The Oregon Bach Festival Eugene event nationally lauded Although many students who leave Eugene during the sum mer months might not be aware of it, each year the University hosts the Oregon Bach Festival, one of the foremost summer events of its kind in the nation. This year, on June 16 through 30, the Bach Festival will celebrate the Bach tercentenary by including in its schedule of more than 35 concerts, the "St. Matthew” and "St. John’s Pas sions," the "B Minor Mass” and the six Brandenburg Concertos. ilelmuth Killing, world renowned interpreter of Bach repertoire, will serve as the festival's artistic director conductor as he has for the past 16 seasons. During the two-week program schedule, concerts will be presented on the campus and at the Hult Center for the Perform ing Arts. The festival format will include 15 evening con certs, a series of afternoon con certs and more than 12 free noon concerts, which include jazz, folk and ethnic, and tradi tional classic music. Several children’s concerts will also be part of the Festival’s program. For complete information about events and tickets, con tact: The Oregon Bach Festival, School of Music, University of Oregon, Eugene. Oregon 97403 — phone (503) 686-5666. Schedule of Events June 16: Brandenburg Concertos (HI. IV. V) June 17: Meet J.S. Bach; St. Mat thew Passion (Part I), lecture and performance; Organ Recital; Art of the F'ugue (Paul Jordan). June 18: St. Matthew Passion (Part II). lecture and performance; Los Angeles Musical Offering (Bach and Sons). June 19: Dowd — Kammerer, jazz; St. Matthew Passion (Part III), lec J.S. Bach ture and performance; classical guitar with Neill Archer Roan. June 20: St. Matthew Passion (Part IV), lecture and perfor mance; organ / horn: Erhard and Ritzkowsky. June 21: Dean Kramer, piano; St. Matthew Passion (Part V), lecture and performance; Brandenburg Concertos (I, II, VI). June 22: Eugene Ballet Company; Johann Sebastian Bach film; Bach’s Supper; Univerisity Singers, Fullerton (Schutz, Bach, Handel). June 23: St. Matthew Passion with Helmuth Rilling conducting. June 24: Dana Lutes Ensemble; Motet: Jesu meine Freude, lecture and performance; recorder: Schneider and Jordan; violin sonatas: Lenski. June 25: Cantata BWV 4, Christ lag in Todesbanden, lecture and performance; oboe recital: Gorit zki, Pank and Erhard. June 26: Metropolitan Brass; lec ture and performance Christo Wolff; St. John Passion with Helmuth Rilling conducting. June 27: Concerto in D minor for violin, oboe and orchestra, lecture and performance. Gamba Recital: Bach Sonatas (Pank and Erhard). June 28: Janice Tipton, tlute; Suite in D Magor for Orchestra, lecture and performance; King’s Singers. June 29: Eugene Opera: Little Red Riding Hood; J.S.Bach film; Los Angeles Musical Offering (Bach, Handel and Scarlatti). tune 30: B Minor Mass with Helmuth Rilling conducting. July 2: St. Matthew Passion with Helmuth Rilling conducting. July 3: B Minor Mass with Helmuth Rilling conducting. mmoAw NATURAL HAIR DESIGNS FOR MEN AND WOMEN STYLE CUT SPECIAL Keg. $ I 1.95 Mon. fir Thurs. Only Includes Shampoo, Conditioning, and Precision Cut 561 E. 13th • (Across from Max's) • 485-4422 ^German AUTO SERVICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA Reliable service 'or your foreign car since 1963 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene. Ore 97403 WORRV NOT, DUCKS! 7 A.M. IS BREAKFAST TIME AT TERRVS NEW HOURS: o pm Sat 8 am S prr^ Son 9 6 rMoxw burner Tcnys i „ Pest tmr^ers. omelettes... and more ’ downstairs at the 5fh St Public Market • 683-8196 read THE EMERALD^ UOBookstore Wsmtv annual RUNNING SHORTS • T-SHIRTS • HlATS • SWEATSHIRTS SF0RTSWIRT5 • RUNNING SUITS • JACKETS• GIFTS UUGE SELECTION STOCKED OfK\ LV/ DON'T MISS THESE VALUES/