March 31. 1986)
11432 Orchard • Eugene
I One coupon per pizza.
U.S. blindness
In his letter “American
pride" (ODE, Feb. 5). Hon Sher
man illustrates a type of blind
nationalism and anti-Arab
hatred that borders on being
pathological. It is precisely the
Katnbo-style policies advocated
by Mr. Sherman that produce
such widespread hatred for this
country lathe Arab world.
Both-the United States‘and-its
client state of Israel have ;beo-n
. responsible '. for incalculable
‘atrocities '.'.in the .last two
decades. -Asdong as thei)nited
States; and Israel continue'their,
flagrant ;violafipn*-of. .Lebanese,
and; Palestinian-. integrity.,:
Americans -will remain" targets
: of Islamic yengi\ance' It is tragic
- the‘American -people have .such
a pi^or ...un°dersfarid!ng ‘cif..ouf ;
country’s-fo'reigtTpoficy/in the
Middle East! // -' "
; The; United kStatesTs one of
the- few countries’ ifi the world
where. .public ; perceptions of
foreigners ; and foreign-policy
“issues, are formed by cinematic
rubbish rather ttyan factual
analysis yif. Islamic-terrorist at
tacks continue.' and 1‘ fear they
wiilMh'e American public will
doubtless- be bombarded with
.an anti-Arab- media .blitz in the
••Rambo’/‘Reid ttewn*'; tradb
tion Thednjy.-difference is.that
it will be Arabs.rather than Rus
sians we will' he taught, to fear
and hate'.. • . . • ; : ...
Until Americans begin to ap
proach our ‘ nation's ■ foreign
policy In the'-Middle East’ with
more critical insight,, we.will' be
' unable - to-'recqgdize Jhe. forces
that have:‘produced so many
desperate, attacks,'of vengeance
against Our ’fellow citizens If
the likes Of Mrs Sherman have
fpie reign, the number return!ng
frbrnabroad in caskets is certain
to-rise.-. •
: Christian Gunther
Senior, Sociology
Mfv $»cljs,: ypur April 1980
newspaper quote about the
Soviet Central Asians was
Soviet disinformation put out to
the newspapers after a very
humiliating withdraw.
Assume now that the Afghan
army was as potent as you have
assumed (which I dispute).
Where did the logistical support
for this military come from? The
Afghan government would have
fallen without major Soviet in
volvement in almost all of the
Atglian branches of the military
and central government. I)o you
assume that a country as poor as
Afghanistan can afford a
modern army by itself?
Concerning the Roman's
rights issue, the book "Soviet
Power" specifically refers to a
rebellion starling due to the
Afghan secret police, the As
qua. interfering-with tribal elec
tions and .the autonomy of the
outlying districts from the cen
tral government. If you wish to
•. sfty. that -a change, in- Women's
. right's^ was’ the sole cause, you
.are badly, distorting and 'cover
ing ,iip-'fw- u;. much'' gfin.im'er
phenomenon.' • •" 0‘
' ■ft is>;useles's for*rbe .to; go on
'y.wiihr•jjouf’Vop cfuotenewspapifcr
art)i;les bfr the^brtthat'(i ric iderf-”
r a'pdlpgists:fc)r th"e: Stalin, regime
50 y ea rS :a gov >Y.«) u' (a i ft o -t eke. 1 n»_
tq'(Consideration disinformation:
By olh^VSoyiet#£spinally you
t ri V iaj ize * a hid ltj.pl ll'ibp-xlb liar
Y a neighboring . ’country, Cood
: day! YY'Yv.v.YV ::?’;Y.:V;Y
- .Y > Andy Beckwith
Y;',Y Physics
For men only
At last, it's here! The single
greatest sporting event of the
year, with the exception of the
Superbowl, has finally arrived!
Sports Illustrated calls it
"The Bathing Suit Issue," no
hilarity intended. Well, what is
it. a guide to the newest
fashions in bathing suits? Don't
be stupid, it doesn't have
anything to do with bathing
suits. The models wear them so
that no one can call it
What's the purpose? Geez,
where have you been? It's made
for the entertainment of the
readers of Sports Illustrated So.
you mean it’s for both men and
women? I can't believe you! Of
course it's not! Sports Il
lustrated is men's magazine,
you know, like Playboy and
But doesn't Sports Illustrated
cover women's sports? Well of
course it does. Some men like to
see women's sports. You know,
it gives them a break from
"real" sports, kind of like the
"bathing suit" issue does.
Gosh. I've seen women buying
and reading Sports Illustrated
before, I don't get it? Neither do
the women; that's the beautv of
Sports illustrated exploits
women’s I todies in order to
make money and a lot of women
still read the magazine! Well,
Sports Illustrated does have the
best pictures, you know. Yeah,
but all in all, the women aren't
real bright are they? Of course
not. After all. they're women!
Michelle E. l.oew
Feb. 15 Magic Mirror Puzzle
Marion Walter
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