Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1986, Page 12, Image 12

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    Et al.
The Incidental Fee Commit
tee meets today at 5 p.m. in
Room 111 EMU regarding
budget freezes.
International Studies
Association meets today at 4
p.m. in Room 908 PLC.
The Pre-law Student Associa
tion meets today at 3:30 in
Room 164 Oregon Hall.
PRSSA meets today in the
Allen Reading Room at 3:30
The Riverfront Review Sub
committee will hear presenta
tions today on the EWEB-area
headquarters master plan at 2
p.m. in Room 307 Volcanology.
Mortar Board honorary
meets today at 6:15 p.m. in
Room 360 Oregon Hall.
Circle K Service club meets
tonight at 7 in Century Room D.
“Recent Discoveries in
Oregon Coast Archaeology” is
the topic of a lecture today at
4:30 p.m. at the Museum of
Natural History by Rick Minor,
“Nonviolent Responses to
Nuclearism” is the topic of a
lecture tonight at 7 in the EMU
Forum Room by Shelley
Independence vs.
Dependence is the topic of a
meeting tonight of the Alliance
for the Mentally 111 at 7:30 at
We're open at 8:30 Monday through Friday,
and from 10 on Saturday and Sunday for deli
cious simple breakfasts.
1646 East 19th • 344-3422
1177 PEARL
485 2005
Sweetheart Sale
Women's__....... $8°°
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Sculptured Nails, reg. $30.00....®25°°
For appointment! or question* call Juli* U 485-200$.
2981 Willamette St.
"The Multiple Existence of a
Literary Work" is the topic of a
lecture by Paul Armstrong to*
day at 3:30 in Room 142 Straub
Interested in RIM Floor
Hockey? Contact the RIM office
or Dan Hart at 686-5336.
Journalism Peer Advising is
now accepting applications for
next year. Stop by 311-D Allen
Hall to get an application form.
Attention organizations: the
1986 Oregon Yearbook is offer
ing free coverage to student-run
or student-oriented organiza
tions on campus. Please call
342-8770 or 686-3724 (message)
} SYD'S m
PERNS *19.95 j
I1 tong hair extra • good thru 3/28/86 :
1122 Alder • 485-6597 ■
| phone _
(Expires March 31. 1986)
| 1432 Orchard • Eugene
| One coupon per pizza.
if your group does not receive a
letter from us by Friday.
Get Involved! Psychology
Peer Advising is now accepting
applications for Spring term
'86. Stop by Room 141 Straub
Hall. Applications due Friday.
Career Planning and Place
ment will have an orientation
meeting today at 2:30 in Room
237 Hendricks Hall. They will
also hold an internship orienta
tion meeting today at 2:30 In
Room 12 Hendricks Hall.
Sign up for interview times
with the Career Development
Internship Program In Room
221 Hendricks Hall from today '
through Feb. 28. Interviews will
be conducted from Feb. 28
through March 7.
The Historic Review Board
requests persons with any in- .
formation about the; Macr
Donald Theatre previous,
building plans or. owners-,
historic photos or events held at
the theatre — to call Karen
Zismah at 687-5481. The hear
ing on the thealre will be Feb.
24 at 7:30 p.m. in the McNutt
Room. 777 Pearl St
Submit bids for campus inter
views Monday through
Wednesday each week. Room
244 Hendricks Hall. The follow
ing recruiters will be on campus
nest week:
Feb. 18: Electronic' Data
Systems (systems engineering
development prog.}; First In- •
vestora Carp.; S.C. Johnson &
San. Irtc. (sales mgmt trainee)
group meeting. Feb, 17, 7 p.m.,
Room 101. EMU; Yellow
Freight System, Inc. (mgmt
training prog.) group meeting:
Feb. 17. 7 p.m., Century Room
A. EMU; Xerox Corp. (sales
Feb. 19: Dun & Rradstreet
(business analyst), group
meeting only: 7 p.m.. Room
110. EMU; First Union Invest'
ment Corp. (sales assoc.) group
meeting. Feb. 18, 7 p.m., Room
111, EMU; k-Mart Corp. (asst
mgr trainee) group meeting:
Feb.. 18, 7 p.m., Room 110.
Feb. 20: Moore Financial
Group. Inc./Oregon First Bank
(lending officer training pro
gram); .Sears Roebuck & Co.
(retail mgmt trainee)." •
Feb. .20-21: • North Pacifit
Lumber. Co. (lumber trader
, Feb. 21: Interstate Distributor
. Company (regiorial-0sales • rep);
Sav-On Drugs. Inc..,1 (mgmt
trainee/store level). ■ . ‘
Sign-up space is still
available for the . following
Today: John H, Harland Cb.
(sales assoc). :• 0
Friday: Georgia Pacific Corp
(jr..accountant). .. ■ ..
Deadline for submitting Et als
to the Emerald front desk. EMI}■ .
Suite -300. is noon the day
beforcpubl icat iupv Et" als am'
run only once. depending upon
space availability ..Events witha...
donation dr admission charge
will not be considered. Events .
occurring nearest the piiblica- V
tion date', and campus-oriented
events, wilUbe given priority. ".
i " s'
(Coupons in the Emerald save you money. I
Check every page, every day. It pays. |
Everybody^TT ——
only $2 59 *,®a
' 300 EMU; the ii7?»Dead,*nc- j 2 r,
"**- 13itWe
We have special Valentine's Day art to insure your personal touch!
Only $2.00 (does not include type.)
All art will be printed in passion red...A Valentine's bonus!
rrrr *• *■ a *■ t*
Heart Throbs will be printed Teb. 14.