f MU Cultural Forum praeanta THE NYLONS So #raat. Windham HIM alarlad a now rocord labal |uat lor I ham DEC. 11 8PM EMU Ballroom Studani* $» advent a/SA DOS Gan Put) SI advance)*# DOS Don’t miss this ONLY Oregon appearance ____awuiM That MU Cultural Forum finolly presents THE REPLACE MENTS EMU Ballroom SAT DEC 7 8:00 Tickets are Sludenta S3 advance S4 day ol above General *5 advance S6 day ol aho* at Mam data. Earth Rivet and Everybody * Soon 5288 12 2 Entertainment WHHIHHIWnB «ll IW IHHU Mil POPCORN TUESOAV It waul simply low ll wu t c*w of cuM blooded paw Ion «K> T)a/neeW&fi A SiWitjet Nlghlly 7 10 9 25 Miter Monday *3.00 Set Sun Bargain Mai 4pm f\ nunct rOCRLTR'^ V Hot Fudge .y Sundaes v. 99$ EVERY TUESDAY l>«e t l llh 861 Wlllamallf Univarally Thaalra praaanlt THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT A magical melodrama about a group of evil oil barons who are about to destroy Paris Only one person can save the city and Its beauty the Counter Aurelia. THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT. Don't miss this delightful fairy tale playl Dec. 5-7, 12-14 Robinson Theatre 8pm All aaata ars raaarved *5 50 *4 50. and only *3 50 tor UO atudanta Call 806 4191 lor raaarvaliona 5794 12 3 Attention ALL GREEKS University Theatre has designated FRIDAY, DECEMBER e as GREEK NIGHT AT THE THEATRE We emend a special invitation to all traternlty and sorority members to attend this performance of the delightful and magical melodrama THE MAO WOMAN OF CHAIUOT Robinson Theatre 8 PM Tickets only $3.50 each Call 6M 4t«t to your tic kets now _5295 12 6 Personals „ PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline 24 hours 7 days Strictly confidential Call UA44M 3,44 tin RRIVATE HEIR FROM FRIENDS 1 ree pregnancy leellng Birthright SOT BBS, __ B23U WANTED Oualily Women s and Men s clothing Make eitre money FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS, 720 VV E t3th For appointment 343 ,312 114 Mon Sat 3744 M 4 YOUR HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS... AND WISH YOUR FRIENDS ONE TOO! WITH Noel Notes 20 WORDS-S2.50 In thr Imrratd Dnrfnbrr tbth Dradknr I f*nr». I>n t %lh. WATC H H)f IH 1AHS Tan B4U SKI On* Month Unlimited $45 (OM#f good thru Dec 20th) SumShower Tanning Center Sunahower will match any offer* by ealona featuring Wolff Syatem lann ing beda The Beat Ooe* not Apply to unlimited tanning Now there la no reeeon to go anywhere elae C’mon...Get some color in those cheeks. j Mr 1/11 8/4 E 13th NEW EXTENDED HOURS Mon Thun 7 am 10pm Friday 7am 6pm Sat Sun 0am 6pm Up the ataira next to Kinfco'a Think Christmas Ciit ( rrlltii Jtfy mm .njljiblc Give the intimate gilt that you'll en |Oy too Buy a 10 or 20 session package and receive S tree ses sionsi (No discounts apply) Only at 5un5hower TEDDY ORNAMENT ' with Litis ad and the purchase of any t>ox of CHRISTMAS CARDS JiVliliEHWUCKY CARDS • GIFTS 1308 Hilyard -184-0530 ’ Mon-Sal 9:30-6 Sunduy 12-5:00 /: Ouuii lily of Ixtttrs in limited~ Pint come find. wtrvo AND I KEEP SEEING THESE T SHIRTS AROUND CAMPUS. THEY DON THE INITIALS MHLF No* I asked this on* guy who look* Ilk* • viking wh*t lh* Initial* *tood lor H* told m* II meant lh* Mike Hading l*w Forum So what'* lh* deal"’ And what * Ihl* loo**n up' Mull? And lha Sjy on lh* tronl look* mor* Ilk* Stave •lla* then Mike Hading I'm conlu*. ad I think th* viking Had It * hard to b* A Saint In th* City _ 1M & Chi Psis Congrat* on winning raryle daule foot' bell' You're graatl_(M UNICEF CARDS ON SALE today ai rr... UnivarMty Bookstore and Smith Family Book*____ 12-J LISA SCOVONE We are so proud ot youII Good luck in Irvtne Love you lot* YOUR SISTERS 122 Jolayne Houtz Congratulation* on your nomination Hop# you make it to Tha Appta 12 2 Knuckleheads: You're the best! Dec. 6: That's what It Is! ___IM Learn to Sky Dive Weakly Instruction at Discount Prices Call 404 9868 _ HFM1216 EAR PIERCING St J BARS 1233 ALDER 12-4 "SHOW YOUR TALENTS" 1st ANNUAL Robert Sharp Bean TALENT SHOW Monday Dec. 9 8:00 11:00 in EMU Ballroom Auditions Tues Dec 2. Wed Dec 3 Afternoons 3 30-5 30 Evenings 7 00 900 For info call 686-6657 Win up to $225- 1st place $175- 2nd place $100- 3rd place _ 5782 12 5 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS student sublects We will pay you S3 lor about 30 minutes ol your time on Thursday, Dec 5th anytime between I0am-12:30 In Room 133 DO Library ""12-5 OPEN HOUSE provtdas opportunities to ask enrolled students and Army cadre about the ROTC prog rani at the U ol O-6:30pm. Dec 4 Or call 686 3102 _12-4 CALL DECISION RESEARCH at485-2400 If you are a University stu dent who wants to earn 16 lor taking part In 45 minutes of decision-making experiments._”**:12 212-6 Weffer Moulton Happy 18th B-day Leva Swthaad, Buttcus. and Martha! __12-3 WE PAY STUDENTS to take pari in two decision experiments Do one or both 1) S6 for a 45-minute experiment on Fri day. Dec 6 Call to schedule a time 2) $3 for a 30-minute paper and pencil task on Thrusday Dec 5th any time bet ween 10am 12:30 In Room 133 UO Library DECISION RESEARCH 485 2400 _****12 5 Ar Heather Copeland Happy Anniversary! Remembering Her misa Hawaii. Genoa James. Sting, bor ing Valerie s and an exciting departure on this challenging journey A ra tionlal future hopefully awaits Friday? Obsessed with that Damn good love, Mike 12 2 MAKE YOUR OWN HOLIOAY GIFTS at the EMU Craft Center Card, gift, orna mant workshops Register now, ground floor EMU 5742:12-2 —UO Bookstore— Last chance to purchase fall term course books is Dec. 6th. Fall term texts are being removed from the shelves to make room for Winter term texts Please purchase any course books you need lor this term by Friday December 6th THANKS Episcopal Campus Ministries Tuesday Evening Eucharist 5 30 Service, Koinonta Center 1414 Kincaid Street Supper and discus sion group following Everyone welcome Birthday Beat Portia Switzer (12-2) Stefanie Moulton BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed okay ' so i «rtvr sane tkapi VONAL WKUeS IN ft WIFE / SO iwant soheone w stay at Him ANP RAISE ft FAMILY' so t want someone to wash , MY FEET '. . AM IA / CRIMINAL V AM I ft (l SOCIAL IEFER ?/ \\ for ooopness sake.. EITHER SENP OFF FOR ONE OF THOSE ftS/ftN ‘MAH-ORPER SNIPES' Oft PLEASE HUSH UP ' / ASIAN MAVORPER Bftl... BLOOM COUNTY mrvorr.sM PHIAS/ 9WHb an asm ma-om* UIB IS SOCtAUY Rettomr? SHAME.' A PURCHASED MFE ' TO cove YOU' COOK FOR YOU' PAMPER YOU' WORSHIP YOU.. mthe you. 'M I I— - -- ■■ by Berke Breathed WHICH, OP COURSE. IP VI6WEP FROM a strictly NEO-5000-MASCULINE POINT OF YIEW. MKSHT even 96 CONStPEREP ALMOST... BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed SLOOM COUNTY SEE FIRST I PICK OUT ? GIRL FROM MX PICS UR/TE HER ft Few LETTERS PROPOSE XNP SOME ROUGH V THE RRlPE PROKER".. AHP THEN FLY HER OVER HERE ANP WE GET MARRtEP. THUS SHE GETS AMERICA ANP / GET LIFELONG PEVOVON ftNP PAMPERING by Berke Breathed so. WHAPPYA mm 7 I THINK WHITE SLAVERY IS IMMORAL. ANP IMMORALITY mak£s my feerntH! WHICH OF COURSE MAKES ME SECRETLY WISH THAT SEVERAL LONELY GO GO PANCERS WOULP MASSAGE THEM... WHICH OF COURSE IS JUST THE TYPICALLY EMBARRASSING MORAL COmAQICnON I'M ALWAYS , \cmmiNf *