Outdoor Program •Thu Outdoor Program will be celebrating Bicycle Week, a campus event, with a series of presentations on bicycle touring beginning Monday and lasting through May 23. All activities are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Outdoor Program Room at Suite 23 EMU with the exception of Monday’s “Nooner” film series, which will begin a 12:30 p.m. in the Outdoor Program Room. I •Bicycle Week will kick off with this Monday’s Nooner film series presentation of the Ultramarathon bicycle race The Spenco 500. •There also will be an infor mal discussion session Monday night on Bicycle Tour Planning. The session will focus on planning and preparing for a multi-day tour. Peggy Douthit, a Bikecentennial, trans American tour leader and Keith Nelson, a seasoned interna tional tourer, will be on hand to answer touring questions. •On Tuesday, Nelson and Douthit will discuss Bicycle Touring Equipment and clothing used for extended tours. Topics will include selecting panniers, helmets, racks, clothing and bicycle setup. •On Wednesday, a demonstration of On-The-Road Bicycle Repair will be presented by James Macrigeanis of Pedal Power Bicycle Shop. Topics will include tire repair, brake and derailleur ad justments, and lubrication. Pre trip preventative maintenance also will be discussed. On Thursday, the Outdoor Program’s final presentation for Bicycle Week will be given by Tim Kaiser of Cycle-Bi Bicycles. He will be holding an Infor mation Workshop on mountain bikes, accessories, riding techniques, places to go and trail access issues. •For more information con tact the Outdoor Program at 686-4365. Ford is back on campus with FORI) GREAT START DA) ! Come see, kick, and feel the latest cars and trucks from Ford I )ivi sion and ask about the special values available to your campus community. Win a : Sailboard! out the entry form below and drop it off at FORD GREAT START DAY The winning entry will lx* draw n at the end of sour schools GREAT START DAY event! CO-SPONSORED BY CULTURAL FORUM FORD DEALER KENDALL FORD LOCATION/TIME Metered Parking Spaces 13th & University Sts. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. WIN A SAILBOARD FROM FORD! (Complete this form for a chance to win. Please print.) Name _ Address (home) Phone Number (_)_ Major - Graduation Date _ Make and Year of Y'ehicle Owned Did you purchase your car □ new or Q used? MOW 1*0 WIN: H\ attending your school's Ford (irut Start Das event you can be eligible to u in a sailboard from Ford Do ision of Ford Motor (!ompans Just fill out thisentrs form and drop it in the ho\ marked “Ford Sailboard Drawing" The w inning entrs will be drawn at the end of the Ford (ire at Start Das event. Winner need not Ik present, (iood luck!