Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1986, Page 18, Image 18

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    Et al.
Sociology credit is available
for being an undergraduate
research assistant. Gain
valuable experience doing
research. Stop by the Sociology
Peer Advising office. Room 709
PLC. for more information.
Registration for swimming
lessons for babies with their
parents, pre-schoolers and
school-age children will be held
at the Easter Seal Pool. 3575
Donald St., today and Tuesday
from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. For
more information on schedules,
programs and fees, call
On-campus internships offer
great opportunities to gain job
related skills and experience for
credit. Stop by the On-Campus
Internship Program office in
Room 364 Oregon Hall or call
686-3216 to set up an internship
for winter term,
1986-87 Financial Aid Forms
are now available in the Office
of Student Financial Aid. Room
260 Oregon Hall. All applica
tion materials must be received
by March 3, 1986. for priority
consideration. For more infor
mation, call 686-3221.
The applications for the
General University Scholarship
Program are now available in
the Office of Student Financial
Aid. Room 260 Oregon Hall. All
applications must be received
by Feb. 14. 1986.
Orientation sessions for the
Career Planning and Placement
Outer’s campus interview pro
gram bid system will be held at
the following times. Plan to at
tend one of these sessions to
register and pick up your bid
cards if you intend to interview
with any of the campus
•Monday: 1:30 to 2:30 and
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Room 106,
•Tuesday: 1:30 to 2:30 and
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Room 106.
•Wednesday: 12:30 to 1:30
p.m. in Room 108, EMU.
Campus interviews will be
held next week by the following
STRADA Decorator
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• Compatible with MCI. Sprtol. and Bank by Phona
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Wall/Desk Telephone
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- TonelPtitse Swltehabl* OtePng
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• Last Number Redial in Pule* Mod*
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• Fully Modular Handsel and Lina Cords
• FCC Approved
Answering Systems
• Compact Single Deck Design
• Programmable Outgoing Message
• Pre-programmed Outgoing Message
• Calls Received Indicator
• Call Monitor Feature
• Call Screening
• Ring Selector
• Built-in Condenser Microphone ' -
UL Approved
FCC Approved
List $99.95
UJelfr s59.95
** s10.00 off
-Answering Systems
LPA 8822
• Dual Cassette Operation
• Full Function Remote Control
• Variable Lenght Outgoing Message
• Voice Activation (VOX)
• Built In Condenser Microphone
• Toll Saver Feature • Automatic Rewind
• Call Counter • UL Approved
• Fast Erase • FCC Approved
List $179.95 Discount $99.95
sio.oo oft
Your Store
Since 1920!
13th A Kincaid
M-F 7 30-5:30
SAT 10 00-3:00
Supplies ess 4331
For interviews with no
meeting time, call 688-3235.
[an. 13: USDA Forest Service.
Region 8 — Group meeting: 7
p.m., Room J12. EMU.
Jan. 15: Hewlett Packard
(Factory/Field mktg/Sales; CS
Research and Development/ln
formation System/RDP).
|an. 21-22: General Mills
(sales rep).
Jan. 21: Meier ft Frank —
Jan. 22: U.S. Federal Bureau
of investigation (special
specialist/resaarch analyst).
Jan. 23-24: USDA Forest Ser
vice. Region 8 (internship/coop
educ, program — comp
spec/land arch/criminal in
ves/personnel mgmt/acct/con
tract spec/fiscal mgmt/publlc
inform spec/comm spec): U.S, q
Internal Revenue Service —
Group meeting only: 1:30 p.m..
Room 108KMU.
Open House: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.,
Gerlinger lounge: Mo la tore.
•Gerbert, Rusth ft Co. (staff acct):
Rollins (leasing Corp. (Branch
admin. /Rental agent): United
Financial Systems . (account
•_ Deadline for submitting Et a Is
to"the'Emerald.front desk. EMU „
. Suite 300, is .noon the "day
' .before publication” Et als are
run onlypnce.‘depending upon ' .
space availability. Events with a'-*
donation or admission -charge
will not b® considered Events
' occurring nearest the publica
tion date, and. campus-oriented
events, will be giveii-priority. .
''I . .. *■;••'„ ‘ ..
Parking spaces
■° to be reserved . „
for athletic club v
Fifty parking spat es .tin the
first-two levels-of the-Overpark-.
on Oak Street in.-.downtown
Eugene will fie . reserved, for
customers, of. life ” Downtown
., Athletic Club, under terms of a
rental agreement prepared by?
Scott Luell, 'of. the . city's -
Economic Development „
‘‘Department. ■ •• -■
The pafking -Spaces, -‘ now
designated ak free parking, will'
be. supervised..by the athletic
• club, which, opened .Dec. 31. A .
sky. bridge connecting the club
with the Overpark is now under
- construction. • •
Luell said he believes the ar- . .
rangement with the Athletic , •
Club will not affect other pay •; '
parking customers Downtown
employee permit parking will
remain on the second level and
The Downtown Athletic Club
is located in the historic Axbilly
Building on the corner of 10th
Avenue and Willamette Street.