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Two other children were among the six bodies found Tuesday in the ruins of the house once occupied by the MOVE cult. “We're taking one shovel at a time,” said police spokesman Lt. Jerry Whartenby. “We’re looking for any kind of evidence to tell us what went on, any more bodies that may or may not be there, weapons, ammo, things of that sort.’ The five bodies found Wednesday were wrapped in canvas body bags and taken to the city morgue for study, according to Clarence Mosley, the city’s assistant city managing director. Police assaulted the house on Monday with bullets, water hoses, tear gas and finally a two-pound bomb. An ensuing fire burned 61 homes and uprooted at least 225 residents of the west Philadelphia neighborhood. Meanwhile, Mayor Wilson Goode again defended his plan to evict the radicals and took full responsibility for the result. “The whole purpose of the operation was to preserve life. What happened was an acci dent. There will not be any scapegoats. I am fully and totally responsible,” he said at a news conference. OSU next stop for David Chan CORVALLIS (AP) — A Playboy magazine photographer is coming to Oregon State University next week but, unlike other cam puses in the Pacific 10 Con ference, no women’s groups are planning to stage protests. Some women, however, say they’ll try to get an interview with photographer David Chan to express their disapproval privately. Instead of staging a protest, the Oregon State Women’s Center plans to hold a discus sion — “Having your picture taken or pornography?” — at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 House Democrats propose ’86 budget containing big cuts in defense spending WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats Wednesday formally proposed a 1986 federal budget that would cut spending by $56 billion, slicing deeply into President Ronald Reagan’s defense buildup but safeguarding the cost-of-living increase in Social Security benefits. The $967 billion spending plan calls for no tax increases, freezes spending on most domestic programs and pro vides for deeper cuts in others, such as transportation and ur ban aid. Programs for low income people, such as Medicaid and welfare, would be protected against cuts. The Democratic plan would deny the Pentagon any increase in spending authority next year, although actual spending would rise by $15 billion. The GOP budget, endorsed by Reagan, also calls for $56 billion in cuts without raising taxes. But it would cancel next year’s cost-of-living increases for recipients of Social Security and other government pension programs, while spending more on defense and less on domestic programs than the Democratic blueprint. In all, the Democratic plan would cut spending by an estimated $56 billion next year — divided almost evenly bet ween defense and domestic ac counts — and $259 billion over three years. Gray put the deficit in 1988 at $120 billion if the plan is approved. Coffee Bean of the Month Mexican $^65 Good through month of May KINKO’S 860 E. 13th • 344-7894 HAYWARD COLEMAN A SILENT PORTRAYAL OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE Mr. Coleman studied in Paris with Marcel Marceau and his master Etenne Decroux as well as Japan's famous Mamako. His most recent appearances include the 1984 Summer Olympic Games and Diana Ross’ World Tour. TONIGHT Condon School 8 p.m. FREE Eugene’s finest new deli eatery invites you to try one of our delicious dinner entrees 50* OFF ANY DINNER ENTREE LIGHT SUPPERS * DESERTS * ESPRESSO * BEER & WINE 1965 West 18th St. (across from Bi-Mart) 343-DELI OPEN Mon-Sat Sam-11pm (Close 8 on Mon.: Open 10 Sat.) . special entree offer vabd thru 5/31/85 J o o o o self SERVE WORcl pROCESSilNq • IBM personal computers • Diablo 630 printer (Corrects your spelling!) and featuring... Perfect Wr i ter' “ Sof t wa re inkers copies 13th 344 7894 O 0 O 0 IJPIX ROUNC ATT MIVGRSITY Iravgl - I 77A E. 13th Second Floor Smith Family Book Bldg 683-5577 ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS Portland-New York.$258 Portland-Miami.$258 Eugene-San Diego.$198 Portland-Lima, Peru.$776 •Fares subject to certain restrictions Thursday, May 16, 1985