Sweet Offerings For Your Valentine. Fenton & Lee chocolates 135 East 13th M-Sat. 10-5 343-7629 P-~ g™ 1177 PEA RL 485 2005 Sweetheart Sale MANICURES * Women’s.-....$8°° Men’s ...... ® 70<> Sculptured Nails, reg. $30.00.^.®25°° For appmamems or qtuvums call juiie u 48S-200S. High Quality, Men 's I: COPIES 3* All Day ★ Every Day Collating Binding Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 shopsave ■a™. 1 'Em FOOD CenTBRSESSES* W 7th GRAND OPENING! thru1?. BUT SAVINGS GOOD AT BOTH STORES NESTLE SEMI SWEET MORSELS 12 oz pkg no limit $1 69 ECHO SPRINGS COTTAGE CHEESE 48* Pint no limit FRIDAY, 14th & SATURDAY, 15th 11a.m. TO 5p.m. HOTDOGS & BUNS 4/$1 amo f*a nm MARINA BATH TISSUE 69* no limit 17 Coburg Road FRIENDLIEST SERVICE AROUND AND OPEN 24 HOURS. The Big Y 2175 W 7th Prices good Feb 12th thru 18th. CALENDAR: Feb. 12 (Wednesday): GYMNASTICS — Oregon State at Gerlinger Annex, 7 p.m. Feb. 14 (Friday): WOMEN S BASKETBALL - San Jose State at San Jose. Calif., 7:30 p.m. MEN’S BASKETBALL - Washington State at Pullman, Wash., 7:30 p.m. GYMNASTICS — Washington State, Stanford and California at Pullman, Wash. Feb. 15 (Saturday): GYMNASTICS — Spokane Community College at Spokane, Wash., 7 p.m. Feb. 16 (Sunday): WOMEN’S BASKETBALL - California, Berkeley, Calif., 3 p.m. MEN’S BASKETBALL — ‘ Washington at Seattle, Wash., 2 p.m. OUTDOOR PROGRAM: Feb. 12 (Wednesday): VIDEO NOON — The latest adventure videos featured each Wednesday at lunch. Outdoor Proflram office, 12:30 p.m. VIDEO NIGHT - The fourth of a series of movies ranging from sailboarding to skiing each Wednesday night. This week: sailboarding. 138 Gilbert, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13 (Thursday): SKI DAY — Trip sheets for a day of skiing go up every Thursday to various day trips. Outdoor Program office. Feb. 17 (Monday): PAKISTAN — A slide show of tom Bauman’s recent climbing expedition on Ogre 2 in the Karakorum range. 177 Lawrence Hall, 7:30 p.m. RECREATION AND INTRAMURALS: EVENTS: Racquetball Doubles: Entry deadline: Feb 14. Start: Feb. 15 RESULTS: BASKETBALL: Monday. Feb. 3: Air Lodge d. IFelta Thigh. 89^65 Men's II: • Raiders d. Serenity Lane Demons. Forfeit The Runs d. Phi Psl I. 66-50 Finadened. MARVI, 59-55 Theta Chi B d SAE IV, Forfeit Rocky V d. B-52s, 60-43 Vanilla Wafers d. Misfits of Science. 63-30 Kappa Sigma II d ATO, 30-29 Sigma Chi II B d. Busting Bombers, 54-41. Let's Just Win d. Blue Thunder. 59-53 Men's HI 4 Dorm Helicals d Net Flux. 53-46 ■ Brick HouSfid, Droplocks, 56-46 Penguins d •:King James■ II 4 Disciples, 54-40 Women; Spankers d. The Grand Stems, 34-22 Tuesday. Feb. 4: ’ Men’s i: - tQ M Train IV d Sigma Nu A. 59>-44 Eliminators "The Truth”" d -Straight Shots, 73-55 - Meal Wagon d Warriors, 78-36’ Men’s II: °Arc Shots d Bices Brothers, 34-33’ Beja Destroyers d Phi Psl II. 54-33° Frosty Poimders tf, Sweetser Surgeons. 46-43 High Whites d Enigma Nu's, 48-44 • Suicldais d Atomic Dogs, 46-35 Men 's III 4 Dorm Fear & Loathing d. Casuals,.47-40 Women: Diggers d Pol Pounders, 63-22 C6ed • • » C.G s Only Hope d. Biohazard, , 44-21 Wednesday. Feb, 5: Men ’s I; j Blazing Potatoes of Death a. Team Chad, 82 57 ' New Edition d. terminators. 66-51 Sigma Phi Epsilon I d .Theta Chi A, ' 5055 PDT I d Sigma Nu A. 69-60 Betas d N.A.F. Albacore, 7047 ' Men 's II: Learned Hands d. Penumbras, 36-23,. Caswell d Beta Eliminators, 42-28 Lambda Chi Alpha A d. Sigma Phi Epsilon II, 58-39 Big Time Major Dudes d. Ducks tor Bucks, 54-35 SAE II d. Let'i Just Win, 63-36 The Hooters d The Gitballs, 5547 MARV! d.,Army ROTd, 45-41. Continued from Page 2B ' players." At the Mirage Bowl In Tokyo. Japan where the Ducks met ' USC. Yonan felt that there was an added sense of comraderle between the Oregon players and the rally. During warm-ups, • Yonan threw passes for tailback Eugene King while safety Doug Judge defended. "That wouldn't happen at Autzen, but over there. It was an example of showing the players some real support. I think they appreciated that.'-' Support is the key term, that s the purpose of the cheerleaders. Last friday. rally adviser Mike Maulding saw men's basketball coach Don Monson preparing for the Civil War tilt, walking around with a piece of athletic tape on his forehead — a la Jim McMahon — with the words BE POSITIVE" on It. Saturday night, as the OSU game was about to begin, the cheerleaders each wore replicas of the Monson attire emblazoned with the same message. The players all smiled and Monson was laughing. INTERNSHIPS : can give you the- ^ edge in the career race. The Career Development internship Program, has internship opportunities; for juniors and seniors! with majors or minors in the College; of Arts and Sciences. Opportunities include: r~‘ MARKEUNG/SALES •Eugene Hilton . . •Springfield Downtown . " Association '.. V • •Eugene/Springfield Visitors and Convention Bureau •Kaufman's COMPUTER RELATED •AlphaHealthCare •Switchboard AWHiiiaf RESEARCH/ "• •Metro Partnership * .'Corrections Dept. • ■ < .• *M. Damien Publishing •' »City of Eugene: Purchasing Building Envision CQUNSEL1NC;/R ELATED •Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation •Corrections Dept •Family Mediation Services PUBLIC RFLATIC •Sacred Heart •Lane Regional Arts Council •Red Cross •Eugene Symphony •United Way PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT •City of Eugene: Intergovernmental Relations Transportation Police/Fire Position Descriptions are in 221 Hendricks Hall, sign ups begin Feb. 10.