Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1986, Page 17, Image 17

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    Et al.
The International Studies
Association modi today at 4
p m, and Thursday at 5:30 in
Room 908 FIX' to Itegin plann
ing activities, All students are
encouraged to attend.
Men Against Rape meets
tonight at 7 in Century Room F
People for the Ethical Treat
ment of Animals is holding its
monthly meeting tonight at 8:30
at 1334 Ranch wood, Eugene.
Anyone concerned about
animal rights is invited to
"Trade Deficits and the
Dollar: A U.S. or World Pro
blem?" is the topic of a lecture
Friday at noon in Room 101
EMU by Professor Michael.
University of California, Santa
Cruz, and consultant. Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
"Multicultural Education
Why Does It Matter?" wi|1 bt
the topic of a lecture Thursday
In an article regarding thi
expansion of Sacred ' Hear
General Hospital on Tuesday
the Emerald incorre&tl j
reported that several businessei
adjacent • to -the May.flow'j*
Theatre will lie' destroyed
• Peraiandra Books .ap'd .Records
The Hair Taylors, the Stitcl
Wizard .and Syd’s Creativi
‘ .Salon, ail located east ol tin
theater, are not owned by^thi
hospital arid Will not be refiiov
ed. The-Emerald apologigesfo
-• any. inconvenience . tliis rtia;
have caused. ’! . .
■ • ■ I
• • An' Associated Press artich
appearing in Monday*!
.Emerald incorrectly quotet
• • Public Power Council Manage
■ Daniel Qgden |rv as catling U.’S
• Rep. Jim Weaver’s proposal
■ concerning the. Bonnevill'
. Power Administration* .'a bar
• “ idea. .irresponsible. totally
... outrageous." Ogden . wasna
referring . to" Weaver’ when h
made the-statement. 0
. t. " 1 s’ : • 1 .
at 7 p.m. at the Central
Presbyterian Church, 1475
Ferry St. A panel of Eugene
public school teachers will
discuss the deficiencies of a
mono-cultural education. Event
sponsored by Clergy and I-aity
Concerned. Free childcare will
be provided.
Sociology credit is available
for being an undergraduate
research assistant. Gain
valuable experience doing
research. Stop by the Sociology
Peer Advising office. Hoorn 709
PLC, for more information.
On-campus internships of
fer great opportunities to gain
job-related skilk and ex
perience for credit. Stop by the
On-Campus Internship Program
office in Room 364 Oregon Hall
or call 686-3216 to set up an in
ternship for winter term.
The applications for the
General University Scholarship
Program are now available in
the Office of Student Financial
Aid. Room 260 Oregon Hall. All
applications must be received
by Feb. 14, 1986.
Orientation sessions for the
Career Planning and Placement
Center’s campus interview pro
gram bid system will be held at
the following times. Plan to at
tend one of these sessions to
register and pick up your bid
cards if you intend to interview
0 •
with any of the campus
•Today: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in
Room 108. EMU.
Submit bids for campus inter
views Monday through
Wednesday each week. Room
244 Hendricks Hail. The follow
ing recruiters will be on campus
next week (for interviews with
no meeting time, call
)an. 13: USDA Forest Service.
Region 6 — Group meeting: 7
p.m.. Room 112. EMU.
fan. 15: Hewlett Packard
(Factory/Field mktg/Sales; CS
Research and Development/In
formation System/EDP).
fan. 21-22: General Mills
(sales rep).
fan. 21: Meter & Frank —
Open House: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Gerlinger Lounge; Molatore.
Gerbert, Rusth & Co. (staff acct):
Rollins Leasing Corp. (Branch
admin. /Rental agent); United
Financial Systems (account
fan. 22: U.S. Federal Bureau
of Investigation (special
specialist/research analyst).
fan. 23: U.S. Internal
Revenue Service — Group
meeting only: 1:30 p.m.. Room
109 EMU.
fan. 23-24: USDA Forest Ser
vice. Region jB (internship/cPop
educ; program — comp
spe.c/land arch/crimirial in
yes/personnel mgrtit/acct/con
tract spec/fiscal mgmt/public
inform .spec/comm spec).
Advertising sales apprenticeship position open at the Emerald?
Yeah, T just turned in my application. The Ad Director told me
there .are. two positions open for Spring term! It doesn’t pay
that well, but if is one sure way of gaining a sales territory in the
.‘“fall if it goes well. Lots of employers know that working for. the
seventh largest morning daily in Oregon is one of the best job
.experiences you can get while going to school.
/ bet you have to be a great communicator’, have a car and be
willing to spend time in the office; don’t you?
V Sure-you do. But, I feel it is well worth the effort required. First
I will start trainina on basicsales techniques andnetusedtoof
fice procedures, .eventually I will get to handle the really big ac
count and deal with agencies, • .
. ' HovV can I apply to be an Advertising Apprentice?
Pick up.°an application.’at the front desk of the Emerald, room
3QQ EMU.and return it by'January,15th. For more information
i s.contact Susan.Thelen, Advertising Director at 686^3712,
Get three months’
of unlimited rides
ior just $44!
Bus serwce is better than ever. Now
you can get carried away to and from
school and all over town with an LTD
Term Pass. Riding the bus isn't just
quick and easy; it's cheap!
Passes and information available at
• Customer Service Center.
10th and Willamette
• UO Bookstore. 13th and Kincaid
• EMU, 13th and University
Get carried away this term . . take
the bus!
Express Yourself!
For information call 687-5555