EMU Cultural Forum praaanla THE NYLONS So groat, Windham HHI atari ad a now raeord I aha) paat lor tham DEC. 11 8PM EMU Ballroom Sludania J5 advanca/K DOS Oan Pub »( ad»ant«/Wt DOS Don't miee this ONLY Oregon appearance _ >rsi;l?-i Thar MU Cultural Forum llnaily praaanla THE REPLACE MENTS EMU Ballroom SAT DEC 7 8:00 Tickets are Sludania S3 advanca W day ot abow (■•natal S» advanca U day ol ahoaa ai Mam oaaa (arm Ri»«i and Everybody a Soon S71tt12 2 Entertainment autyfftRufuK FREE POPCORN TUESOAY Nightly 7:10 9:26 Miter Monday S3 00 Sal Sun Bargain Mai 4pm miner rflciumS Hot Fudge , y Sundaes 99$ EVERY TUESDAY use E 13lh 061 Wlllemettp Unlvoiaily Theatre praaanla THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT A magical melodrama about a group ol evil oil baron* who are aboul to destroy Pari* Only one person can save the city and Its beauty the Countess Aurelia. THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT. Don 1 miss Ihls delightful fairy tale playl Dec. 5 7, 12-14 Robinson Theatre 8pm All seats are reserved 15 50, $4 50, and only $3.50 tor UO students Call 586 4191 for reservations 5794 12 3 ftpoimn Mails Attention ALL GREEKS University Theatre has designated FRIDAY, DECEMBER « at GREEK NIOHT AT THE THEATRE We extend a special invitation to all fraternity and sorority members to attend this performance of the delightful and magical melodrama, THE MAD WOMAN OF CHAIUOT Robinson Theatre 8 PM Tickets only S3.50 each Call MB 4td to reserve your tickets note _5795; 12S Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center. U ol 0 telephone hotline. 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Call M*44M 3144 tin PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Frae pregnancy testing Birthright 587 0551 _ 823 U WANTED Quality Women s and Men a clothing Make antra money FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS, 720Vy E 13th For appointment 343-1312 11 5 Mon Sat 3744 M HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS... AND WISH YOUR FRIENDS ONE TOO! WITH Noel Notes 20 WORDS-S2.50 In thr Onrfflbrt lfcth Orsdiinr I pm. On I llh WATCH KM I * I Alls Tan B4U SKI One Month Unlimited $45 (Oiler good thru Dec 70th) SumSmower Tanning Center 1 Sunthower will match any offart by aalont taaturlng Wolff Syttam tann tag bod* Tha Seat Ooa* not apply to unHmllad tanning Now that# It no raaton to go anywhara aita C'mon...Get some color in those cheeks. j M7 1711 874 E 13lh NEW EXTENDED HOURS Mon Thurt 7am 10pm Friday 7am 6pm Sat Sun 9am 6pm Up tha ttalrt naat to Klnko't Think Christmas Gill ( crhtu Jtr\ mm .n.il.nhlr Give the intimate gill that you II en |Oy loo Buy a 10 or 20 session package and receive S free ses slons! (No discounts apply) Only at Sun Shower TEDDY ORNAMENT with this ad und the purdia.se of any box of CHRISTMAS CARDS AT JABEERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS 1.108 Hilyard 484-0530 Mon-Sat 9:30-6 Sunduy 12-6:00 Quantity of buitri in limited - Firtl come first mtrvo AND I KEEP SEEING THESE T-SHIRTS AROUND CAMPUS. THEY DON THE INITIALS MHLF How I asked this on» guy who looks llks s viking what tha Initials stood lor Ha told ma It maant tha Mike Halting Law Forum So what's tha deal? And what's this 'loosen' up' stuff? And the Kjy on tha Iron! looks more Ilka Steve alias than Mika Hartlng I'm confus ed I think the viking lied It's hard to be A Saint In the City _1M ' Chi Psis Congrats on . Inning raule daula loot belli You're graatl 12 2 UNICEF CARDS ON SALE today at the University Bookstore and Smith Family Books. 12-3 LISA SCOVONE We era so proud ol ?oull Good luck In Irvins Love you lots. OUR SISTERS 122 Jolayne Houtz Congratulations on your nomination Hope you make It to Tha Apple 12 2 Knuckleheads: You're the best! Dec. 6: That’s what It is! __ 122 Learn to Sky Dive Weekly Instruction at Discount Prices Call 484 9668 HFM12-18 EAR PIERCING at J BARS 1233 ALDER 12 4 “SHOW YOUR TALENTS” 1st ANNUAL Robert Sharp Bean TALENT SHOW Monday Dec. 9 8:00 11:00 in EMU Ballroom Auditions Tuts Dec 2 Wed Dec 3 Afternoons 3 305 30 Evenings 7 00 900 For into call 686-6657 Win up to $225- 1st place $175- 2nd place $100- 3rd place I_ 5782 126 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS student sublectt We will pay you $3 for about 30 minutes of your time on Thursday, Dec 5th anytime between 10am 12:30 In Room 133 UP Library "":12-5 OPEN HOUSE provides opportunities to ask enrolled students and Army cadre about the ROTC program el the U of O-6:30pm, Dec 4. Or call 886 3102. 126 CALL OECESION RESEARCH at485 2400 If you are a University stu dent who wants to earn S6 for taking part In 45 minutes of decision-making experiments _****:i2 2i2-e Wetter Moulton Happy 18th B-day I-ftLllt ■ ■ |4 — -a li-.X- I •We wtRutSiO, DtmCUe, sno nsrensi 126 WE PAY STUDENTS to take part In two decision experiments Do one or both 1) $6 tor a 45-mlnute experiment on Fri day. Dec 6: Call to schedule a time 2) S3 tor a 30-minute paper and pencil taak on Thrusdey Dec 5th any time bet ween 10am 12:30 In Room 133 UO Library DECISION RESEARCH 4*5 2400 ••••12 5 Ar Heather Copeland Happy Anniversary! Remembering Her misa Hawaii. Genoa. James. Sting, bor ing Valerie s and an exciting departure on this challenging tourney A "ra tion! al future hopefully awaits Friday7 Obsessed with that Damn good love. Mike 12 2 MAKE YOUR OWN HOLIDAY GIFTS at the EMU Craft Canter Card, gift, orna ment workshops Register now. ground floor EMU 5742 12-2 —UO Bookstore--. Last chance to purchase fall term course books is Dec. 6th. Fall term texts are being removed from the shelves to make room for Winter term texts Please purchase any course books you need for this term by Friday December 6th THANKS Episcopal Campus Ministries Tuesday Evening Eucharist 5 30 Service Koinoma Center 1414 Kincaid Street Supper and discus sion group following Everyone welcome _ Birthday Beat Portia Switzer (12-2) Stefanie Moulton BLOOM COUNTY Okay/ so i umr vine mm nom. wfcues tNAMtee' so 1MM XMONE TO STAY AT HOMf iW KA/S6 A FAMILY x i tmr someone to mash MYFBf.r.^AMlA CXlMIhAL ^ AMI A social tern ?/ FOAOOOPNedS SAK6. emex sew off for one of Those as/ah -mail-owe* wipes * OA PUASF HUSH UP ' / / by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY mrootT.smt PALLAS ' OVNNf) AN m IS SOCIALLY RWlMNT? 3HAM6.' P PVRCmSQ? \MF6 ' 7V UOK.YOU' COOK POK YOU' PPMPZRYOU' worship you.. Mme you.. by Berke Breathed MUCH, OF COURSC IF V/eWFP FROM A STRICTLY Neo-soao-wscuuue POINT OF Yew. MIGHT even oe coNstpepeo ALMOST... .MR* my „ =WHACK/ BLOOM COUNTY % snzve is TomuX OUT OF H6 FFFT HFfiO. IT'S IMMORAL, MRN of amse i him man setn opus on m/rr7 TO MAW HIM I "\fl by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY see first i pkk out A btRL FROM these PICS... WRITE HER A FEW LETTERS PROPOSE SENP SOME POUbH TO THE WIPE PROPER"... li-X . AW THEN FLY HER (MR HERE ANP WE OerMARREP. THUS SHE SETS AMERICA ANP I GET LIFELONG &VOVON ANP PAMPER!NO by Berke Breathed I THINK WHTTE SO. SLAVERY IS WHAPPYA immoral nm 7 ANP IMMORALITY WHICH OF COURSE MAKES ME SECRETLY WISH THAT SEVERAL LOVELY GO GO PANCERS woulp massage them... WHICH OF COURSE IS JUST THE TYPICALLY EMBARRASSING mtt CONTRAQtenON fin Pane 27