International Killing continues in South Africa JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — Thfl white-lml government said Sunday it would retaliate against black guerrillas for the weekend land mine explosion that killed two whites, In the Zulu tribal homeland in Natal province, police said six blacks died in fighting bet ween two prominent families, the Sitholnsand Mhathas. It was not known what started the fight nearOkhukho. a mountain village about 130 miles north of Durban, said police Maj. S. Dube. Police also reported that one person was killed Saturday and another Sunday in rioting against apartheid, the nation's o system of racial segregation under which 5 (pillion whites rule 24 million blacks. "After deliberation. . th°e government will act in order to fight this Hvil,” Defense Minister Magnus Maian said of the land mine explosion Satur day near the Stockpoort border crossing with Botswana. Far-right conservatives called for “immediate military" action. The "clumsy" government "can simply no longer secure the safety of the people of South Africa," said a statement from the Conservative Party, which broke from the governing Na tional Party almost four years ago. No one claimed responsibility for the explosion, which killed a man and his daughter-in-law and wounded two other whites on a truck viewing game on a bush trail. The outlawed African National Congress, the main guerrilla group fighting apartheid. has said in the past that it planted other land mines; In other violence, police said arsonists hurled bottles filled with gasoline at a policeman’s home Saturday in a black township near Belfast, 155 miles east of lohannesburg, kill ing a black male described only "under 18." The report gave no reason for the attack, but black police often are viewed as col laborating with the white-led government. r Police said a mob killed a village chief in Cape Province early Sunday, again apparently because he was considered a collaborator. About 1,000 people have been killed in anti-apartheid violence in the last 16 months, mostly blacks killed by police and troops. Most of the other victims were blacks killed by other blacks who regarded them as collaborators. "i wr IM TUE ELECTRON(CSPCFT. UOBOOKSIDRE THE PRIVACY Fourteen privotely enclosed spas await you at Onsen Nature's own breezes will refresh you in our open-to the-sky rooms. Our warm, bubbly woter will relax you. Get to know us and close the doo* on the world for one quiet hour. ll ii ^ HOURLY HOT TUB MHTAL Tolling reservations until 11 30 p m weekdays, until 12 45 weekends .Coll 345-9048 1883 Golden Ave Eugene Marcos claims rival has communist support TAYTAY, Philippines (AP) - President Ferdinand Mar cos said Sunday that armed communist rebels were cam paigning for his rival. Corazon Aquino, and threatening to wipe nut rural villages if residents voted for him Feb. 7 Marcos did no* identify hi* sources or say where the rebels' purported voter harassment was taking place In a campaign speech U> a fishing community on the shores of Laguna de Bay lake Just outside Manila. Marcos repeated a charge that "our opponents helped organize the communists and en|ov the support of the New People's Ar my." who were allegedly threatening voter* in unspecified villages. "They say In the villages. We will be watching you and if we sec that you have voted for Marcos (In the Feb. 7 special presidential election), we will kill you all." said Marcos, speaking in Tagalog. There was no immediate comment available from Aquino However, on Saturday, while campaigning on Leyte Island 300 miles Southeast of Manila, she denied Marcos* ac cusation s that she has been seeking communist support "How can a widow whose husband allegedly was killer! by a communist now seek help from communists? I think Marcos is already a confused man." aha cald. "He must be a very tired man and I think it is time that we give him a rest." Her husband. Benigno Aquino, a former senator and Marcos' chief rival, was assassinated at Manila airport in August 1983 upon htt return from three years of voluntary ex ile in the United States: The government said a communist agent. Rolando Gaiman. killed Aquino and then was killed by security troops nuclear protestors lin West Germany HAMBURG. West Germany (AP) — Police said Sunday that 134 anti-nuclear demonstrators were arrested after they damag ed the front of a jail holding two protesters held after an earlier confrontation with police. The protest came Saturday in this northern Bavarian town. 18 miles from the site of a planned nuclear waste-recycling plant Radical environmentalists have camped out for weeks at the site in an effort to stop construction. Two protesters were jailed last week in Hamburg after try ing to stop police from clearing demonstrators’ road barricades at the construction site outside Wackersdorf village, said a police official, who insisted on anonymity. Other protesters went to Ham burg on Saturday and blocked streets, broke a window and an outdoor prison mirror and smeared anti-nuclear slogans on prison walls, the official said. The official said 134 demonstrators were arrested on suspicion of property damage and obstruction. All were released Sunday evening pen ding a court appearance at an undetermined date. No official charges were filed. Forest-clearing work is due to resume at the site this week, and police warned the pro testers they will have to vacate the area. The Wackersdorf project is West Germany's first nuclear waste recycling plant. Fsume«nrwum85H|'.ump^B5umTesresumB5rBsumnsre!,TnnnsrHsun siness cardsbusiness cardsbusiness cardsbusiness cardsbusir erheadsletterheadsletterheadsletterheadsletterheadsletterheac ricesgraphlc servicesgraphic servicesarapnlc servlcesgraphic sei ■nuatm emurn emu3QQ amu3QQ emuBQO BmuaQfl emu3QO amid ■fc • O® your education Northwest Christian College classes may meet yoouf special needs and interests. -Churchhistory.'vy ■* >: ; Small;Clares' • • .Biblical Studies •*'v.' . ' • :-Excellent.Faculty/: Biblical7Archaeology : ’ •*''* •: •. ’ % f riendly Atmosphere ' \ 7 Church. Music':-” V 1 V, \ ,'J; Spacious Docms , .... i~:7~Brblical:tan'gdjaig^l5reelc & Hebrew) ■ Rooms*’ Available •' ' Across CulturahCommunication •• • • •’"*. •• •■.. .•. Clashes are available days, evenings and weekends. NCC's school terms and class schedules coincide with the u of O’s. 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