Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1986, Page 3, Image 3

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Hospital expansion threatens
Eugene’s history and heritage
Imagine* a university a few years in the future
crowded with brick boxes 10 stories high, the
stainless steel and formica pushing out any life
any sense of where we came from. Modern office
buildings have their place. But the rule of moder
nism seems to be that everything must fall in its
wake — the old and the traditional survive only
as long as they stay out of the way of progress.
.. ’ ■ . ' ' • . o
Surely, such a monolithic future can be
dismantled Historic structures call be preserved.
. Others can tie bought. Although scattered pro
. tests after the fact have -little effect compared to
“ Sacred I teart s daily pressure, an organized effort
0 directed kf save °much° of (he-University's best
housing fdoes hoi need’.to „be a campuswide
g ° ? - -• ' * -'* • * • • *•*, CN • • * *
movement. . • - !) ■ .
!• 10 . •.*' ° ° ' "* , * o ' . •’
One historical researcher identifying arid
d(x:umeritihg a neighborhood's^ past' might con*
; vince Sacred Heart'^planners to avoid- the. most
historic;0houses sbnply$y milking the information
available. .4 'b'uiiding-scMiir to.' be designated a"
historicsite willcerlai'nly be"a poor'prospect for'
expariaUmt-*-'.-;.'?-11 V-'-'*’ V'<v*‘»*:**••
. •‘‘AtIto mo f ime» a restored hquge ndt only
commands .high rents from businesspeople arid
professionals'; (ample ultimately more beneficial'
than some corporate giant, but adds to Eugene's
heritage, attracting new people and business
while improving the quality of life for those
already here. ",p/‘••••';'.f^:*•
Sometime, this spring, Sacred. Heart Ueneral
Hospital will di'mioliidi t^e; bltXzk on .14th: Street
housing the Mayflower Theater and Tom's Tea
House to niake roenn for a medical laboratory. At
the same time, the Courtyard housing Poppi’s
restaurant will be torn down along with a few
0 t.her I o n g * e s tabli shed U riiv or s 11 y - area
To lose an entire block, its architecture and
stores that reflect probably 50 years of University
life, is a significant loss. We are expected to
balance a landowner’s right to use the land
against the need to preserve University traditions
and hugene's history — the history always run
ning a distant second.
Those buildings can never be replaced/ Once
Sacred Mean's parking°lots are built and their lab
finished, what wiU happen to those well-crafteci,
old .houses built when my grand mot Her.' a girl on
a porch swing,, was being epurted. beneath a\
harvest°biopn —."the houses with bay wthdoWs!
turrtits. wood flobrs and staineef glass?" ‘
° ,*'•”! ;vr. V°.. *.\° "• V
. More money °can lw: made'preservjhg what- is
than /:anvb«, mad&J b/ the tear-#-.
.ttoWn. throw^U^uji' mfethod..-Arid- judging:'by. the
work done ai the cofnjtrofl lth Avenue‘Wd’H’igb
Street,. hugeneV craftspeople0 — ■
pfeservihg dltl Houses " '
’skilled - in
ater: a student corporation might.be formed to
ct Sacred I leaii’s expansion plans by pur
p -Later:
direct Sacred Heart’s expansion plans by pur
chasing those houses that for some reason are ih
eligibie for Historic status By careful selection.
Sacred Heart’s growth can be directed into areas
creating the least impact on the University.
Whatever decision is ultimately made. Sacred
Hearts growth will not stop at its present boun
daries. The future inevitabfy holds more expan
sion, and unless the hospital chooses to grow up
ward. it will surely undercut University
By Robert Massey
Hubert Massey is a University student.
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