El’GENFS FALL CREEK BAKERY lAiwvyvwvvvwvvm NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with ual TODAY’S MENU: • M»m t ChMU (HIM) ciollllnt • Mushroom lilted crolaaant • Brocotti S Fete Cheat* croittenl Straight from Ih* oven 11 00 am MR 7 .TOO 00 set E 13th Saturday 8-3 «S4 166? Bicycles it" TOURING BIKE. « mar* SOS In elude* toe clips, race great com ponanl* Call Oebb.e 486 0460 leave mat*age 1127 27" CENTURION 10 BREED Silver tram*, new cable* and taping STS Call P*l*r 344 7444 11 27 SECOND r\ NATURE BICYCLES ■ i •Niehiki Cycle Pro Sakai Oeeler •Full Lin* BMX Cruiser •Reconditioned Bite* Our Speciality • E apart Repair* •Free Appr*l**|* •Cu*lom Buildup* •Frame Repair 343-5362 44« E 1 Jth BUY*SELL«TRADE Cars & Cycles 1984 HONDA AERO 126, • condition •irnMimii SaOOorbesi 406 2693 12 3 •0 HONOA ACCORD. 4 door air 632V) 220 2060 11 22 1024 CUSTOMIZED DO DOE VAN. Great condition 62600 at best 083 6629 1122 1026 FORD ORAN TORINO, automatic powet ideering power brake. atrcondi honing 8 cylmder 2 door biown Mum sell baton move oul 6260 344 3224 12 3 Wanted WANTED TO RENT 2 to3 bedrm house raatonabiy clot® lo campus Must allow 2 cats ptalat undat 6360 Non smoker CIO (acuity mambat Please call 486 6620 11 22 Opportunities INTERNSHIP OFFERED Looking lot qualitiad. anargatic adilot lot Slatawida publication Call nowi 686 4322 5285 123 Help Wanted FINANCIAL AIO NEEDS ANALYST Ap plications ata bamg accaptad through Monday Dacambai 2. 1965 lor post lions ol Financial Aid Naadt Analyst in tna Umvaratiy ol Oragon Otlica ol Stu danl Financial Aid Thasa ata 15 20 bout par waak positions ttom mid January. 1986 to mid June, i960 ai approximate ly 65 par hour Oulias mcluda analysis ol financial aid applications using prascrlbad meihods ma salaclion ol corrtct budgets and packaging ol aid Candidates must ba currantly enrolled University ol Oregon upper division or graduate students with a strong academic iscord. ba able to work wall with numbers, and nave strong com munications skills Preierence will ba given to parsons who nave quick learn mg abilities. Iasi and accurals work methods era sail confident, decisive and can work well under pressure Only parsons willing lo make a serious com mltment to the task will be selected Applicants should sand a latter ol ap plications. resume, and academic transcnpt(a) to Edmond Vlgnoul, Direc tor. Ollice ol Student Financial Aid, 260 Oragon Hall. University ol Oragon, Eugene, Oragon. 92403 For more In lomallon. call 686 3221 The University ol Oregon is an Equal OpportunltylAfhr mative Action employer '-22 1 II ?/ TWO NIQHT MANAGER (Graduate Teaching Fellows) position openings in Erb Memorial Union beginning January 6. 1986 Applicants must have achieved greduate status In a degree granting program Applications and lurlhei mlor matlon may be obtained in EMU Ad mlnlstrative Ollice. M101 Deadline lor applications is December 6 1985 The University ol Oregon is an equal oppor tunltylallirmtive action employer 5224 11 22 HELP WANTED CAMPUS REP Needed lo sell candles, nuts, and trail mis Sell starter, friendly, outgoing Commission sales 6400-6500 month possible on pari time basis Phone 484 4022 11-22 GOVERNMENT JOBS. 615,000 650,000/yr possible All oc cupatlons Call 1 805-682-6000 Ext R 9642 MW WANTED: PART TIME Advarhslng galas lo< stalewide Veterans pspet Please will* lor details Oregon Amvets, PO Bo» 14459 Portland OR 97214. or cell (503)236 4910 123 TYPESETTER The Oregon Dally Emerald Production Department la aeehing applicants lo fill the position of typesetter Qusuited applicants will have a minimum block ot three hours In the morning lime lo devole to then |ob Compugraphita espenence is prater red Proofreading and typing speed essential Applications will be ac cepted at the ODE oltlce 3rd Moor EMU Deadline has been extended lo November 27, 1965 at 5 p m The ODE IS an equal opportunity employer __ 1127 Roommates J STUDIOUS FRIENDLY ROOMMATES •anted to share nice 3 bedroom duple» 12 blocks west of campus S127 Alter 6 p m call 6S6 3555 ask tor Dana 1127 ROOM FOR RENT. 0w> tSIRME (tSSSS three blocks born campus *140 plus utilities Call Carol or Lisa 343-2836 __ _ __n 27 CLEAN & QUIET Share 3 bedroom house with 2 others 2 blocks south campus on Agale *131 mo 663-6352 _ n,27 OWN ROOM FURNISMEO share ill kitchen *ith 5 Outer clean newly remodeled *140 month plus *75 deposit 687 0419 12-3 ROOM FOR RENT. Male or female *117/mo plus (100 deposit 3 bdrm ap parlmanf 343 9640 11 27 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING married couple* and single parent*. poaiibtllty ol im medial* occupancy or place youraelf on waning Hat Westmoreland furnished apartment 2 bedroom tt44/mo. 1 bedroom 11 tty mo Am von unfurnished 2 bedroom JlJOrmo Future openings ••peeled ell areas Contact UO Houa mg Dept . 686-42//,_«X2tln Looking (or Groat Winter Term Housing?! Try a Co op! We otter an e«cetl*nt opportunity to meet people learn new skill* and ideas cook and eat great food (meat and vegitanan options), and so much more Have a say in how your house is run Share tun and work Learn what a cooperative can be Com* vtait eat din net with us. or |ust sit around the tire and talk Campbell Club Coop taro Alder St Ml 377? Find out what were about you'll like ill __S7S1 IMS ROOM FOR RENT IN Campbell Club Coop Rent food, utilities included Com* lo 16/0 Alder St or call Jeff at 663 3453 S /61 12 18 STUDIO APT . Ouiel spacious campus 2 miles avail Dec 3 Si /0/mo includes utilities 485 2380 mornings and even Inga_112/ 1331 HIQH Furnished studios, utilities paid, share kitchen with one other Private bath Parking available Campus downtown location From 1180 Manager no 2A, 3456/28 alter 5pm 5/80 ttn Lost a Found MEIPI T*ke the wrong Mack coat at SEA's Saturday night? If to call 867 8493 I'M FREEZING' 12 2 Events TheEMU Cultural Forum finally presents THE REPLACE MENTS EMU Ballroom SAT DEC 7 8:00 Tickets are Studenis $3 advance $4 day of show General $5 advance $6 day of show at Main desk. Earth River and Everybody's Soon _ 5786 122 The Nylons Wed Dec 11 Produced by EMU Cultural Forum 5ZZ9:' KRXX WELCOMES Nicaragua’s Hottest Salsa-Jazz Luis and Mejia Godov and MANCOTAL FRI DEC 13 EMU Ballroom 8 PM $5 Advance $6 Day of show Co sponsored oy the U of O Cultural Forum and the Council for Human Rights In Latin America. Tickets at EMU Main Desk, Everybody's Records, and Earth River Records 5787 11-27 MAX’S FRIDAY The John Salvo Show Begins at 4 Saturday The Ethnocentric* Music at 9:30 j FRIDAY & SATURDAY Arnold’s Sandwich Shop Make you* own sandwich Pay by the weight I14M £ 1*th l»lh S Agate SUNDAY Bob Dylan & James Coburn in Sam Peckinpah's "PAT GARRETT AND BILLY THE KID” plus Burt Lancaster in ULZANAY RAID CinemaScoPE Pal Garret and Billy the Kid (1973) is another of Peckipah s studio re-cut works that manages to retain the in tegrity and power unique to Pecktn pah's vision Shown in widescreen (10Sm) Shows with Robert Aldrich's Ut/ana s Raid (1972). a perceptive rivi siomst look at the Cavalry Indian wars featuring Burt Lancaster (103m) 7 PM 180 PLC $1.50/51 Recover from Thanksgiving with easy listening from PAUL MONTAIGNE 14S1 Vk E. 1»th IBth A Agate FRIDAY NITE AT EUGENE'S EXCITING ADULT NON LIOUOB CABERET Wed 8:302am Ladiat Night Ladies ara Iraa 8:30 9:30 Friday 8 Saturday Party all night. Open altar hours: 8:30 4amI Music Top 40 R 4 B dance mustc. Roc tin roll you're gonna dance THE NIGHT AWAY at Players Cabaret Call Player s lor Limousine Service. Party* and special events 1048 Willamette 6832288 TUNE IN TO [• THE BIJOU • I 482 t Uth *842438 FREE POPCORN TUESDAY REGULAR SHOWING ENDS WEDNESDAY "A musical masterpiece." •UftMiltMt** If riMMIft ' Mh\m Akin TALKING sY (JfMMh ANU HEADS STOP MAKING SENSE Ends Tonight 7:30 A 9:30 AI»o special Late Nile Wed. 11:30pm $2.50 Closed Thanksgiving Fri.-Sat. 11:45pm $3 Starts Friday Personals PROBLEMS? Crtsts Canter U of O telephone hotline. 24 hours- 7 days Strictly confidential Call SSS44SS3144:ttn IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT About pregnancy call Birthright 687^651 3162W MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades 360 E 11th 4960 WHF EAR PIERCING at J BARS 1233 ALDER 124 STUDENT HEALTH CENTER URGENT CARE UNIT will be open 12-8 p m dur ing Thanksgiving holiday Thurs thru Sun__5775 11 27 NSHP The New Student Host Program is recruiting for Student Coordinators Ap plications available in 364 Oregon Hall Apply by Monday. Dec 2nd 5777 11-27 -OJO Bookstore^ Last to purchase fall term course books is Dec. 6th. Fall term texts are being removed from the shelves to mmake room for Winter term texts Please purcnase any course books you need for this term by Friday. December 6th THANKS TODAY Presentation/Video TUES. 3:30 WED. 11:30 EMU Century Rm. A PRESENTED BY HERMANNS DEL SOL TOURS W/EUGENE TRAVEL Tan B4U TRAVEL One Month Unlimited $45 (Otter good thru Dec 20th) SuflShOWER Tanning Center Sonehower will match any oilers by aalona featuring Wolff System tann ing beds...The Beal. Does not apply to unlimited tanning Now there ia no reaaon to go anywhere else. C’mon...Get some color in those cheeks. 887 1711 874 E. 13th 5 NEW EXTENDED HOURS Mon.Thura. 7am 10pm Friday 7am 8pm Sat. Sun 9am-8pm Up the ataira next to Kinko’a Think Christmas Gift Certifkites now jvaljible Give the intimate gilt that you'll en joy too Buy a 10 or 20-session package and receive S free ses sions! (No discounts apply). Only at Sun Shower DID YOU MISS Rmdy Ross. Penny Harrington. John Keppel, Denis Chericone. or John Stockwell LECTURES? Remember tapes of all lectures presented by the EMU Cultural Forum are available at the Bookstore for per sonal copies If you want more info, call 686-4373 or ask at the tape sec tion on the main floor of the bookstore_ 5778 11-27 4 HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS... AND WISH YOUR FRIENDS ONE TOO! WITH Noel Notes 20 WORDS-$2.50 In the tmcrjld December 16th. Deadline: 1pm. Dec. 13th. WATCH fO* Df TAILS PHI DELT CLARK, The fire was hot and so were you l‘d like to get to know you better THE GOLD TALON 11-27 MAKE YOUR OWN HOLIOAV GIFTS at the EMU Craft Center Card, gift, orna ment workshops Register now, ground floor EMU 5742 12-2 Newman Center Unman Catholic Community at the 1'niverslry of Oregon Worship with us Weekdays 5:15pm Sundays 9-00 am 11 00am • 7 30pm Special Student Worship Wednesdays at 9:00pm 1850 Emerald St. • 343-7021 “SHOW YOUR TALENTS’’ 1st ANNUAL Robert Sharp Bean TALENT SHOW Monday Dec. 9 8:00-11:00 in EMU Ballroom Auditions Tues Dec 2. Wed Dec 3 Afternoons 3:30530 Evenings 7 00-900 For info call 686-6657 Win up to S225- 1st place $175- 2nd place $100- 3rd place _ 5782 12 5 Happy Birthday Gold Dust 11-27 Debbie Reeves Have a great Thanksgiving 11-27 KENFREDO! Last night was great1 Meet me Friday at noon at Rennie's Landing like we planned, they will be open SEX KITTEN _11-27 ORDER OF DIANA COURT The men of TKE wish to thank you for everything you have done for us We couldn t be where we are today without our little sisters The fun we have had so far is only a fraction of what is going to conw in the future Thanks, you're the best! LOVE. YOUR TEKE BROTHERS _11-27 Whoever stole the Lambda Chi Alpha Composite, please return it to the Alpha O’s. 5783 1127 BABY FACE: Happy Thanksgiving I love you J.P.11-27 DEAR MANAGEMENT: I was reading I he warning on the stamp pad and t was wondenng when exactly does a stamp pad become dangerous or reckless to use and will we be warned when we have reached this point? Thank you tor your shared concern HEA TH. 11-27 "SMILES" AND SUSAN: Not to tret, many more to come! Thanks from the infirmary FLETCH11-27 STAN, Another screwdnver please! LOVES. 11-27 say Happy Birthday Naomi from friend 1127 PI PHI’S the composite is safe Greenacres is the place Miami Steve Ray Charles Bono_ /1 27 BLOOM COUNTY H6 rwposep AGAIN f FOUfOWM , -rws yem I WHAT'S wm STM * by Berke Breathed