_ The University of Oregon Continuation Center in association with • The College of Education, Division of Counseling and Educational Psychology • The College of Human Development and Performance • School of Music • Center for the Study of Women in Society • Physics • Women’s Studies SPONSORS THE FOLLOWING EVENTS . CONFERENCES • WORKSHOPS •'SHORT COURSES THE AMERICAN WOMEN CONDUCTOR/COM POSER SYMPOSIUM Mainstreaming February. 2T23. 1906 School ol Music. Beall Hall Two University ol Oregon I • graduate or undergraduate credits are available lor par tlcipatlng lo the Symposium and completing an assignment ' Course MUE 408G TIN 7900 f". Student Fee S10 The University ol Oregon Is pleased to present the American Women Conduc tor/Compoaer Symposium, sponsored by the Center lor the Study ol Women in Society, the School ol Music and the Con tinuation Center Tt?e focus ol this year's Sym posium is Mainstreaming, a topic inviting presenters and participants to explore the in tegration and advancement ol women conductors and com posers in the various levels ol the protessional hierarchy ol composing and conducting Participants will benetit from this unique opportunity to ex change information, share net working skills, and consider the work and ideas of Symposium presenters and guests in infor mal settings, as well as during formal presentations and con cert performances Symposium Highlights • Keynote Address* Elinor Armor, Between Vision and Marketplace •Lecture Workshops topics Include Orchestration Color, Courage and Politics Composition and Im provisation Through Attentions/ Strategies. MultimediaWorks. The Composer as Conductor The Con doctor as Composer. Music as Metaphor. The Vitality of High Visibility end American Symphony Orchestra League Services tor Con ductors and Composers e Panel Discussion topics include Perspectives on Successful Proles slonal Networking, The Theater and the Concert Hall. Mainstreaming $eing First Is Not Enough end Defining Success HecpgnUIng and btiltfing Short Term Successes as ■■ Energy lor Long Term Goals • Evening Performances, including the Sunday evening Symphony Or chestra Grand Finale '•'The Second Annual Northwest " . Symposium on ' MEN & MASCULINITY Seasons of Adam January 22-24. 1986 Eugene Conference Center One University of Oregon academic credit Is available for attending the Symposium and completing an assignment. Course: CSPY 408G-TLN 7611 Student Fee ‘30 The Second Annual Northwest Symposium on Men A Masculinity, sponsored by the University of Oregon College of Education, Division of Counsel ing and Educational Psychology, and the University of Oregon Continuation Center, e.xlends the focus of last year's Symposium into new and dif ferent aspects of the male experience Through provocative panel discussions, general session presentations, and informa tional and experiential workshops, the Symposium will define, discuss, question and challenge old notions of masculinity. Symposium Highlights • Keynote Address by Marry Ed ward* Masculinity Stymied • General Session* on Masculinity and Ethnicity and Masculinity The Generational Via* • Experiential Workshops topics In clude Warriors S Wimps. My Father 's Son. Human Senuallty, Anger Momentum Men s Mo~e ment Workshop and Men and Spirit • Discussion Workshops topics in clude Why Men s Studies? and Masculine Holes In Media and Literature • Special Evening Performance HALLEY’S COMET WORKSHOP January 1:1, 1986 Lane ESD Planetarium One hour ol credit is available tor attending the workshop and completing an assignment ar ranged by the Instructor Course: PH 407M-r-TLN 8485 Fees $25 lor students The thirtieth recorded visit of Ha)ley's Comet to Earth’s skies will be presented m detail at an alt day workshop Topics will in clude the best times and places for viewing the comet, attitudes about comets; images of Halley’s Comet in art and literature; what Halley's Comet may tell us about the composi tion of the solar system; and how collisions with comets may have altered life on earth in the distant past An additional Lecture Tour to Arizona to vtew Halley's Comet will take place April 2-6. Credit will also be available for this program during spring term BODY IMAGE Thursday evenings beginning January 9, 1986 7:30 to 9:20p.m. 207 Chapman Hall Two University of Oregon credits are available Course: WST 410M-TLN 8473 Student Fee: $25 Barbara Weinstein, Instructor Body Image, sponsored by Women's Studies, deals with areas of vital interest to day—the increase of eating disorders and the pursuit of thinness as an ideal for women Concentrating primarily on the 20th century, participants will look at what constitutes an eating disorder, including anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating and obesity. By understanding the cultural milieu that encourages the rise of abnormal eating behavior, we can begin to understand some of the major issues and prob lems that face American women today Topics Include • Changing stereotypes of female beauty • Diet and culture • Reducing diets • The "selling" ol women as a commodity • Appearance ot the femme tatate" • Changing dietary patterns in America • Specific eating disorders • Understanding tat and thin in the con text ot women in contemporary society • Practical solutions tor today's women MOUSING AROUND 1st session: January 17 - February 7 Friday 3:30 - 5:20p.m. 210 Lawrence Student Fee: $45 2nd session: February 14 - March 7 Especially tor children ages 6-11. Use the friendly Macintosh computer in an atmosphere of fun and learning. THE LANGUAGE OF THE CLASSROOM Cl 410G; 3 credits 7 - 10p.m. Thursdays, January 9 - March 20 Instructor: Steve Later Student Fee: $204 This course examines the use of language in the classroom towards achieving better learning environments. FACULTY/STAFF MICROCOMPUTER CLASSES Tt\e Continuation Center is pleas ed to offer four classes on the IBM Personal Computer and the Apple Macintosh Each class is 1 Vi hours and meets once each week. The cost of the class is $45. Introduction to the Macintosh Computer January 20 to February 17 Monday, 1:30 3:00p.m 310 Gilbert Beginning Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM PC January 28 to February 25 Tuesday, 8:00 - 9:30a m 309 Gilbert Word processing on the IBM Personal Computer January 23 to February 20 Thursday, 8:00 9:30a.m. 309 Gilbert Advanced Lotus 1-2-3 on the IBM PC January 29 to February 26 Wednesday, 8 00 9:30a m. 309 Gilbert 5TH ANNUAL HEALTH AND FITNESS IN THE WORKPLACE CONFERENCE February 24-25, 1986 Eugene Conference Center One University of Oregon credit is available for participation. Course: HDEV 480G—TLN 5974 Student Fee: $25 The University pf Oregon Col lege of Human Development and Performance and the UO Continuation Center are proud to present the 5th Annual Health and Fitness in the Workplace Conference This year’s Conference will focus on the development and practical application of fitness and health management programs. Experts from industry, hospitals, government agencies, social service organizations and research institutions will bring together the latest information on what health management practices can mean for all who share in the workplace IMAGINE THAT! January 9 - February20, 1986 7:30 to 9:20p.m. 176 Education Student Fee: $35 The University of Oregon Con tinuation Center is pleased to offer the popular, exciting, seven-week, noncredit course entitled imagine That; Attrac ting students of all ages, the class focuses on the use and practical application of relaxa tion techniques, creative visualization, affirmations and goal setting. Blending instruc tion and theory with individual group exercises, the course is designed to give students prac tical experience in applying the above techniques in literally every facet of life To register for any of these classes or to obtain further information or a brochure, contact the Continuation Center, Ext. 3536 © o