Quads LOW SUMMER RATES FREE UTILITIES TOP OF THE LINE DELUXE QUADS. 1 block from U ol O library Free utilities, nice SUNDECK, FREE cpvered parking! Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FROM ONLY $119 HURRY It SION UP TODAYI CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 344-5713 _5053:5-8 REDUCED SUMMER RATES FREE UTILITIES BEAUTIFUL OUADS with private Vi baths, sundeck. completely lurnlshed with individual relrigerators, laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FOR ONLY $109 Across the street Irom U of O SEE US TODAYI ALDERSGATE 1436 Alder 344-8302 5054 5-5 Food & Drink Now we nave Marco* GELATO Italian ice cream m intense refresh mg Iruit nut & chocolate flavors FALL CREEK BAKERY nm/vwvvvuvwwiAM 484 1662 M F 8-6 Sal 8-3 • Eugene 881 East I3lh next lo UO Bookstore Events SWING STUDENT _DANCE —Concert / v M.rt ntn.trt-uo [\MChrrt* l^jmr Thwlp W (km (*ti**rt Awn UwvwWy at iVi^jun VimiMHe^: itiik?K il» *mrrU I » BrrU I of Pk HrU ^Whitewater Kayaking Slideshow off kayaking th^^raldu River in India plus and exciting kayak ing movie Thursday May 16th, 7 30 pm , 177 Lawrence Hall Free Spon JOY HARJO POETRY READING FRIDAY MAY 17 7:30 PM 204 CONDON FREE REFRESHMENTS Presented by tbe ASUO Women * Task Force and U of O Creative Writing 5213:5-17 ROCK N’ ROLL JAM NO COVER! TONITE! TAYLORS 13th & KINCAID 5-15 m Film Series on Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Sponsored by th« University Task Fores on Alcoholism Film title: “The Disease Concept of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse” Date: May 16, 1985 Time: 11:30-12:30 1st showing 12:30-1:30 2nd showing Place: EMU Room 101 This series is lor educational pur poses lo help increase awareness ot the problems created by alcohol and drug abuaa. Faculty, stall and students are invited to attend. Representatives Irom local agencies will be present at the showings to answer questions. “WINDS OF CHANGE” APARTHEID . VALUES & POLITICS Videotape conversation between Bishop TUTU and Allan Boesak Wednesday May 15th. 11:30 AM EMU FORUM ROOM Sponsored by ASUO and Camgus Injerfaith_ 3371 5-15 University Arms Control Forum presents KOSTA TSIPIS From the MIT Program in Science and Technology for International Security speaking on NUCLEAR PEACE WED., MAY 15 8 PM 150 Geo. $21$ 1 TODAY! OPEN HOUSE WOMEN IN TRANSITION (Returning Women students) 2 ■ 4 International Lounge Wheelchair accessible Free Refreshments 5203 5-15 MEET JEAN POWELL KEZI Eyewitness News Thurs. May 16 7 p.m. Allen Reading Room At the next meeting of the Society of Professional Journalists Brief intros before discussion moves to Guido's Join the Pros IL1&. PEASANT PARTIES OF THE BALKLANS free public lecture DIMITRU SANDRU (Cuza University, Romania) Friday, May 17, 1985, 3:30 p.m., 101 EMU Agrarian problems and reforms in Romania and other Balkan countries between the two world wars For fur ther information, call UO REESC 686 4877 5207:5-17 Entertainment MAX’S THURS MAY 16 The Mechanics AND Chronic Love Rock-N-Roil SAT NIGHT Live from Austin, Tex The LeRoi Brothers Hot Texas Rock-n-Roll $3 at tha door SRZSjRlRRhc V 13th 686 24W STOP MAKING SENSE Talking Heads 7:30 ft 9:30 MISER MONDAY S3 QEN. ADM. $4 Stop Malting Sanaa button* arailabla at Sunthowar Tanning Cantor. FREE whila limited supply Iasi*. _ Black Arts Festival TODAY! Poetry Reading and Sojourner Truth Theatre Co. 2pm EMU Forum Free to All! UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents William Shakespeare s ROMEO AND JULIET This final offering in the 1984-85 season contains some of the loveliest and most exquisite verse plus the most violent fighting in all of Shakespeare You won't want to miss this exciting and beautiful production by the award winning University Theatre. May 16-18, 23-25 Robinson Theatre 8 PM Opening night ONLY: Free Renaissance musical concert on the steps of the Robinson Theatre begin ning at 7:15 p.m All seats are reserved Tickets are $5. $4, and only $3.25 for UO students Call 686 4191 for reservations University Theatre’s Second Season presents COME BACK TO THE FIVE AND DIME JIMMY DEAN JIMMY DEAN May 911. 1618. 23 25 Arena Theatre (Villard Hall) 8 p.m. Tickets: Only $2 Tickets on sale now at the Robinson Theatre Box Office or call 686-4191 for reservations CHEREMSHYNA Ukrainian Folk Dance Ensemble of Van couver, B.C. Sunday, May 19th 2:00 p.m. Springfield High School Aud, Tickets: 726-7309 or 687-0889 5-16 Do You Know T-BONE BURNETT is Performing This Sat. May 18 WHERE? The 15th Annual WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL EMU EAST LAWN It’s Free! Sponsored by the EMU Cultural Forum Call for details 686-4373 _5205:5-15 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential Call 666 *488 3144:tfn FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1-800-772-9100 7 a m-2 p.m. M-F 3162WHF IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright Free testing 687-8651. 623W MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 1948WHF SIGN UP NOW for the summer Song-Writing workshop conducted by producer/publisher John Sharkey 344-5530 5-17 I Christ Calls in the Second String Focus tor Worship at The Wesley Center Sunday Worship 11 am. 1236 Kincaid Love Class: Wednesdays 5-6pm MAYFEST CONTINUES! Wednesday, May 15 10:00 a m -5 p.m ASUO Street Faire 13th Avenue opens for three fun filled days Come and enjoy a variety of international foods and local handcrafts Noon 1 00 p m. Noon Gig EMU Courtyard Listen to the sound of live entertainment while improving your suntan Sponsored by EMU Cultural Forum STUOENT SHOWCASE 1 00 Club Sports Karate 1 30 Green Garter Band 2 30 Karen Gruber (vocal & piano) 2:45 Guitar & Vocals 1 p m.-3 p.m. Frisbee Golf. Watch out •or unidentified frying objects as the 'irsbee glof tournament takes place on campus Sponsored by Recrea tional Intramurals 4:30 p.m Mime Workshop. Villard Hall Mime Hayward Coleman show the finer points of non-verbal com munication in this live presentaion Sponsored by Black Student Union 5209:5-15 If you think you know who the Mystery Duck is. call ext 5555 or stop by 202 Johnson Hall and submit your guess Prizes wit* be awarded to the first 3 correct answers The Mystery Duck will be honored and the prize winners an nounced at the Canoe Fete. Saturday 2 p.m. at the Millrace. Enjoy Mayfest! MYSTERY DUCK CLUE No. 3 Every morning you see him astride his bike But on the weekend he likes to backpack and hike At noon he dons his jogging shoes And can also be found in the EMU. Buy A Package (coupon* not included); Oat a FREE PASS 1 Admission to the Bijou Theatre!!! SUMMER TANNING SPECIAL 3 months UNLIMITED Tanning $100 (No Discount) 10 Sessions $30 SUN SHOWER 10% discount (not including . oupon specials) for students, faculty, and staff (Sacred Heart too!) Across 13th from the UO Bookstore _ Airconditioned MoitoConi 667-1711 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents THE 15th ANNUAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL May 17-19 East Lawn EMU LEROI BROTHERS PANCASAN (From Nicaragua) CARIBBEAN ALLSTARS T-BONE BURNETT JOHN FAHEY ROBERT CRAY AND MUCH MUCH MORE! IT’S ALL FREE! SEE YOU THERE Watch the Emerald or call 686-4373 for more details 517 ANTI-APARTHEID ARRESTEES Everyone who has not paid bail: there will be a document presented to the judge on Thursday asking that we be released on our own recognizance All must sign before noon, Thursday, to be included Document in ASUO Office5-15 Congratulations! Jr. Panhellenic and all who helped make the 1985 All-Greek Breakfast the best ever! 5J& “THE” CREW TEAM Best Wishes Just ’cause I love you all. La Cubana Happy 21’er Mike Bode ODE CLASSIFIED Parting Shots June 7 Say Good-Bye ...With Style 20 WORDS FOR $2.00 PLUS NEW PHOTO BONUS Put your photo or a friend's mug in Parting Shots at super discount rate. Watch for Details. Erotic E. Happy 19th. Sorry we're stuck in Oregon but we can still party Cal 3tyle. Here's to memories- KRAZY K. iiaJ A'CRl'0 HOUSE Dance Dates Shasta Me! Lose, your Phi Psi Faction _5-15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA JACOBSEN LOVE, THE THETA HOUSEMOTHER 5-15 CHRISTEN Happy Birthday DU AU! Love From Sissel 5-15 Motle Hell Fongu baby! Simply Marvelous TODAY is the last day to buy your Ad Club Ban quet ticket. See Taber or ODE Ad Sales Dept5-15 CHRIS B., The teens are finally over Happy 20th DORM GUTTA. 5-15 Hey Hey Hey! MOTEL HELL It’s Shasta time - I’m stoned and used to being that way Love Boat goes to Hell. Thanks for a great time! Pete (Burger King) Metz, George (David Byrne) Black, Pat (Budman) and Karen (Mom) KB and Joan of Arc, Garin & Kelly, tied at the lips, John & Jennifer- Explorers (Skeleton & Ghoulina) Love. Queen Bitch and Lynn (Cid) Kunz.5-15 MY DEAREST JENZA, Get ready tor tun. Three solid days of enjoying the sun. On to Lake Shasta, to float and to drink. We'll party and plan til we simply can't think. Your birthday will surely be quite a time. I’ll bring the gin if you’ll bring the lime! 1 love you! TOMMY. 5-15 P.E. MAJORS: Supe(r) Day Today. 12-3. All classes cancelled Gerlinger Lounge 5-15 CYNTHIA WELLS: The Greeks may be lost, but a new goddess is here. Our paths have crossed. I see a glow when you’re near. My goddess, you’re the best. Let's feast atop the Rock, Beneath the freize facing west, after class at twelve o'clock. JAMESEUS._5-15 GAMMA PHI MICHLEN: The recipe for a great time is in the works Just add: Lake Shasta, 1 houseboat, ‘party beverages ', music, and you. Bake in California sun for 4 days (Should be ex tremely weel-done ) Can t wait. PHI PSI BRYAN. 5-15 AT A Thanks for an awesome live-in! We ap preciate the enthusiasm and effort! love, Liane, Kelly, Jean. & Denise.5-15 Birthday Beat FAZILAH ADAMS ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Are Your Frlonds Worth 25'? ... Thon got with THE BEAT_ BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed / pout mm new any /none ABM HOW JAYNt MNSFIUP ms me seam sonman at me xmepy assassination - ikhm rr/mes sense /all w« srmp conspiracy -moRes met KRFecr sense'' sommepor Los/Nto cm HOW MUCH S6N66 immKe" y m...