Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 16, 1985, Page 7, Image 7

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    Student Senate adopts resolution
Sisterhood a step closer
By Mary Lichtenwalner
Of llm Km«rr«lci
The University's sister relationship with the
University of El Salvador Is one step closer to
reality. Student Senate Chair Donna Lawrence
The ASUO passed a resolution earlier 'his
fall to become a sister university with the
Salvadoran university. last week. th« Student
Senate formally passed a similar resolution and
suggested the University Senate also adopt the
sister university resolution.
Passage of the resolution by the University
Senate is the next step in achieving an exchange
between the universities. That relationship could
facilitate future exchanges of faculty, students
and materials as well as a cultural exchange, said
Margie Boyd, ASUO program coordinator.
"I would certainly like to see student ex
changes and faculty exchanges — it depends on
huw much effort we put into it and how much
risk people want to take," Boyd said.
The Student Senate's acceptance of the
resolution is a goal the senate has worked to at
tain throughout fall term, Lawrence said. The
ASUO initially proposed the possible relation
ship between the two universities, said ASUO
President Lynn Pinckney.
"We wanted to help them re-establish the
university they are desperate for supplies,
even basics — pencils, paper and other sup
plies," Pinckney said,
The ASUO organized a tour of the University
for two Salvadoran students in November. An
tonio Quezada, president of the General Associa
tion of Salvadoran Students, and Rodolfo
Rosales, vice president of the student organiza
tion. visited the University. Rosales told Univer
sity students, faculty and administrators about
the violent situation at the Salvadoran university
and said the UES needs their support.
Students at UES are deprived of a healthy
educational atmosphere, Rosales said. Many
classes are held in rooms without walls, with
broken materials or none at all because of the ter
rorist problem at the Salvadoran university.
Students are also often harassed and
threatened by terrorists. Rosales said. Quezada
and Rosales appeared on a "hit list" published in
July by the Secret Anti-Communist Army, a
known death squad, they said.
The resolution also encourages the
Salvadoran government to keep the UES open
and accessible to students.
University President Paul Olum said he con
siders the University's relationship with all Cen
tral American universities a sister relationship.
"I welcome all of them as sister universities,
but a more formal declaration is fine with me,”
Olum said.
Notifying landlords before
vacation prevents problems
By Mary. I.ichtenwalner
«'Y. Leavitig school to go home
for the'holidays can. be a cost ,:
! iyi venture.'- Not only is gas •;!
spend'yand the roads often
r ;*, dangerous, but sometimes
students come .back to the
'I 'niversity fo<fiiHjCa..heftyiTbil!..
V for * apartment repairs, that
- •’ could have; .been avoided
, • . simply- by • notifying their
• j iandjofdl p > ' .
. ° ; ."What students'should do.
first lydore they go. home, for
■ Christinas; is’ to. .look at; their.
leas»ts.'';A'S]t’lC j I.egaI Services •
■> ' Attorney Karsten Riismussen
. says ”1'think a lot ofpeople
sign°thfmt and never read
•° •' ' ' thefn'." »' >...
. • By checking their, lease’s,
• /students, .may find that they
C • ipust notify their, landlords
.before ‘they'leave for more
. -'than-seven days, Rasmussen
sa*ys ' ° °
• Rasmussen says Inst year a
• number of'students who had
left their apartments or rentals
'. * over break came back to costly
• * surprises — bills for broken
pipes and water damage.
Landlords often will pay for
plumbing problems, but
water damage to tenants’
posessions is usually left up
to the student to • handle,
“ The* bills'' for plumbing
repairs can cost up ,to several
hundred dollars.. Rasmussen
says* "And to students, that’s
.a lot. . ...
"After Thanksgiving vara-,
-tiort. I had' several people
come in whote roofs had col
. lapsed from water, damage It
made their apartments com
pletely unlivable," he. says.
"it’s especially a tremeqdous
‘ hassle right now. at this time'
,. To’ be sale, tenants should
give, written notice to’ tHeir
landlords', of their absence.
Rasmussen says’ And they
should give their managers
permission to keep an eye on
their.apartment or rental.
. "In fact, more important to
giving permission, they
should ask them to check in
side," Rasmussen says.
If a student did notify the
landlord, but comes home to
bills fur damages, and the
landlord claims the tenant did
not notify him or her,
Rasmussen says the student
should first consult him for
advice. "Then they should
take them to small claims
court,” he says.
• Sue Barelman," • general
• manager 'of ' Elizabethan
Management, twhich; operates
several local apartment cpm
'plexus:1 says Elizabethan,tries
to remind tenants to notify the
-management-beforethey; leave
for vacations. Sometimes,
• hro weve r; - - H- l i ^a b e t h a n
.employees notice, an. apart
ment they. manage appears
.unoccupied fbr a length of
time. - ■ *• •
• ‘‘If. we have any-suspicion
that they- have left, we. don’t
go inside, but We just check
the outside to make sure,
nothing is broken or unlock
ed,” Barelman says.
Keeping the heat on low
during vacation may be ex
pensive, but Kasmussen says
it is a good idea. Also, having
the manager or a friend turn
lights on in the apartment
periodically will discourage
any possible break-ins.
Bernard Petersen of
Petersen Plumbing advises
students to let their faucets
drip slightly to keep the water
pipes from freezing and
breaking. Also, covering all
outside vents of a rental is
crucial to prevent cold air
from circulating under the
house. “Even insulated pipes
can freeze." he says.
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