Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1986, Page 4A, Image 4

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Dollar cost of AIDS estimated
CHICAGO (AP) —The cost of the nation's
first 10,000 cases of AIDS will come to more
than $6.3 billion in hospital fees and lost in
come, says a study thought to be the first to
estimate the economic impact of the deadly
Researchers were not trying “to put a
dollar figure on a Ufa. which seems kind of
heartless, but (to show) that this is a loss that
everybody shares," said public health
specialist Ann Hardy of the national Centers
for Disease Control in Atlanta.
"it's not just these health-care costs that
are important, but we’re losing people in the
prime of tbeii lives." Hardy, who led the
study, said in a telephone interview.
More than 90 percent of AIDS patients are
between 20 and 49. she said
"The first 10,000 patients with AIDS will
lose approximately 8,387 years of work and
$189 million in potential earnings due to
disability," said the report in today's Journal
of the American Medical Association.
Lost earnings due to early death were
calculated at $4.69 billion. All lost-income
estimates were determined using 1980 data.
The first 10,000 cases of acquired immune
deficiency syndrome had been reported to the
CDC by May 4, IMS. By Monday, the total had
risen to 18.138, with 8.220 deaths.
“We estimated that approximately
$147,000 is being expended for the hospital
care of each patient with AIDS,” researchers
Estimated hospital costs may be high, they
said, because data on total time spent in
hospitals came only from New York, where
AIDS patients may spend more time in
Still, the hospitalteation estimate is good
enough to be compared with totals for other
ailments — $1.8 billion for lung cancer and
$8.7 billion for motor-vehicle injuries in 1980.
the latest year for which good data are
available. Hardy said.
The AIDS hospitalization figures are bas
ed on 198.1 and 1984 data, she said.
A Series of Lectures at the University of Oregon:
Jan 22 "Affinities of Art & Politics: Gilt by Association'
Dr. Judith Balfe • 4:30pm EMU Forum Rm.
Feb 19 "Reshaping Policy for Arts Education:
A Response to Our Cultural Dilemma.
Dr. Ralph Smith • 4:30pm EMU Forum Rm.
Mar 5 "Art and the Public Interest'
Dr. Edward Banfield • 7:30pm Gerlinger Lounge.
Sponsored by the Department of Art Education with support from the Cultural Forum.
Political Science, Architecture & Allied Arts Oepts.
Apartheid protesters
praise Bishop Tutu
ing signs and chanting their
theme phrase, "Freedom Yes!
Apartheid No!" more than 300
protesters ignored freezing
temperatures outside the South
African Embassy to extend a
warm welcome to Bishop Des
mond Tutu.
Tutu, winner of the 1984
Nobel Peace Prize and a symbol
of the anti-apartheid movement ,
praised the demonstrators
Wednesday for their role in try
ing to force change in the white
ruled nation.
"Freedom is coming to us in
South Africa — black and
white.” the South African cleric
said, adding that protests are
“undermining the morale of the
perpetrators of apartheid.'*
In South Africa! he said.
"Peaceful demonstrations are
virtually impossible.".
In Washington, daily pro
tests.- which culminated in the
arrests of ritore than 3,000 peo
ple. took place outside the em
bassy between Thanksgiving *•
1984 and the same holiday .in
1985. The demonstrations are .
now held occasionally.
Tutu’s visit to the nation's*
capital came during a three
week trip to the United States to
raise money for his .Southern
Africa. Refugee Scholarship
Fund and the Bishop Tutu
Refugee Fund. .
Portland fire investigated
PORTLAND (AP) —A 20-minute delay in activation ofa fire
alarm system contributed to the deaths of four people in a New
Year's Day blaze In an apartment building, a preliminary investiga
tion shows.
In addition, if the Hollywood Hast apartment building had
automatic sprinklers throughout instead of only where city code re
quired them when the 15-story structure was built, no one may.
have died; City Fire Marshal Robert Hayden said Wednesday.
Hayden said he would request a city ordinance requiring that
all high rises in Portland be equipped with sprinklers throughout.
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