P|zza continued from Page 16 make a pizza tasty, you will get people to come back. “Once we get people’s atten tion, I think we can keep it," he says. Tino’s Spaghetti House. 1491 Willamette St., also believes that pleasing the customer is the best defense against other restaurants that offer similar services, says Steve Adkins, a dinner cook at Tino's. But he says the establishment he works for is different from the others because it will recom mend other delivery places if Tino’s is too busy or unable to make a delivery for some reason. Gld Town Pizza, at 174 E. Broadway, will formally enter it’s hat into the delivery ring in February, says Greg Theisen. one of the restaurant's employees. Still, he says he doesn't think this will change the way Old Town does business or will turn it into a heavy competitor for delivery dollars. "We’ve always been able td attract people with the quality of our food and our at mosphere." he says. Although competition has become commonplace in the past few years. Peter Goodale, the owner of Pizza Pete’s Italian Kitchen, says he use to have the field to himself. Good ale says that five years ago his restaurant, at 2673 Willamette St., was the only one in the area that delivered pizza and other Italian food, leaving him most of the business on campus. Things changed quickly, however, with the economic recession of the late 1970s and the opening of the first Domino's Pizza in the area, he says. "When Domino's came in to town other places saw a market for it (home delivery) attain." Goodale says. "Right now I'm trying to compete with all the other places that deliver." he says. "I don’t get much dorm business now. but I’m trying to change that." And so the race continues. ... ... •’koto by Kara* Stellwoad Most restaurants agree that without a' good tasting pizza they wouldn't be in competition to begin with. Food distribution held Low-income students can add some food to their cup boards today through a free cheese and butter distribution. The U S. Department of Agriculture’s distribution will tw held today at the EMU and other areas In the county. The free c heese and butter are USDA surplus commodities. The University-area distribution, sponsored by Food Organization of Distributors for Lane County, will be held in Room 101, KMl F from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The distribution is available to the general public as well as students. Those wishing to receive cheese and butter must bring a verification of their address such as a postmarked envelope with their name and addrtms on it. No pmof of income to re quired. however. To be eligible for the food, students must meet monthly gross income guidelines provided by the USDA. The guidelines are as follows: • One-person households — $569 • Two-person households — $764 • Three-person households —.$959.° • Four-persofi households ' — •$ 1.157 ° • Five-person households — $1,349 „ ’ • Six-person households $1,544 - * \ . • Seven-person households -- .$1,739 .• : • Eight-person households -- $1,934 . The Difference: One call from you sets Domino s *• Pizza in motion. From that moment on.we'do everything possible to make sure that your hot, custom-made pizza is delivered to your door-in less than 30 minutes ■' We use only thefineat ingredients, and have ogr delivery system down perfect. So you get tasty, fresh-from-the-oven pizza’ without moving a muscle1 Call Us! Eugene 683-7325 1856 E. 13th Avenue 485-5675 2260 W. 18th Avenue 461 -0842 1580 North Park 344-2904 1566 Coburg Road Sheldon Plaza Hour*: 4:30pm-1:00am Sun.-Thurs. 4:30pm-2:00am Fri. 8 Sat. Menu' , All Pizzas Include. Our Special; Blend of Sauce * ° .100% Real Dalry Cheese * 9 o • \ ~ • * ° o . .. The Pile* Destroyer*’ ' • . Limited portions bf9 items • ‘ '.for theixice.of 5 ’ .• • . -Pepper oni.’Mushrooms,. %, ■ ' . BlacK Olives,"Ground . ‘ •. Beef,pniorto. Sausage, Grden Peppers, Ham • ° . ape) Extra Cheese • • •' 12” Price Destroyer*,* 940 . 16" Price Destroyer* $ 13.eo Domino’s Deluxe 5 items for the price of 4; o Pepperoni, Mushrooms. Onions, Green Peppers and Sausage • * 12” Deluxe *8,58 16” Deluxe $12.35 Our Superb Cheese Pizza 12" cheese *5.15 16" cheese *7.35 S-: • ■ V V ' • ■ . Additional items • ■ Pepper.qni?'krtushroonjs, ” Black Olives. Onions, ‘ Green.Peppdrs.,Qrpund . Beef. Sausage1! Ham, • •• . Jalapenos° Pineapple. •. : " Doubt* Cheese’4 Extra ' • : Thick Cruiat v.* “ - ’*• •' *; T?} pizza85 per item 16" pizza $1 25,per item" , • Cola available. •r. °' *%■"'? •. ’ ^ Prices do not include ’ • applicablesalesdax CXir drivers carry loss’ ‘ • than $20.00. • Limited delivery anas. ’• *1986 Domino'* Pim», Inc ; . •' Get a 16" targe 2 item pizza for only $7.89! One coupon per pizza. Expires: 1-31-86 Fast, Free Delivery' Good at listed locations. N*m« Artflrm PK33S/OOE2