CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OIHC*. 300 EMU UO Bookator* Stamp Countar EMU Mata dask DEADLINES UNI A01 1} noon tn* day batora publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIIO AOS: 12 noon too day* batora publication Tha Oragon Dally tmsrald I* publish ad Monday through Friday during tha acadamic yaar (Saptambar Juna) and Tuaaday and Thursday during aummar suasion (Juna Augusi) SATIS: 11 cants par word tor tha first day and 14 cants par word tor con sacuthra days tha ad is run without changa Tan word minimum chops Is It.TO lor tha Hrat maartlan and 1140 lot con taculhra inaartlowa For Sale WOOLS. VINT AO* MISCHANDtSI ft par Ham SAKS. Slh A Monroa M Buy a Sell TNI BUY S SILL CCNTIS Suy*Satt*Trada Musical Instrumanis. alamo, tools Photographic and Backpacking Eouipamani 361 W. Slh. HFMSTS4 ^Instruction NATURAL MIDICINI SSLF-CAAf CLASS . . Isptom traditional maihoda or haaling in an informal atmosphars wtth.Eugana Naliiropalhlc Physician Or Andraw Einot Savon consacutiva. Thursday • avaningk starting January 9th Nagiatar now .Call 3434121 V 1 9 WANT TO LEARN GUITAR $ EARN EXTRA CREDIT ' QUALITY GROUP INSTAUCTION F.QR A* AFFOHOAAIE PRICE ONLY $2 *3 PER HOURS BEG. GUITAR v im m. .••• .*■ " TWO MOTIONS l »>H UH A 3.30-4:30 MW Bsgtnnart only Laarn lo it«mu«c, ’accompany tong* play matodres and undataland whaT'voure doing INSTRUCTOR OAVIO CAM ■' 343 4030 PREREQUISITE POR FOUOWing OAIUC CHORD FLUIDITY ROCK, JAZZ, BLUES GUITAR MuElM 3 304 30 W 1 aad guitar improvisation rhythm Itylaa chord, IKnmguM Clapton Garcia Hantlrt. Back. Mathany. Ban aorf. amt many putara INSTNUCTOA ALEX ZEOICOFF Nairn CONTEMPORARY ACOUSTIC GUITAR MUS 100 3:304 20 U r •aiming flngaritytaa. Mat picking accompammants aoloa aikda, Joni Taylot Baatlaa. Young. Dylan Kotlka Coodar. Wataon. many, othais INSTRUCTOR ALEX ZEDICOFF *0*37(1 ALL COURSES SOS FEE 3 CREDITS ; • 5003 I F SONG WRITING and IMPROVISATIONS MUS 199 3 credits MONDAY 15:30 17:20 Davalop your ability lo wrtla aonga and improviaa in lha folk, |au. and rock idloma Laarn to compoaa In lha alylaa ol Joni Miichall. Paul Simon, Flaatwood Mac. Slaaly Dan. aa wall aa lha |a/j alylaa ol Harbia Hancock. Chick Coraa. Pal Malhany, and Gaorga Banaon Laarn how lo build an Improvlaad line Davalop your own alyla la ad llnaa. appllcallona ol ap proprlala malody lo harmony, com monly uaad chorda In progression, and Ihamatlc davafopmanl will ba dlacuaaad Claaa la opan lo all Inalrumanlalista. volcallala. and non-lnalrumanlallala aa wall Knowladga ol mualc lhaory would ba halptul, but not nacassary ALEX ZEDICOFF INSTRUCTOR For more Into call SS6-3FSI __ 5893 1 7 CHILDREN’S LIT you) trip? sign up for the SEARCH clat* "Approach** to Children* Lit" May b* talian graded or pa**/no pat* 17 BEST ELECTIVES ARTS • LETTERS AMERICAN STUDIES ROCK MUSIC HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC I Blue* EM* Barry Molly Sion** Beall** Who WEO 1*30 2100 HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC II •O'* m«»i lh* SO * Dylan Mandril 8 f Sound Soul Motown Punfc/nawmutlc THURS 0 1JJ01I0C HISTORY OF ELECTRIC GUITAR GREATS Blue* Barry Clapton Handrla Pag* Carlo* Eddt* Yno*i* t Moie TUES II1O1S00 MUS 199 Ragialer Muilc Noo Mhiuaniial Add HU* court* * _ __ BBSS I IS HISTORY OF FUNK-FUSION Eaptor* lh* artitit and »tyt«A ol to day t • Jarr Funh Fusion mu*ic Everyone from Pal Melheny lo Mila* Oa»l» No musical bacagr&und fCsctaaary Taught by Cart'Woidack ol KLCC and R/AM “H*gi»l*r ai muNe labl* • ... .♦ - TUESITMURS 12001:20 •' 0 UN Mil MUS 109 1 CrwfHt . , . . 0 SPECIAL FEE: „ . . . « • • SWfcHO Services past lifetime^regressions 320 toggcliirt fMtmgi S30 "Call Tom WOMEN 111 An ongoing woman* group addressing such issues ** career. reietionsnip*. aeauality. indet»and*ncW0ep*in0*nc* Facilitator Judith rollnd**y „M A', Paychologiar Aaanciai* (Martin Acker, PhD,.- Supervisor). SSOfmonih Pr* registration by ' Jan IS 344 MO! wilSJT 3697 1-6 c'Astf a indecisionit Nalai tnarranalyaia oT'carear direction op ii m u m.* a |"|| n g * * t r *n g I h s'. weakness** special abuitia* Based on you. not norm* Knowing wharaVou belong la in# b*m«°hail ° won Can f itrsbam C. Lyon. M A , New Mono Count anno 3430019 117 Typing 2ss emi lam (Dynamic T ypmg Same#) TNI. Student S pec mm i *i */ Business Prolsssionsi* Word Process!ngTT ypmg Complata Pnblotopy Caniar Disk failing (many systems) Pickup A Delivery Anailabia Ska Blocks from Campus WORO PROCESSING GUARANTEED S block* fo UO Gradual# approval JENNIFER 483 38S3 4962 MWk Woid Ptocassmgfl rpmg IS plus yaari aaparjanca Papar*. diaaarlatlon* adding, maaa mailing* Micro casatla Iranacnpiion Pickup and dally*ry Call Caroia at 6686376 4936 Hr TYPINGS DITINO Call Sara 9660739. 49SS MUHF PROFESSIONAL PREPARATIONS Oualliy Word Procaaaing ALL Typing naada Disk atoraga pick up and delivery Palll 7460064 4939 MFM COMPUTERIZED TYPING. Word pro caaamg Tarm paper* meats, ale Raaumaa. manuacnpfa, book*, ate Tha Floppy Disc 3466930 1H T TYPING RESUMES Word Processing D«k Storage I MMftsO, •wnlnai „ $ 3680 12-16 TYPE-RIGHT WORO PROCESSING S EDITING Raaumaa. Papara. THaaa*. Dissert* iiona. Gradual* School approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 466 1473 5685t*r GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Ualnc IBM Salactdc III Call Mina balwaan S am and 10pmil 726-9624 4956 MW WORDS "A" US Brandy 464-6044 Shaw Naa 663-7096 Qualll, lyplng/word procaaaing Papara. raaumaa. adlllng. taps transcription* manuscripts thasaa/dlssarlallon*. Grad School app vd IBM compatible 3710 Ur ana OUALITV TYPI^TA/1 <$► . . V7 Cat'oly'il's % pecialtieS • Spaclallilng in diaaarlallona, lhaaa*. lorm papara. raaumaa. lallar* Ljaral Oban l»" barrel! 344-7231 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statlatical spacialiat IBM Corr Sal Qrad appiov ad Near campus >44-0768. 4961lln TYPING ft WORD PROCESSING Thasaa/di (variation*. paper*, editing, graphic*, law paper*. re*ume*. & ma** mailing*. Qrad Sch approved WordStyle* t TypeScrtpl* CINDY 484-6464 BRANDY 484-6044 Sound Systems JIM S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1457 W 6th 3437683 Monday thru Friday 8 a m 6 p.m Saturday • am 1 pm 314SMFM Books 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Sailing 40-SOX oft Hal price* •Ta«it»ok»»Clltf Not*(«Magarm**> USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE ras Cast 13th 4973t1n BOOKS BOOK, BOOKS Qraat bargain* on book* Irom tlctlon to leal book* at Iha QHC ANNUAL BOOK SALE Thur*-Frt, Jan • S 10 from 8 a m 4 p m First floor loyar by 175 PLC 1-* Bicycles mm MEN 5 28" QITANE 10 tpd Oldet but ■olid Soma antra*. 165 344 0027 til 11 p m - • . i . l-S* Cars & Cycles la It trua ,(><1 . an buy innpi tor L44 through' the U,8' government? °Oat Iha . tact*, todlyi. CaM 1 312 742 )142, Eat 6534” - .*7 ... ‘ ■ aa Help Wanted APPLY with the Cultural Forum Applications are now baing accepted for (1986 1987) In these areas: Contemporary Issues Performing Arts Popular Concerts Heritage Music General Programming Jazz Concerts Visual Arts Film & Video Beer Gardens Apptlcaltona are available In I ha Cultural Forum office, Suite 2. EMU Deadline la Friday. Jan 17 Workstudy Preferred Job description ranges from sales lo clerical office work If you are familiar with newspaper advertising pro cedures wonnnderful If not familiar, be willing to learn quickly Call 686-4343 A SAP EO/AAE DELIVERY DRIVER, Must have own car and Insurance Evenings, late nights and weekends Apply In person Track Town Plua 1809 Franklin Blvd 5805 tin TUTORS NEEDED. All subjects Winter and Spring terms Start at *5 32/hour Call educational opportunities at 688-3233 5889 110 GOVERNMENT JOSS. 115,000 ISO.OOOfyr possible All oc cupatlons Call 18054878000 Ext R 9642_MW $NEED CASH? SSOOftOOO stuffing anvalopas! Guaranteed1 Rush stamped addressed envelope McManus Enterprises. Box 1456/DE Springfield OR 97477_18 SKI SUN VALLEY Maid positions svailable with housing for winter season (208) 7268689 U EARLY A M. CLEAN UP at 38tar Cafe 2 hr per morning, 6:30-8/30 a m Tues Friday $4/hr Call Roanne, 343:9610. „ . .1-8; OVERSEAS JOSS Surmher, yr round ' Europe, S'°AAer. Australia. Asia .All fields 3900-12000 mo- Sightseeing Free into Wrjle IJC, PO Box 52 0R3 Corona Del Mar. CA 92625" . 0t-"21 --;-„---U . REPORTER,WANTEO- . . „ ;• to till Aaaociate Editor position cgver, Ing higher education Position is non work study o Applications, and, |ob ■ descriptions . are • available at 'the Oregon Daily Emerald office. Room 300, -EM0. Please" submit clips .with, .application Deadline tor .applications fs Jap°t3_atl5.p m .The an I Equal Opportunity Employer' Women ' “and minorities ere encouraged to sip • gaL-x-ji--. •-••• •: ;_±2‘ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED WOMENSPACE - battereg .women's shelter, his new volunteer training beginning Sal Jan 18. Credit available cJl.’Merdla,* 18^65137. 18 Roommates MATURE 1EMPL'0YED"MAN. 37 seek, person to Share my 3 bedroom custom home Nut and quiet ..Includes-laundry artt) Utilities 1190/month 484 1547 1-6 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSINQ. married couples and tingle parents, possibility ollm mediate occupancy or (Mbs yourself. on wfiling bet Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2\ bedroom 1144/mo t bedroom St li/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom tt20/mo Future openings eipected. all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept. 886427? 4942 tin EUGENE MANOR It 2 High nse living at Its but put 484 7441 Near cam ■jsaaettn VERY QUIET. CLEAN 2 bedroom, fully tunlthed dishwasher, garbage disposal, lots ot perking Sun deck laundry facilities 8838919 between 17 pm 583918 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 HARRISO Funished quads now avalalabte with shared bath or private bath Utilities paid, covered parking and laundry teclimes available IDEAL CAMPUS LOCATION FROM 915$ Managers no 139 6833005 5886 tin NEAR CAMPUSI Quiet one bedroom Carport, laundry No pets 5225/215 lease Can be furnished 1437 High St 344 7434 Nice' 14 Quads KAMPUS QUADS VS block from campus *l$9!mo. unities included 1866 Harris. Mgr number 4 342 4261 5801 ttn CAMPUS COURT QUADS Now renting lot Winter Term Private retrlgerator and v> bath trom 9189 Bob or Kelly. 1544 Alder no.21, 344-4490 Bldg managed by St Clair Properties 5882 ttn Lost a Found FOUND: "QUMBY" KEYS On December 16th between 13th and 14th on Hllyard St Cali 435-7452 It they’re yours Ask tor Stu 18 Entertainment tonight and TOMORROW Rob Lowe Emelio Estevez Ally Sheedy Judd Nelson tn . Monday h TiwMky Nilas r «»:15- ; ISO GEO ° 12 aduHifft children THE BIJOU • m i i»i • ««*246r •FREE RORCQRN‘TUESDAY . Held Over For uo students: MUST END THURSDAY ° '• • o '• . . . “EARTHY EROTICISM, Grata Scacchi iv a rumpled deli*hi , " Andrew Sarrle.-vfliaoe Vpice’ " “ABUNDANTLY REWARDING... GLORIOUSLY • SE.NSuA£:”° . ;Sheila genion, t.A.' Times “ ‘ “\TEIUUFK;nLM.„ BKAITIFULAND SEXY? .. Mwi-' Nightly r 30 • 9 JO mTmt Monday *3 Tuesday is Welcome Back Nite For All Our OLD FRIENDS The Few... The Proud, The ARNOLD’S Crowd SPECIALS/SPECIALS Arnold’s famous Tacos, Muggers, and more... Ont 7^ 1JS1J* E. 19th 19th A Ag»t. Travel mvepsiTY AVa se^dMS Smith Family Book Building SINGAPORE Group Travel Rates $499 Depart from Singapore via Singapore Air University of Oregon Student* relum ing to Singapore in June call BOB at University Travel. W-S67T._ Personals 1 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U of O telephone hotline. 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Cali SM-44C8. 3144:tfn FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright 687-8651 623M WANTED Quality .Women's and Mens clothing •Make entra money FA§T at .. SECOND THOUGHTS, 720Vi.Er 13th ■ ■ • For'appointment 343^1312 ’ 11-6 Moo-Sat.''. ' V . 3744:M. m Episcopal .Campus Ministries , Tuesday Evening Eucharist. 5 30 ;Seryice * Koinonia ^Center»i i 14; Street '.Supper^ arid :”d;Sc(iS Sion- group- 'follgyring i Everycgte Welcome' :.—V - ? . ■ Learn to Sky Piye Weekly. instruction* *1 DiscountJ : ‘i - * Register et.PEMfbfe or,. - •• • .Call.484-9868 ‘ .• ... • ■ » . „“.;lViOHFM • ■ MALE STRIP-TEASE \\\ Fabulous "party enter!ainrjient eFor tables ’ only 484-l°547 -*v' 1-6 ANNUAL Undergraduate ART SHOW Jan 26-Feb 2 For information on how to enter phone or stop by the EMU Cultural Forum office. 683-4373 ■: o 5887.1 10 Ms. Alexandre Congratulation* oil yo'ur LSAT scores Maybe someday you'll be representing me:, Yea. We ll call the firm Alexandre and Client, v * But then, that might keep you too busy- • -*• ' *'■•'. . ■> ■ RELAX!! Our customers know that 20 minutes tn SunShower Wolff System sun beds can be the most soothing and center ing moments C’mon...get a little color in those cheeks ...or go for a deep tan. SumShower 8871711 874 E. Ulh Up the stairs next lo Kinko'a Open Weekdays 7 am Weekends 9 am BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed f HE PMT TF1MUZ 5PFF6RM 50, WE WOULPWT insulate axsaves nm THE 005CMTY OF MW. ANP MASS HVNOEK ere. / ere.' WRE RT6HT rn sorkt 50 WHAT HAPPENEP TO STM ? HE*.' ■ PORXJ THINK VIOLENCE I5IVNNY 'POWU THINK THE NVSFORTm OF others ts amusm * weu Mtee mtrs wmrs WKM WTTH THIS WORU? / .ANP THEN OPUS ANP Steve emos were att»ckep ' opus hap his nose mi 5H0T OFF. TT STILL NEEPEP mnmno \ Doom or