SIGNED FIRST EDITIONS ‘THE MAMMOTH HUNTERS” by Jean M. Auel (limited numbers - buy your copy rum !) BOOK and TEA A l(Ht> East 19th, Eugene • Monday - Friday 10-6, Sunday 10-5) In brief Pow Wow The Northwest Big Mountain Support group is holding a Native American Pow Wow on New Year's Kve at Jefferson Middle School, 1050 W, 22nd, featuring drumming, dancing and singing The evening will start with a politick at 5 and the Grand En try (beginning of Pow Wow) at 8. Drummers are welcome and tables for native crafts will be available. Donations of dried foods will be sent to the Navajo and Hopi people of Hig Mountain. Ariz. For more information, call Ai at 741-1116 or )an at 343-8380. rals for Line County. Credit my be arranged through the University or l.ane Community College. Call 342*8255 for an interview. White bird currently provides 24-hour crisis intervention, in formation and referrals, ongo ing counseling, a low-cost medical clinic, drug-free ititisrlmu *111(1 Iminl KitrvIntK CKING FFER STORE USE THE VALUABLE COUPON BELOW FOR EXTRA 25% SAVINGS ON YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS * Cosmetics * Gift Department * * Posters ‘Picture Frames * Film * * Fine Chocolates * Wraps * Ribbons * T^> . ix ■ Great thinkers- come check out our Philosophy section. One of the greats the University Bookstore. In the Book Dept Volunteer training offered White Mini Clink: will bit of fering its quarterly volunteer training sessions beginning Jan. it. Training is available in com munity services, crisis interven tion ami information and refer Fund raiser Christ mas trees art? available at While Hirii Clinic’s Hth an nual Christmas tree benefit fund raiser. Slop by White bird at 341 E. 12th Ave or call 342-8255 for more information. Et al. MISCELLANEOUS On-campus internships offer great opportunities to gain job related skills and experience for credit. Stop by the On-Campus In ternship Program office in Room 304 Oregon Hall or call 686-3216 to set up an internship for winter term juniors: Applications packets for Time magazine's Collage Achievement Awards are available in Academic Advising ft Stu-' dent Services, Room 164 Oregon Hall. Deadline is Dec. 31, Call • Ext. 32It for more information. A campuswide gift drive to benefit Stepping Stone Lodge and / the l.ooking Glass Shelter continues this week until noon Thurs day. Gifts can be brought to the Office of Student Development in Room 364 Oregon Hail for ages 14 to 16. Sponsored by the Anc ient Order of Druids. - The lifestyle Planning Program is now accepting applications for Peer Health Advisor positions for winter term. 1986. For more • information, call 686-4456 or 686-4441. 1986-87 Financial Aid Forma are now available in the Office, of Student Financial Aid. Room 260 Oregon Hall. All application materials must be received by March 3. 1986, for priority.con*. . sideration. For more information, call 686-3221. • The applications for the General University Scholarship Pro- _ gram are now available in the Office of Student Financ ial Aid, Room 260 Oregon Hall. All applications must be Feb... ". 14.1986. ° INTERVIEWS Campus interviews will be held this week by the following • recruiters: ’ . • : For interviews with no meeting time, call 686-3235. ° ** . No interviews scheduled for this week. Dec. 23: Victor Elementary School District (education* (or grades K-6); Victor Valley Union High School District (education for grades 7-12). ’ Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk, EMU • Suite 300, is noon the day Indore publication. Et als are run only., once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or .. admission charge will not be considered Events occurring nearest the publication date, and campus-oriented events, will In; given •• priority. I I I ■ o -o o o c -v o I I DON'T MISS THIS WEEK'S GREAT SPECIAL! SYS PIZZA FREE DELIVERY AND STORE TAKE OUT COUPON Order any size pizza, choice of regular or Extra Thick Crust or Deep Dish Sicilian and Receive $2.00 off $1.00 OFF any small pizza I I I COUPON GOOD MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY STORE HOURS: 11:30 Midnight Monday - Friday 3 30pm Midnight Saturday & Sunday DELIVERY HOURS: 5pm Midnight Monday - Sunday 1211 Alder on Campus • 686-9598 Coupon ax pi res 1/5/86 I I I