1 Continued from Page 9 southern country to work on our non-existent tans. (The sun doesn’t shine very often in Holland.) We also are planning a trip to the Soviet Union and will visit Berlin at the end of this term to study East-West relations for eight days. Of all the different countries I’ve been to, however. I still prefer to study in Holland. The country is centrally located, making traveling to other places of interest (Paris, London. Copenhagan) much easier. In addition, the people here are great — very helpful and friend ly (and most of them speak English). Another attractive aspect of studying in Holland is the relatively inexpensive cost of living. On the average, things cost about half as much here as in the United States. This makes the student budget go much fur ther when it comes to buying study-break necessities such as Heineken (about $5 a case). 1 hope I have given some in dication of what overseas study in the Netherlands has been like for us (so far). Last year when I was considering possible ex change programs. I had no idea that I‘d be here right now or that 1 would have enjoyed myself as much as I have in the past five months. But even though 1 feel fortunate in being here at Ni jenrode studying business. I think it‘s the change from typical university life and riot just the specifics of the program that I value so much. . ’ By Ricli Martz IFC releases money for van The Incidental Fee Committee last week approved the release of $13,470 from an ASUO reserve account for the purchase of the first van for the ASUO Rape Prevention Project. Earlier, the committee had agreed to put $22,000 in reserve for the purchase of two shuttle vans. The committee added a stipula tion that one of the two vans be accessible to handicapped students. IPX' Chair James Randall requested an in terpretation from the ASUO Constitution Court as to whether the Rape Prevention Project violates a section of the ASUO constitution ° that says activities supported- by mandatory student fees shall not be denied on .the basis, of .sex.-'The shuttle vans are for. the exclusive use of women .on campus, and some, members of ■' the IFC have, charged that the .project.- is ■ discriminatory. " *'.• The projected income from student foes for the 1986-87 school year was set at $2,779,605 by Ralph Sunderland, budget director, last week. During the first week of IFC budget hearings this term. $26,145 was allocated to various programs. In early budget hearings last term. $4,618 was allocated, leaving the committee a total of $2,748,842. The budgeting process started last week and is expected to continue through April \ Other budgets approved last ■ week were': Amazon Community Tenants Council — ' $1,001; Solar Energy Center —$1,269'. .Reper: tony Dancers — $.1,669; Amazon Cooperative o ° Childcare Care Ce.nter$1.1,PO^ -l’oopie and ' the'Oregon Coast — $699; Minority I jivy Stu (lent- Association -r-'$'2,’4tiEO; Chinese Student: Association.^- $3,896; and.the Undergraduate- • ■ . Econoihic Association °$3|3. . ‘ -° ■»; . 1 1 . - CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Ollic*, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Coon tar EMU Main desk PAYMENT: A«l ads must be patd for in advance unless a billing arrangement has bean established For billing ar rangaments. please call IS* 4H3 or slop by the Emerald Classified office 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents par word lor the first day and 14 cants per word for con secutrve days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is *1.70 tar the first tneerttan and 11.40 tor con **“ 9-POINT (Sl/tine) 12-POINT (*125rttnei 18 POINT (*lS0«ine) 24 POINT (*1 TSfline) BOX BORDER S1.25/day DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: SS.dO/Inch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 2S« DEADLINES UNE ADS: 12 nodn the day before publication DUPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS: 12 noon two days before publication The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (September June) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August) ERRORS: The Oregon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion The ODE'S liability for typographical er rots, incorrect insertions, or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges concerning portion of space reflecting •he error Computers AMIGA COMPUTER SALE! Save SSOO-WOO 25% off to college and faculty only See the amazing new Amiga at Software Express- your local authorized dealer Phone 342 1298 Located next 8 Yaftey River. 9294:2-13 For Sale JVC TURNTABLE and cartndoe E» cetlent condition $50'465 43So keep trying• ' ■ ■ 2 14. ROUNOTRIP UNITED AIRLINES ticket • Good anywhere in continental U S.E» plies March 31 Call Chitst.na 4$4 2B03 •> . ' .. M3; COMPLETE BIOLOGY LAB technician'^ - Ml with cabinet and microscope. 1350' - Cafl 345S341 .2 1* . FENDER MUStCMASTER SHORT sc We ■ bass Pre-CBS Orig custom finish. S200 firm Celt 344 9651 leave message'2 t7 Buy a Sell THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy-SeM-Trade Musical instruments', stereo.’ toms. Photographic and Backpacking » . ° Equlpemant *. • • 361 W: 5th. Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPtST . .Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set" Grad approv' ed Near campus 344075# 4961 ItriV WORD PROCESSING. GUARANTEED ■ 5 blocks to UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 465-3883 • ~ r . - - , • -49A2MWH , Ward Proceseing/Typmg .15 plus yea:-,. eipen’ence Papers dissertations editing, mass mailings' Micro casetie . transcription ’ pickup and delivery. Call ’ Carole at 6860963 • • ; 4938 tin typingjeoiting " • Call Sara 6860.739. ’ ■ . SSBftljBJHF EXCELLENT TYPIST, GracHiale school approved 20 years eipbrience > Call. Owls, 464 1094,' - ..49S8UH. “ CAROLYN’S OOAUTY TYPING . * Graduate approved ‘specialising-in ‘all • typing needs. Cad, Carolyn Sherret anytime 344 7231’ .4979 kfF . TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING A EDITING Resumes. Papers. Theses Otssene ’ ■ lions Graduate School approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 4*5-1473 _' ’ 5685 Hn. ’ WORD PROCESSING BY KAREN. F.r'ee draft 31/page 6833117.. ° - 6441 tin • .255 East 18th ' 343-096* (Dynamic Typing Service! 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U ot 0*Pam.345 7829 ' ' ' ‘ • s _ • . .. 63493*n . .RESUMES' PROEESSIONAlCY PREPARED. 'Evenings 5 weekends by . appt ° Parkstone Company 344 1226, Visa 6 Mastercard 26 hour service 2 21 ' WORD .PROCESSING , Term papers' thesis- * manuscripts, resume* cor, raspondertp# mall- 'itslsdabeis ate. Open dally 12 306 pm Saturday by ap‘ pointment Tha Floppy Disc,' 34549*) . ■ - 2*22 PROFESSIONAL0- TYPINU, Retired UO. secretary, IBM: Cofrsrcling . Salaclnc Fast * Accurate'' 344*5656 . 2014 . v V.- Typlng)Editing .* • : # Fast ProtassionN..’ctosa clo U ol O o 65356396" ‘ 2 24 • WORD PROCESSING/TYPING' • AffordahieiE* cedent. » Rulhann 3444)436 2-17 Sound Systems JIM’S ELECTRONICS * stereo Repair • 5 - ■ 1457 W 6th 3437863 . Monday-thru Friday 9 am 6pto Saturday, 6 a m 1 pm - U :-A-3148 Mf-M JBL L-46 SPEAKERS. Plcrnair ricaJver 5X6 Pioneer' deck- CT.OR. BSR equalizer All lor 5375 484 4246 '213 Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK . 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NEIGHBORS T6ia i* your ol pal El Monly Slim . doitp her* at Wide. Track Kdnda in • Wilmington And hay* I got a deal lor youllT This RED 187S VW BEETLE is |0»l waitin' Ice you to drive ar- oma New tire*', chains AM/FM caaseii* Whewee and what 'a deal lor ydu •Reduced, not 20 Not. 50' BUT 75*4 this weak only ONLY *1100 or basl oiler .Call Russ hi 888 4381 days or 888-8387 *»*nmgs and keep trying fin ' Travel SINGAPORE $705 Round Trip details at Campus.Travel Center EMU ■ ' _ 8434:2-14. _ FLY TO THE SUN DURING.'. SPRING BREAK f SKI SUN > VALLEY ; : For as little as ... Campus-Traval Center, EMU . Help Wanted CRUISE SHIPS HIRING I ilftMOOOO . Carribean HAWwI.Wif'td.'eail.ldf guide,; cassette., newseervtee* 1916) -.944 4444 . Xuot.egoncruise . . •-.jr-'j ; t AIRLINE HIRING-BOOM I HU Stewardesses '#ser.elioniit»' Gall lor Quid* ■ cassette.'newsservice (916i 944 4444 XUAWI78 . . 228. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING* StASJO OOO Cerrrbean Hawaii World* XaU» lot Cide .cassette newsservice I9i6l 4-4444 K9CHMA - . . : ?*1B THE ASUO IS ACCEPTING appricetioii* ■ lor *98#' ASUO Electron Committee There-are live stipend.'posilionis.'' boa chair lour members.-Trie Committee-is responsible lot all aspects of,I he* ASUO elections this.Spring'Please apply" in Suite 4 EMU try's pm Mon Feb' ir The . ASUO-it an:Affirmative' Action/Equal Opportunity. Employer „ 6403 2 14 LAWBCHbOLNEEDSwirkStudy' student with .good clerical 1 skills ' variety of-tasks./ttesibie hours .Call 384/ -. 64X12 13 . "gain leadership experience" Yhe'ESCAPE Field Studies' Program will be . accepting* applications lot .the following positions, for Spring Tarm ■ Arinlir eticma pieces Nu r Applications due by Public Schciols Asst • Division-Heed 2/13/86 Outdoor School.- ■ Division. Mead 2/17*86 Retreat Coprdlnalor 2/20/86 Publicity; and Rer ruiimer.l -Coordinator 2/24/86 Registration Coordlnalor 2/27*86 .Office Meneger 3/3/86 Job descriptions end: application packets lor ell positions ere available in the ESCAPE office. Milt; EMU For more- Tnto'rmaUd.n .'cell 686 4 351 ESCAP.E is*an allirmativs action, equal opportunity employer 6432 2 13 1 .- _ •THE ASUO 18 ACCEPTING appHtjanona to* Evanu Ccot'dinaiot.. Monthly »ti. band ofcSt/S ofwotk'atydy Tha. coo* •'dmalbi o*gwm ASUO kympoaia, Spt •' ■. • tng Slraal Fair**.- Brown" Bag '.Lacluta . ■ • aartaa 0 and. olhat A5UO avwni.ijob ■ daact»plK»>» and aopticpliona avatlabin • V #1 Sulla 4 1 MU' Apply by 5 pm T uaada, .* ’ Bob 18. • *■ .• • 6405 jjev ■> IMMEOIATE OPENINOPAOOFAUN NER PoalHon'anlaH* daM»a«ng-eop*Sa. • ol adyartiaatnanti lo cManli m ihacom. . miinttV' t|tou*» ttaiibia' Poaitionrcoyid. ,laad lb mora advpncad advancing work • includin')) .■»gt*«.‘.’maHiatl*i3r and , copyiyiitingiaa-'tima'.aHo**'-Mu*i hava. tauabla I laokport ationi'ARPLY 'AT;THE ■ EMERALD RECEPTION DESK ». JQp ..ititu jiSfri'.--* '.J, • ' , , • LOOKING FOR THE BEST part lime : yob arbund? Find oul about bo* Iba Naval Raaama can’matia a big dant m lha .cbal ot yout adubatibn'.Bontiada Raaa'rva Gl am. High, paying part lima loha Gan Jack- M2 W* ti*4i J 13 EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR - WANTED Tha Otago* Dally .Emarald *• looking toraninj.onttad i«au*'con«:iou» par' » aorilp arrtla aditotiala ,Pa»on'muai bp. willing .|p" work .long .bout* and aajuma much, rnaponstbwty on'kay pact. ot'.papa* .' Poaillob- it non' workaiudy • Application! jjgg a |Ob daacnption ara;avatlabla al tha ODE otlicaVRoom-yoo ;emu 'DaadHna*to* ... application ^la^ Wad Kab t9. Tha Emarald'-ta -an' Equal .Opportunity jEmptoya*_?l9l PANT TIME RETAIL SALES clafknabd ad lot. na* =ca*tipvi» Ipah'lon jawalry boullqua. Apply ln“ppf*bnl Fab V2lh at 9 4(n • 1340.’ Aldar (ibova Gian wood) B> my raauma'or.writtan job hlaldfy-. .2 14 WORKSHOP. INSTRUCTORS'NEEDED Tha SEARCH Qllica ja looking lot'pad pla willing'and abla lo'ahara.than anpai tlaa It ,yoji|i« aniataalad.in.iaachlrtg a Spring* tatm workthop; comic,) ua at EMU' M1.I0. Of call; B8S>30S ’The daadiina lor Spring Tarm workshop pro posaU February 20 a! '■ pm iua <. ia Apply tor;' '. Contemporary :Itsues Coordinator - with tK» ‘ "• \ Cultural Forum Baadlma Wadnaaday ;F.ab IStb Xe pticallonn avaiiabla' in lha 'Cultural F.otum’Ottic.*. ‘Sulla 2, EMU S424 2 19 Doonesbury iOU SEE, MICHAEL. UHLE I7'P 0E6HEAT TO SELL A Few pieces ton/eht, me | main mm is Toeerptccep AFTERTHAT, nS JU5TA MffTTEKOF OOUEOCR EXPOSURE WHEN YOUR. KALE* sens A WORK 0YAN ESTAB LISHED ARTIST, HE THROWS IN ONE OF TOURS T06ET YOUR NAME AROUNP WTTHtN A MATTER OF WEEKS. YOU'VE GOT PROSPECTIVE BUYERS FROM MAJOR MUSEUMS COMING TO YOUR STUM TO WATCH YOUR PAINTINGS WHILE THEY PRY. WHAT'S THAT CALLED? BY GARRY TRUDEAU FRENCH DIP SANDWICH Au Ju\ On Fresh French Bread Served. With Potato Salad Only *1.95 Ref >2 15 Ol«T Mon Thur 5:01) 10 OflprM lor ( oiler tk Puirm COMh ON UP