Not Wanted: MILITARY SOLUTIONS TO POL. AND ECON. PROBLEMS SANE- a national cltizans lobby 1$ hir ing for its Community Outreach Pro gram Earn $160 to $200 per week while actively changing national policy. INTERVIEWS MAY 24 9.-00 to 2:00 Contact Emmett at 1511 Agate 686-3214 for appointment. 5-17X SUMMER WORKSTUDY FUN JOBS! EMU Recreationa Center and Water works Canoe Co. Call 686-3711 to schedule interview.5216:5-22 SAY GOODNIGHT TO THE ULTRA RIGHT! Oregon State Democrats are of fering paid, full-time positions in Portland to promote fair tax policies and progressive issues. $162.50 up to $220 per week, training provided. Only dedicated, articulate individuals need apply See Emmett Williams at the UO Student Employment Office.6-10 WANT A TERRIFIC WORKSTUDY job for the summer? Gain valuable Public Relations experience, earn 4.58 hr. (summer rate), and have time to study, working as a Tour Guide/Receptionist for the Intormation Booth this summer. Positions can continue into next fall. WORKSTUDY QUALIFIED ONLY need apply. Pick up and return applications to the second floor of Oregon Hall by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 22. Ask for Holly at X3009 for more information. 5222.5-22 I LAW SCHOOL PLACE MENT & ALUMNI RELA TIONS JOBS: WORK STUDY for students with good organizational skills and top clerical ability. Respon sibility and challenge are yours. Call 3847. 5168:5-17 THE FOREIGN STUDENTS ORGANIZATION is now accepting ap plications for the post of director for the 1985-86 school year. The position pays $100lmonth and requires 10 of fice hoursfweek. Pick up application from the F.S.O. Room 206, EMU. 5238:521 THE UO YWCA seeks coordinators tor its Multi-Cultural Friendship Program and Exceptional Friendship Program beginning Fall 1985. For more informa tion, contact the YWCA at 686-4439. Deadline is May 24th! 5-17 STUDENTS: HOW ABOUT 3 CREDITS in 2 weeks? We have a real deal for you PS415 Political Parties, a seminar from June 17th through 28th- study the reali ty of political life with top officeholders and political professionals. More info? Call Denis Snook at X4876 weekday afternoons.5123:5-16 INTERNSHIP- PUBLIC RELATIONS. 1985-86 academic year. Three credits per term. Job description available Career Planning & Placement. 244 Hen dricks Hall. Application dealine May 21. SUMMER JOBS Summer Session Resident Manager June 15Sept. 22 Room & Board plus $110 week. Resident Assistant experience required Summer Session Resident Assistants June 22-Aug 17 & June 22-Sept. 8 Room & Board Residence Hail living experience required App. Deadline: Tuesday May 21 Pick up and file applications at the Housing Office 5221:521 Peace Corps Interviews May 20-: Advanced sign-up required Open schedule Make Appointment Now Career Planning and Placement, 244 Hendricks 686-3235 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for all staff positions for 1985-86. The deadline for applying for managing editor is May 13 at 5 p.m. Applications for all other positions are due May 20 at 5 p.m. Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald Office, EMU Suite 300. Staff positions are. Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Assistant Photo Editor Sports Editor Friday Editions Editors Sidelines Editor Graphics/Supplements Assistant Associate Editors: Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities General Assignment Community Features The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affir mative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer._tfn CBA SENIORS: Summer internship with First Interstate Bank (credit only). Ap plication materials due by noon. May 22. Position description available in Room 244, Hendricks Hall. 5200:5-16 THE YWCA IS OFFERING the Ella Travis Edmunson & Mercy Travis Davis Scholarship Fail 1985. Sophomore, junior or senior women who will be full time are eligible. Applications are avialable at 841 East 18th Avenue 5-17 S120! 3 BLKS from campus. Lg. Rm Lots of windows. Big backyd. deck. Secluded. Share house with 2 other students. Quiet/neat 345-1082, Robin or Annette,(Emerald & 21st)5-17 NEEDED: WOMAN to share 2 bedroom townhouse east of Hendricks Hill. S155/month. Chela 344-4964. 5-22 $125! NICE! 5 blocks form cam pus/town. Quiet Yard. Older female. Ar range now for June 18. 342-4149. 5-17 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house with free laun dry neat campus. $l55/month 683-1391/683-3228. 5-17 UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility of immediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $142/mo., 1 bedroom $113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom S118/mo. Future openings expected, all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept., 686-42774043:tfn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment. Campus S210/S250. No pets. 4S5-2823. 4126:tfn SUMMER TERM ROOMS The Student's Cooperative Assn, is now accepting applications for summer Room, board and all utilities included Single: S415 (8 weeks), S570 (11 weeks). Double: $350 (8 weeks). $480 (11 weeksi 683-3454.4552:6-10 SUPER SUMMER RATES. Furnished one bedroom next to campus, VERY clean.VERY quiet Walk-in closet Free covered parking 1:00-6:00 p.m. 484-4103.4714:810 RENTING FOR SUMMER and fall, fur nished units near Music Bldg. Studio, 1. 2 bedroom and one small house. Ridgewood Apts. 6885769. 5214:tfn OLO FASHIONED HOME, 3 bedroom, skylight, wood stove, laundry No pets. Lease $400, $220 dep Whiteoker 345-8325 6/1/85 821 SUNNY FURNISHED SUMMER sublet 3 blks from campus, $175 month plus. 683-8647. References only, 817 SUBLET: 2 BEDROOM house Good location, furnished $120 plus utilites Avaiable June 17th - Labor Day (nego.) Single adults only. 344-2745 _816 Available for Summer School Very attractive modern Studio apt with view, sundeck. 3448490.11-2 or 58 p.m. 817 ROOMY 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished, ap pliances, washer-dryer $275. $100 refundable deposit. Adults, no pets. 484-1057. 5092:tfn QUIET- ADULTS ONLY- PETS OK. Un furnished one bedroom apartment, one block to Safeway/7-11; 10 minutes to campus. Off-street parking $195. 7485575. 817 A SUMMER PLACE I will have some interesting U of O apartments, duplexes, and houses available June 15th Also, a room for male student ($75 a month) and two studios (1 furnished & 1 unfurnished). For appointment call Joy, 686-1130, Lamson Associates 5202:tfn RESERVING FOR FALL AND SUMMER Low Summer Rate LARGE 2 bedroom, one block from cam pus, VERY clean. VERY quiet. Furnish ed, dishwasher, disposal, nice kitchen, sun deck. Free covered parking. 1 p.m -7 p.m., 683-8919 4715:6-10 GRADUATE STUDENT 1591 Sylvan.AVAILABLE IN CHARM ING campus area triplex: -3 bedroom, sunny living room, fireplace, dining room, large fromt porch, garage for storage. $460. -Large, quiet one bedroom, private deck $215. Lamaon Associates 683-2190.5015:tfn 1255 MILL ST. Five blocks to UO and downtown. 2 bedroom furnished, free cable TV, fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, balcony, laundry, covered parking, heated swimming pool Available now. Summer rates begin June 16. 361 E. 13th One bedroom, 5 Vi blocks to UO Unfur nished, fireplace, appliances and drapes Call Ken Shuulman, 345-4322 CHARLES ELLIS REALTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 4745:tfn RENTING FOR SUMMER/FALL: 1414 E. 18th. One and two bedroom apts From $160 Lamson Associates, 683-2160 4740:tfn EUGENE MANOR, High-rise living at Its best. 2 blocks from campus Security building. 1 bedroom. 2 bedrooms, studios, and penthouse. 484-7441. 5142:ttn FURNISHED STUDIO 1Vi blocks campus. On site laundry facilities. Call 345-8493 5146:tfn QUIET ADULT COMPLEX, Two bedrooms, 1Vi baths, pool, saunas, pets allowed, forest setting. $285-$305. Call 687-1318 for directions.5-17 Summer Rates 1331 High Street Furnished Studios $130 UTILITIES INCLUDED. Private bath, share kitchen with one other, parking available Manager 2-B, 344-7241 Ben nett Management Co.5177:5-24 HUGE DUPLEX FOR RENT. 2000 sq ft 3V4 bedrooms. Just over Glenwood Bridge $350/mo 345-1851 5-17 15th & Hilyard Furnished 2 bdrm Large rooms. Dishwasher, covered parking, pool Great for summer! Cali 345-0580. 5-17 NEWER QUAD, all utilities paid. $139 Near University, 1066 Harris 343-0981. or 344-8941. 4423lfn FANTASTIC LOW SUMMER RATES DELUXE furnished quads. Open cour tyard. air conditioned, laundry facilities, COVERED FREE PARKING! Prompt maintenance guaranteed! Private baths available ALL THIS FROM ONLY $110 WOODSiDE MANOR 18th 8 Harris 633-3005 __5052:5-5 LOW SUMMER RATES FREE UTILITIES TOP OF THE LINE DELUXE QUADS. 1 block from U of O library. Free utilities, nice SUNDECK, FREE covered parking! Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FROM ONLY $119 HURRY 8 SIGN UP TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 344-5713 5053:5-5 REDUCED SUMMER RATES FREE UTILITIES BEAUTIFUL QUADS with private Vi baths, sundeck, completely furnished with individual refrigerators, laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FOR ONLY $109 Across the street from U of 0 SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE 1436 Alder 344-8302 5054:5-5 LOW SUMMER RATE: $92, large quad Free utilities Completely furnished 1825 Harris no.2A 485-8859 5226:516 FREE UTILITIES! Great Low Summer Rates SPOTLESSLY CLEAN, modern deluxe campus quads Completely furnished, FREE covered parking,laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED) Excellent management For Only $991 ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder 343*3599 _5049:5-5 PRIVATE BATH) LOW, LOW SUMMER RATES SPOTLESSLY clean, modern DELUXE campus quads Air conditioned, fur nished, FREE utilities FREE covered parking, laundry facilities, refrigerator in each room! For Only $119 VS Block to Campus & Shopping CAMPUS OUADS 751 East 16th 345*1272 LUNC 11:30 - 2:00 Students Welcome FACULTY CLUB Collier House ll 70 East 13th Now we have Marco s GELATO Hai«an »ce cream m intense refreshing fruit nut & chocolate flavors FALL CREEK BAKERY 484-1662 M-F 8-6. Sal 8*3 • Eugene 881 East 13th next to UO Bookstore Council for Human Rights in Latin America presents HARD TIMES LUNCH Plenty of Outdoor Seating Lunches to Go Best Latin Food In Town Autnentic Latin Food s2.00 THURSDAY 11.30 2 pm 1236 KINCAID (NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE) Now available patio dining and meals to go Doonesbury Page 6A BY GARRY TRUDEAU YOU CAN'T GIVE AWAY WHAT AIN'T YOURS! LIKE THE- DAMN DEFICIT! WE'LL PAY FOR m THE LOCUSTS MIL COME ONE DAY AND CARRY jOFFALLTHE , CHILDREN! ^ NICE TOMEEJ YOU,TOO, ElMONT NOW,SU/EETS, SAINT THE POPE ElMONT HASN'T WEN TO YOU, HIS FINAL PUDDY! OKAY YET. 25$ HOT DOG NIGHT THURSDAY 6 9 pm. Beer, wine 4 qoood sandwiches ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1461 Vi E. 19th (Near 19th and Agate) it 4? ouaaoaoaaarfTBBrbaoa loooaocoooo fHHO Mandarin oooooooaoaoaaoooaoaoouoooo Dally Special Chinese Lunch jl 1195 ■i " Full Course Chinese Dinner yf j $3.95 *rT jS- 1?th&Htlyard tp 11 am • 10 pm fa 343-6234 $ Lost & Found ■ DHARMA" THE DOG-LOST Tuesday in Alton-Baker Park Real friendly and lov ing male Shepherd-Labrador mis black with white paws, chesl. 343-8204, 686 4544 REWARD. 5-17 Events Film Series on Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Sponsored by tho University Tssk Fores on Alcoholism Film title: “The Disease Concept of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse” Date: May 16, 1985 Time: 11:30-12:30 1st showing 12:30-1:30 2nd showing Place: EMU Room 101 This series is lor educstionel pur poses to help increese awareness ol the problems created by alcohol and drug abuse. Faculty, stall and students are Invited to attend. Representatives trom local agencies will be present at the showings to answer questions. GALA LAST CHANCE DANCE Friday 9 p.m., $1.50 Laurerwood Goll Course 2700 Columbia. Eugene DANCE/DRILL TEAM AUD ITIONS Sunday 19 May 1985 Registration: 9 a.m. Auditions: 10 a.m.-Noon 353 Gerlinger Annex 686-3386- info.5228:5-17 KZAM WELCOMES JOHN PRINE Plus special guest DANNY O’KEEFE FRIDAY JUNE 7 SILVA 8 PM TICKETS: $12.50 6 111.50 On sale TOMORROW at Main Desk and all Hull Center outlets. Order by Phone 6*7 5000. 5230:^18 PEASANT PARTIES OF THE BALKANS free public lecture DIMITRU SANDRU (Cuza University, Romania) Friday, May 17, 1985, 3:30 p.m.f 101 EMU Agrarian problem* and reforms In Romania and other Balkan countries between the two world wars For fur ther information, call UO REESC 986-4877 5207:5-17 EMU Cultural Forum presents MINI FEST A LEAD INTO THE 15th ANNUAL FOLKFEST 12:00: Susanna Rappoport 12:30: Larry Hirshberg 1:45: Jean 8 Will 2:45 Richard Phillips 3:15: Sailor's Bonnet All In the EMU Courtyard Friday the 17th (EMU lobby In case of rain) Whitewater Kayaking Slideshow off kayaking ih^^raldu River in India plus and exclllng kayak ing movie Thursday, May 16th, 7:30 pm. 177 Lawrence Hall Free Spon sored by Rivers West and Outdoor Program 52115-16 FRENCH DIP SANDWICH Au Jus On Fresh French Bread Served With Potato Salad Only $195 Reg $2 35 FRESH GROUND SPECIALTY COFFEES Thursday, May 16, 1985