Roommates OWN ROOM FURNISHED. there* bath, kitchen with 5 Quiet. Clean, newly remodeled $140 month plus $75 1 BDRM SHARE large Hendricks houae with 5 All appliances $130 plus deposit, fifth utilities Call lath UO FAMILY HOCSINQ. married couples and single parents, possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnished apartment 2 bedroom $ 144/mo 1 bedroom $1 l*Wmo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $ 120/mo Future openings expected. ail areas Contact UO Hous ingOept 5Afc42// 4942 ifn We offer an excellent opportunity to meet people, learn new skills and ideas cook and eat great food (meat and vegitanan options), and so much more Have a say in how your house is run Share fun and work Learn what a cooperative can t*» Come visit, eat din ner with us. or just s;’ M f 8 6 8*18 3. E uumn. 881 1 ast 13th rv?*l to UO Bookstore Events JOIN THE CRAZY 8’s AT THEIR RELEASE PARTY! THIS FRI DEC 6 8 PM EMU Ballroom $5 Advance S6 Day of Show Tickets Main Desk Produced by ASUO, Northwest Concerts and EMU Cultural Forum M03 126 OPEN HOUSE Army ROTC. 1629 Again St 6 30 7 30pm . Dac 4. 85 ViftilwlthAr Tty officer* and ROTC students to tour quabtion* or call 686 3102 12 4 SPORT AND BOAT SHOW. Lana Court ly Fair Ground* Oac 5lh*th-7th 8th 11-6 CYCLING TEAM MEETING TONIGHT Mandatory for mambars Any studants ntarastad in mambarship are invttad (Va must ordar jar says tonight' Room 100 EMU 5800 12 4 KRVM 8 KBVR Walcoma* from Princa* homatown tha Coolaat Band in Amarica THE REPLACE MENTS & WHITE LIBERALS and Dangerous Penguins SAT DEC 7 8:00 EMU Ballroom Tickets are CHEAP! Studanta S3 advanca Ganaral $5 advanca producad by tha Cultural Forum 5802 12-6 EMU Cultural Forum prtMnli THE NYLONS So graat. Windham Hill ttarlad a now racord labal )u«t tor thorn DEC. 11 8PM EMU Ballroom Students 15 advanco/|6 DOS Gan Pub $7 advanc«/$8 DOS Don’t miss this ONLY Oregon appearance Entirtainmcnt Attention ALL GREEKS University Theatre has designated FRI DAY. DECEMBER 6 as OREEK NIGHT AT THE THEATRE We extend a special invitation to all fraternity and sorority members to attend this performance of the delightful and magical melodrama THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT Robinson Theatre 8 PM Tickets only $3.50 each Call 686 4191 lo reserve your tickets now 5795 12-6 MAX’S Saturday Dec.7 MUCILAGE Formerly Mooselodge with NONE IF ANY Music starts at 9:30 I_550 E 13th THE BIJOU ; 4*2 I 13th Saa24S« FREE POPCORN TUESDAY It maul (imply low. It DM 9 CMC of coM-Moodcd pat*Ion ft* r DoiTTCeWkil Nightly 7:10 9 25 Misar Monday S3 00 Sat Sun Bargain Mai 4pm EUGENE’S EXCITING ADULT NON LIQUOR CABERET Wed 8 30-2am l adies Night Ladies are free 8:30 9:30 Friday A Saturday Party all night Open after hours. 8 30 4am' Music Top 40 R A B dance music Rock n roll you're gonna dance THE NIGHT AWAY at Players Cabaret Call Player s tor Limousine Service. Party® and special events 1045 Willamette 683 2268 TUNE IN TO TONIGHT MAGIC SWAN AND THE DUKES PARTY AT TAYLORS 124 Grammy Award Winner CHUCK MANGIONE & HIS QUARTET SAT DEC 7 SILVA HALL 8 PM TICKETS AT ALL HULT CENTER OUTLETS, EMU MAIN DESK PHONE ORDERS 687-5000 _5804 12^ JESSE COLIN YOUNG BAND PLUS SPECIAL QUESTS THE ALL NIGHTERZ CONCERT/DANCE EUGENE HILTON BALLROOM THURS DEC 5 8 PM 21 & OVER $8.50 ADVACE AT EMU MAIN DESK, ALL HULT OUTLETS, EVERYBODY’S RECORDS, HILTON HOUSE OF RECORDS. $9.50 AT DOOR. 5804 12-6 Personals problems? Crisis Center. U of O telephone hotline. 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Call 686 4468 3144 tfn IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT About pregnancy can Birthright 687j9651_ 3162 W EAR PIERCING at J BARS 1233 ALDER 12-5 MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades 360 E 11th 4960 WHF —UO Bookstore— Last chance to purchase fall term course books is Dec. 6th Fall term texts are being removed from the shelves to make room lor Winter term texts Please purchase any course books you need for this term by Friday. December 6th THANKS Tan B4U SKI One Month Unlimited S45 (Offer good thru Dec 20th) SumShower Tanning Center Sunshower will match any offers by salons featuring Wolff System tann ing beds The Best Does not apply to unlimited ianmng Now there is no reason to go anywhere else C’mon...Get some color in those cheeks. 687-1711 874 E. 13th \ NEW EXTENDED HOURS Mon Thurs. 7am 10pm F iday 7am 8pm Sat Sun. 9am 6pm Up the stairs next to Kinko's Think Christmas Gift Certifti Jtrs mm d\d!dibit* | Give the intimate gill that you'll en loy loo Buy a 10 or 20 session | package and receive 5 Iree ses j sions1 (No discounts apply) Only at SunShower 4 CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE MAKE YOUR SEASON BRIGHT 20 WORDS-$2.50 In the (meraid Det ember Ibth. Deadline: lpm, De<. 11th. WATCH FOR DCTAIIS “SHOW YOUR TALENTS" 1st ANNUAL Robert Sharp Bean TALENT SHOW Monday Dec. 9 8:00-11:00 in EMU Ballroom Auditions Tues Dec 2. Wed Dec 3 Afternoons 3 30 5 30 Evenings 7 00 9 00 For into call 686-6657 Win up to S225■ 1st place $175- 2nd place $100- 3rd place WITH Notes \ ^ 5782 12 5 Newman Cenlcr Homan c;atholi< < ornmunity