Story by Justin Much Photos by Ross Martin -.emu— What do the EMU Skylight Refectory and an Italian restaurant in Rome have in common? 0 Tine 9iatim teed pupated l%e&k daily 0 Relaxing, pleatanl almephm 0 Red & while checkered lahlecleih 0 A vim el the Reman Celeemm STEP UP TO THE SKYLIGHT REFECTORY AND DISCOVER THE FLAVOR OF ITALY Check CLASSIFIED section for today’s special! Fine, quick cuisine at reasonable prices International Desserts Too! Located a cloud or two above the EMU Main Desk Open: Mon.-Fri 10:30am to 2pm Ignoring forecast warnings of cloudy skies and imminent rain, crew teams from around the Northwest gathered at Fern Ridge Reservior last weekend for the first Oregon hosted Pacific Northwest Rowing Championships. Saturday’s spotted clouds yielded to clear skies on Sunday while more than 20 crew teams, stret ching from British Columbia to Northern California, provided a bounty of depth to pave the way for a competitive and successful regatta. Spectators ranging from ages 2 to “too old" took seats along the lakeside rocks to witness nearly 100 races, which spanned from 8 a.m. Saturday through Sunday afternoon. With a race almost every 10 minutes, water-sport fans were treated with every combination of rowing contest they could desire in a weekend. Men and Women’s junior competitors rowed in the 1,500 meter races, while contestants in the col lege and open events strained for 2,000 meters before earning a breather. Exhausted crews saluted their triumphs over the course with unison chants after each race as sportsmanship abounded among all of the hard working boaters. The boats, or shells, weighed anywhere from 210 to 310 pounds with lengths of 58 to 64 feet and a width of 24 inches. Rowers propelled them with a lot of muscle and skill behind 12 foot oars of either carbon fiber or wood. The rowers are grouped into classifications ac cording to age, experience, sex, weight and the number of rowers in a shell. The lightweight men are restricted to 160 pounds per person with an average of 155 pounds. Lightweight women have a 130 pound limit. New rowers compete in the novice/frosh class, while oarpersons older than 27 years take the title of master rowers. Each shell may have 1, 2, 4 or 8 scullers, depending on the race, with the latter two adding a coxswain to bark out the rhythm. The races may vary from all men, all women or mixed crews. For the University bunch this was the highlight of a year filled with long and enduring practices. Since last fall the crew would rise at 4:30 in the mor ning, five days a week, to make their way out to Dex ter Reservoir for workouts on the water. These workouts, coupled with the fund-raising cleanups and row-a-thons, lend veritable proof to the dedica tion this club has for their sport. Continued on Page 8B -—-v WEDNESDAY is LADIES NIGHT ??, Wr M ^%A y~^r at the LONE ★ STAR ALL DRINKS $1°° 8:30 to 12:00 ! twmwm.rn 160 South Park Street rwwr. jl ^r BMBM ( PMiUdf/ CHINESE RESTAURANT Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th 11 00 7:00; F Sa 11:00 4.3C Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs Su Th 4:30 10:00 F Sa 5:00 10:30 1275 Alder Street • 683-8886 •V if THE PEASANT PARTIES SR OFTHE BALKANS A Free Public Lecture Dlmitru Sandru (Cuza University. Romania) FRIDAY MAY 17. 1985 3:30 pm 101 EMU >Kj ¥ ¥ ¥: ¥ ¥ _m The speaker will discuss Agrarian •K*. problems and reforms in Romania and other Balkan • 5 countries between the •)(* two world wars. 7..' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 2,l5 CALL bHb 4R77 •Kj It* Sponsored by UO Russian & bast European Studies Center It*. »^< »>;«*>:< »>.< »>-« >10 »!•!«*!♦!« *?•% **♦!«•!•!« »!3!« Tune-ups * Brakes - Fuel Injection v. 19*7 Franklin Blvd. Eugene,Or. 9740) 185-8226 J r i i i i FEATURING A COMPLETE LINE OF TENNIS EQUIPMENT & APPAREL WHERE YOUR SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS 1 MAY COUPON SPECIAL z o 0 D O O 25% OFF I ALL RACKET RESTRINGS I FEATURING: I ANTELOP COURT CASUALS DONNAY HEAD L A. SEAT COVERS LE COQ SPORTIFF PRINCE ROSSIGNOL WILSON I L OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Across From the Downtown Post Office 537 Willamette M-F 9:00-6:30 Eugene, OR 97401 SAT 10:00-6:00 (503) 342-7208 _SUN 11:00-4:00 I I I I O o c “0 O z I I I I J