Oregon West -— FITNESS INTRODUCING NEW WOLFF SYSTEM 25% Off All Tanning Packages •membership not requlred * Qualify to win a one week trip to Hawaii with the purchase of any tanning package. BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am - 11pm 485* 1475 Franklin Blvd. 7 Days a Week 1624 -Across from Campus Friday seminar will address state’s role in world economy The University's Department of Economics is sponsoring a seminar focusing on Oregon and its role in the world's economy Friday at 3 p.m. at the Black Angus Restaurant. 2133 Franklin Blvd. “Oregon and the World Economy” is the theme of the two-hour seminar that will feature four expert economists, says Barry Siegel. University economics professor and event coordinator. This is the second year the department has sponsored an Oregon economics seminar, which shows people are in terested in learning more about the subject because the state is an important force in world economics. Siegel says. “Obviously Oregon is very much involved in the world economy.” Siegel says. ”We have all sorts of ties with the SHOP MARK-N-SAVE EVERY WEEK AND SAVE AT LEAST 10% ON YOUR WEEKLY FOOD BILL! QUALITY MEATS! Bona less CHUCK ROAST tlSDA Choice Star Kist TUNA l¥* oz can Oil or Water packed $137 I lb. 68* Spa PAPER TOWEL 2/ggC T.¥. CHILE 15 oz can T.¥. SALTINE CRACKERS 1 lb 49* 49* FRESH PRODUCE! Dole 0/1$ Bananas fcHrib. MILLER BEER 12 pack 12 oz cans T.¥. BLEACH Gallon BULK FOODS! PEANUTS Roasted & Salted in the Shell 79*,. ( EUGENE WAREHOUSE MARKET J EUGENE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 24 HOURS A DAY Good thru 1-U-W 3061 Hilyard world." Oregon's involvement in foreign markets and the in volvement of foreign Interests here will be discussed, he says. Joe Stone, University economics professor, will ad dress the theme in his keynote speech. Stone was on special assignment as senior staff economist in charge of interna tional trade issues for President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers in 1984-85. •Reverse Investment: Foreign Investment in Oregon,” by Thomas Kennedy, director of the state’s Department of Economic Development. Siegel will moderate a panel discussion following the presentations. He is the editor of "Money in Crisis: The Federal Reserve, the Economy and Monetary Reform." The seminar is designed for anyone interested in gaining in ‘Obviously Oregon is very much involved in the world economy... We have all sorts of ties with the world.' — Barry Siegel Other presentations include: •Oregon’s Economic Outlook.” by Ann Nolan, economist in the state Executive Department's Office of Budget and Manage ment, Nolan prepares the periodic economic forecasts of the state's economy for the governor. •"Role of the Dollar in the World Economy." by Michael Hutchison. economics professor at the University of California. Santa Cruz, and a consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. -Hutchison specializes in international monetary affaire, especially as related to the Japanese yen. 0 “ formation and perspective about world economics and is open to any University student or community member In terested in attending. Siegel says. "It’s an activity we put on to service the community," Siegel «y». ' Of the 60 people that attended last year's seminar, approx- •* innately 50 were members of Eugene’s business community, he says. . . . • Tickets are $25 by reservation .or at the door. For more infor-' mat ion and a, registration form, write the Department of" Economics or call 606-4661. Keep In l ota h With t of O! A one year subscription to the . Oregon Daily Emerald is the best deal in town*.. $30.00 a year! or only $10.00 per term • I70 rcitulat twtirt • *jx* i.il edition* • all #uft|fvtcf imuo r-- -- rimmww »no grtc« ana Of oaf lOfm to: OREGON DAILY EMERALO SUBSCRIPTIONS PO BOX JIM, EUGENE. OREGON 07403 Ericlotad la | For On# Two Tarm(t|. Entire Year. c“> /w Subscribe now. Don't miss a single issue! ARE YOUR FRIENDS WORTH 25*? The ODE Birthday Heat thinks so! U>ok us up — we’re in the classifieds. * * * *