Heating help available for low-income households I the program, he says White says the program will operate on a $1,6 million budget provided by the Department of Health and Human Service* for 1686. I .one County receives 10 percent of Oregon’s total budget of $24 million, which is down $2 million from last year, he says While the budget has decreased, the demand for help has not. Although about 8,750 households received assistance last year, more and more people are requesting aid. White says :t3 percent of last year's clients were new applicants, and he expects the same situation this year. Households who fail to qualify for IJEAP may be able to receive assistance from several alternative pro grams. The Cos Assistance Program (GAP), which operates through Northwest Natural Cas provides aid for gas heating crises with u $10.000 budge! a lima led from IJEAP, Two programs operating through the Salvation Army, one in Eugene and one in Springfield, consider other expenses, such as medical bills and family emergencies, when screening applicants The Eugene Public Utility District (EPUD) spon sors Project Helping Hand, which is funded through donations from ralepayer*. Households can receive up to $125 in aid. says Debbie Childs. EPUD credit representative. Childs says the project will operate on a $2,000 budget this year. A similar program sponsored by the Springfield 1 Utility Board (SUB) provides up to $125 in assistance but applicants must have received a shut-off notice from their utility company in order to qualify for aid. says a Salvation Army employee. The Project Share program is funded through a $5,000 donation from SUB. • rT -■ ' ■ . ••• MEETING'S .*■* The ° International Studies Association ineels today,at .5:30 ' jj, it) in KuohftiOB PtiWo begin * V planibinactivities..All students . . aria ehcouragpd to’attend” v.‘ Mortar Board will meet today •v at •&p'rii.. in Century.' Room r \ v" ' ' Prel* K Service Club will hold its first.meeting tonight.at . .7 p m. in CeOtury .Rodm A.; All interested.persons welcohie • ...» -• •V v ■ o*. • • •* ••. *«...• : •• ■,■ - .;• LBCnJkss . ■ • ■ "Trade Deficits and the • ■ Dollar: A ihjS. or World Pro bleni?,;': ii.t'he topic of » let-tiire Friday -at. noon Jn Room 101 EMU by-Prdfesabr M-ic’hael Hut . ch.ison, l-ir\iveniily OjFCalifornia, ,. Santd (Iruz.’-ahd . consultant. FederalReserve Bank of San Francisco. . • - • "Multicultural Education: • Why Does It Matter?" will be ihe toplcof a'lecture tonight at;7 p ni. tit the (iiiiiltal Presbyterian Chun:h. 1475.Ferry'St. A panel of Eugene public school teachers will discuss the defi ciencies of a mono-cultural r. education. Event-sponsored by CJergy and; Laity (Concerned Free Childcare will lx- provided "(•tits and Holts: An In . . I reduction to Building Systems ■« • Integration,”'is the topic of a ■ • lecture by Richard. Kush, direr: .tor of technical information for the. American institute of Ar chitects. The silde-iHustrated talk, to Ik! held in boom 107 latwreftca Hall at 8 pm. will fujcuiCorW-iow opportunities for t f o .«» . o S o ° ■ ° t <• ’ ' -integrating 'liullciinx systems'; T|t,0‘ CbriaMati Science' Organization will sponsor a freelecture oh. ‘.‘Aojiv t ng jaud■ Reaping A Hihlica) Model, for individual/.Grp'Wth.’.'/.in the EMI I Fprvim KtHHii Ukluy at 4; 30 Pitn.‘ Eaculiy, staff and: students • an* invited'to attend..- ' : MISCELLANEOUS Sociology credit is available for being an undergraduate research assistant, (lain valuable' .exp'eflonce doing research Stop bythd Sociology Peer Advising office; Room 709 - PIX:.,for more information. On-campus internships of fer great opportunities to gain job* relaxed stills and e* perience; for < red it. - Slop by t he (heCampus Inlernsli ip Program offico in Room 304 Oregon Hall or-tiall 086/3216 to set up an in ternship for winter term! lttHti-H7 Financial Aid Forms are now available in the Office of Student Financial Aid. Room 260 Oregon Hall All applica tion materials must bo received by March 3. 1986; for priority consideration. For more infor mation. call OBO-3221. The applications for the tieneral University Scholarship Program are now available in the Office of Student Financial Aid Room 2tftfOregon Hall. All applications must be received by Fob 14. 1988 INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inter views Monday through Wednesday each week. Room WILLAMETTE PASS SKI PROGRAM AND • . - EUGENE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT TOWN SERIES SKI LEAGUE competitive league: Friday evenings 7 • 10pm Jan. 17 • Feb. 28; $125/team recreation leaoue Sunday afternoons 12 • 4pm Jan. 19 ■ Feb. 23; $100/team REGISTRATION EPRO OffiCS 777 High St. Suite 102 deadline: January 13, 1986 More information call EPRO at 687-5360 ###########» 244 -I lend f icks-Ha 11. Jhu follow ing .redruiters'wiU bw'on campus • Viext'week (for- interviews -with .v-nq tn tf’e.t i n g ''„t i.°m« i° -ca 11'/ , •> Ian. 13:.l!SI)A forest Service? ! RegidnTfr--rf?Ciroup meet iiig::7 •p.niwRopm 412. EMy.s ■' 'f'::' |an. 15: Hewlett Packard .. ." (Factory./Fieid mktg Sales;-;GS Research and: Devejopment/In formation.Systcm/EDpj:. v . fan. 2lr22:; Qenera't Mills '• (salqs'rep)-. v;;".>.I\ \’ !’»>'>*/''• ° *’ * fan. 21: Meier & Frank — Open House: 10 a.nr >3 p.mv. fieri ihger Lounge; Molatore, ’Gprbert. Rusth & Co. (staff iccl); Rollins leasing Gorp (Branch admmJRentk! agent); United Financial Systems (account executive). " , • ’ fan. 22: U S Federal Bureau «»’f Investigation f special a g „e n t./ J a n g u a g e sptx ialist researt h analyst) Jan. 2 3; If,. S. Internal Reyn,hue, Service Group meeting only: 1:30 p.m.. Room 109 KMU,' fan. 23-24: LJSDA Forest Ser vjee. Region ti (internship/coop educ. program — comp spec/land arch/criminal in ves/persofinel mgmt/acct /con tract spec/fiscal mgmt/public inform spec/comm spec). Deadline for submitting Ft als Workshops Winter 1986 Woodworking, lewelry at the Craft Center Ground Floor EMU OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Pottery, Photography, Weaving & Fibers, Bike Repair & More! Use your head and your hands! ; EMU Craft Center 10% off on the purchase of supplies, (rsn-pl silver) • coupon npire* 1-24-8b COME CHECK OUT OUR $2 BUCK Introductory Workshop Specials! Paop Q to the’Emerald-’front defsk. EMU. ■ Su'ijfe 300, ' is-’ riioon the day iiefo'h; publication. Et als arc run jonjy once.! depending upon . s pace a v a i l a h i l.i ty: E ve (it s w i t h a - » 111 ■ # . •.8 o ’ ■ •• ® _ » donation br admission c,harge v will-not be considered. Event? • • occyrririg nearest the publica tion date, anti campus-oriented events, will be given priority. & Yogurt Shop jg, fy.rj tjtj r> ry r r xp r ry r r, r r. r r c r: c ® -*---i-*—3 MOW OREM! 6 Yogurt Flavors & Fresh Fruit Toppings Yogurt hardpachs $2.50 Soups ★ Candy * Soft Drinks Coffee ★ Pastries COMET SPECIAL FREE TOPPING vu/yogurt purchase eKpiration 1/12/86 Watch For Grand Opening! featuring: THE ULTIMATE Id FROZEN YOGURT