Another sweet, sweet defeat Saturday night a sellout crowd of i 10,099 piled into McArthur Court in an- ' t lei pat ion of a happening that hasn’t oc curred since 1979. No it is not the second coming of Jim my Carter, or a roll-hack in consumer In dex prices. What the crowd was hoping ; to see was the Oregon Ducks beat those lough guys from up the highway — the Oregon State University Heavers. Well it didn’t happen, end after 15 straight losses at the hands of those dastardly looking fellows In orange and black it might teem to an Oregon basket - ball fan that it is not meant to be, The frustration of the whole matter didn’t mar an otherwise enjoyable even ing. as those who went to the game worn treated to an exciting and well-played . Pec-10 basketball “game.; ' The fans also received a surprise when they got to their seats in McArthur Court a green and yeliow pompon. The pompons helped the fans root for the home team and alsd turn Jho Hit into a sea and gold. J • It seemed only fitting that the fans have a chance to show their allegiance to their favorite team. - especially as the game was a sort of homecoming for the Webfoots. .who hadn't played-at home; since Dec 21. ’.‘It was kind of nice to-come home and . see all those green pompons." Oregon, guard Kick Osborn said. “It is'to trad we couldn't win the game for them," . Well, if the law of averages.ever cat ches up to this heated series, we just might; get to see the good guys win sometime iii the near future. Oregon fans got a surprise when they arrived at McArthur Court Saturday night — a green and yellow pompon of their very own. The rally better watch out. I ho picture Bays it all as Oregon coach Don Monson and his troops feel the disappointment of losing .15 straight. Text by Robert Collias ‘ Photos by Ross Martin and Karen Stallwood ■ - 1 ' '" r¥ aitiin Oregon's Rick Osborn and OSU Darryl Flowers (leftI and Tyrone Miller took time out to practice their dance steps. «»»> A sellout crowd of 10.099 came in with hopes of the first Oregon win since 1979. but alas they went home disappointed. ferry Adams trios to scoop the ball off the floor as Oregon's Keith Halderston (52) ends OSU’s Paul Weakley look on.