UNIVERSITY OE OREOON UPWARD ROUND Program summer positions Resident Group Councilor*. Inttruc lor» In high school math, raadlng. writing. ESI. aolanca. haaiih, apaach. social studies PulMtma. aummar set aion t9H only Salariaa $1800 lor 8 week aummar aaaaion (June 22 August 18) Joh descriptions aval labia at Up ward Bound Olllcs. 1889 E 15th. Univsr a»» o! Dragon, Eugana OR 97403 Deadline March 3. 1986 Equal Oppor tunltyrAllIrmallva Action Employar 6438 2 21 Roommates TO SHARE BEAUT II III try homa Ptaaaant Hill achoola Can hava one child 898 3488 keep trying 1187 SO plus ultima*._ 2 13 SHARE 2 BEDROOM duple, wdn mew oil Weal 28th Non smoker M 30rmo ?us utilities and deposti 342 8016 alter _ , 2-14 SHARE A 4 BEDROOM HOUSE 1 Mock . ‘ irom campus Spacious, lireplice, large kiichan and backyard f 136rmo plus deposit 19lh 4 Harris 683 8186 -2 14' 1148 PRIVATE BATH, bright lurn room in plush homa with 3 oilier* Barbara '4880460 ' . 217 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSINO. marriedcoupiiei and single parent*. 'possibility ol irn ■ ■ mediate occupancy orpiece youraall on wanting lial VY eat morel and furnished apart men I 7 bedroom $144Tmo. I • . bedroom91 IVmo Amazon unlumtahed ' . 2 Bedroom Il20rmo Future openings aapaciad an areas- Contact UO Hous Ihfl Papt , BBM2T7 • 4S42-ltn EUGENE MANOR OME • TWO ■COROOMS: High fitw Hying at it.bett Naar'campu* - • . 48*.Wt. • • , SOSStln fEND SKI HOUSE; Ihrai bedroom lot • ly tur nibbed.' »pa. »auna tlaepst 8 *66*100 pat. day 18*1835 . V3I ■ THE SERE NITVOF THE FOREST • 7 2 Bedroom .1 'V Bath ' ■ ‘.•*300 S *31* •• • Pnvat* Balcony * * ■ Fi FEBRUARY SPECIAL! Surpris* your Valentin*. Ilv*n up par tl*s Personalized Burlesque 484 1041 2-14 THE BIJOU \ FRIDAY EMU OININO ROOM 4:00 7 00 the ETHNOCENTRICS at the BEER GARDEN Food and AlUrnatlv* Hag* waMabla ID Raqulrad 84392 14 »1 C. tltti 4441444 FREE POPCORN TUESDAY ENDS THURSDAY . tato*illi*aallitaa FiomNichola* Rood. Tha'DhaOtor of * "Tha Man Who Fah to Earth".’ ‘ * • •• 'Wad.-7’l5**:30 . . •; \ Thura 7:15 \ ' '.STARTS FRIDAY ; . • .Sheer . . - . • , Madness. Bijou Late Nite ' lal'a do th* Tim* W«D Again FINAL.WEEKEND’ Thura M IS *2 . FliSSW 11:45 0 How much Fun Can you have? . Test your, partying-., Skills with a Loved One and The Los Falcons On Valentine's Day Then on Saturday. Nite The Terry Robb Band .\ From Portland See You There MAX’S NOON GIG EMU Fishbowl with The Magic Reeds Clarinst Quartet TODAY 12:00-1:00 6444:2 13 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U ol O telephono hotline, 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential • Call 666 4466 . 3144tfn PLANNED PARENTHOOD na* an early prdgnancy test that Is 9R% accurate. Calf tor appt 344-9411 5543 H because people, care fiS Pregnancy testing Confidential Sir TtytghtBST <661 31A2H MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt 344 7039 360 E ttth ■ ■ • '_1946WHF. SPRING BREAK on the beach at South Padre ’Island Daytona Beach Fort 1 Lauderdale Fort Walton Beach • Or Mustang .lelandfport Aransas irbm only ' . $89, -and skiing at Steamboat or Vail- • • from only $86' Deluie.lodging, parties, goodie bags, more Hurry, call Sun . chase Tours tor more infomehon" and reservttons ton free 18003215911’To., day' When .your Spring Break counts count on Si,,-.. / ;.1 DELTA ZETA PRESIDENT • . Susan Niles . 1 just wanted to tell you that you are doing a great job. Kepp on “blazing”'. those new horizons. Love • Laura . . • ’ ‘ * ' ■ 2-13 Hey Ladies of :: Delta Zeta There’s something .. special for-you in the Panhellenic Office Suite 5 EMU. Please pick it up by Friday. Have a great week! I'll see you at the retreat on the 22nd. Love, Laura - / , ■ •; ■ , ■ ' ■ 2 i3 ■pr'inq term internships through the Com Development In ternship Program are-now available! .Slop by Room 221 Hendricks Hall lor sign-ups. and more information '•I—:—-—a*g2iv2i?L.._ PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL MAJORS ‘M you're minortng in the, liberal arts, then you can gel 3 upper division credits .while receiving .professional worn excellence Jusfslop by Room 221 HeiSdncks Hall and ask abut the Career Development Internship'Pro l-g'?"- ' : $402:2.13 . ^HUNGRY? • Tri Della Pancake Breakfasl ‘February 15, 900 lo 1100 only SI •Tickets available'from .any. Tri-Dell' Limited tickets at Jhe door. Prodeeds go' “ • toward .undergraduate" scholarship For more' Information, call 343-8994, " .. ■■' . '- 2-14 : • Get Involved : Help Others . " Office ol Academic "Advising Is now rVcrgriihg* fpr' paraprolsssionsls Must-be, si least s sophomore'snd give ireer commitment Applica tion 'deadline Feb .'21 Applications available In” 164 Oregon Hall. 686 3211■ 6437 2-18. . SEX .. U .o 10 . ,M a n - O t I h e M o n I h posler/calendar lor March Available at UO Bookstore. •r . 2-13 Sky Weekly Instruction at Discount Prices Call 484-9868 _ _ HFM Mark Porter Happy 20th Birthday from the dancing "kids" 2 13 To the great officers of Delta Zeta Y’all are doing a great job. Thanks for all your dedication and en thusiasm. Love, Laura . 2 13 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERYL TUTTLE! oj i oared wa dldn l (mil ? D RHODA HOPKINS Here's the personal you're waiting for; give me a call 'cause dinner's in store! • • 2-13 ' Molly & Huck Happy Anniversary!. Love, DO Lillie Sis ' ' . . ' •' •’ 2 13 TALKING HEAD. DEAD - KENNEDYS. Bowie Bauhaus and more 14 99 each, record or cassette Diana s-Discount * Zone Smith Family Building* upstairs . ■ ■ ■ . 2-14 St 99 EARRINGS LAST WEEK f Quali ’ ty!- Fashionable! Bizarre! 'Hurry! DIANA'S. Smith'- Eamily Building. Upstairs,' * • •_••_2-14 PAST LIFETIME REGRESSIONS 120 Astrology chin readings S30 What-is your Kirmic. destiny’ Call. Tom' 343-3009 : ' 5898'ttri ** IX • Sock and blow • andeverdear punch sure made for