University biologist seeks health insight with fruit-fly study V By Nick Beres Of the Emerald A University biologist says his research with fruit flies may lead to more effective prevention and treat ment of heart disease. John Postlethwait, a biology pro fessor who heads University research funded by the American Heart Associa tion, says people with high levels of cholesterol in their blood stand a much greater chance of suffering from heart disease. “A major risk factor in the develop ment of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood stream,” he says. ‘‘Our work involves genetic studies that are not morally possible to do with humans,” Postlethwait says. "We work with the flies because the genetic process is basically the same. Modified lipoprotein (LDL) genes are sliced into the egg of a fly. I he genes are then incorporated into the fly s chromosomes. When the egg develops into an adult fly, it will have altered genes and then biologists can study the protein's ac tion, Postlethwait says.'‘The goal of our research is to modify the lipopro tein then study how it affects the removal of cholesterol from the blood, he says. Postlethwait says he hopes the research will reveal a genetic change that improves the removal of cholesterol from the blood. It would then be possible to make an analogous change in the human LDL for the same results. Postlethwait admits his research will not immediately cure heart disease. However, he does envision a develop ment of a gene that can be injected into human bone marrow and result in more efficient cholesterol removal. When this procedure is perfected, he says, it may prevent a large number of heart attacks and strokes. LARGE SELECTION USED COLOR T1 sets *49 Deka Electronics, 390 W. 12th 342-2488 _4746:5-2 DRESSER *5, dresser *15, matching sofa and chair *85. mattress and box spring *19, freezer *75. 343-9091. 5-V MOVIE POSTERS Call 344-2188 or see at Oakway Cinema STEREO, MARANTZ AMP KLH tuner both *100. 343-7127.5-15 ADLER TYPEWRITER Manual. Excellent condition *69 OBO 344-3389.5-15 YAMAHA TURNTABLE, *120 OBO. Ex cellent condition. Cal>683-4783. 5-1 ‘ NEW GUITAR FOR SALE: Carlo! Classical. *60. 345-1851 Call anytime V:5-17 PIANO FOR SALE: Small upright. Gocx condition, tone. *400.345-1851. V.5-17 TYPEWRITER: ADLER SATELLITI 2001, Excellent condition, recentl' clean ed/overhauled *200. Comelii 484-9183. Message X-4021. 5-11 FOR SALE Hi-Fi (*120), Women's 1: Speed Bike (20") *80, Electrii Typewriter, *75, Book Rack, Desk Boari (4’x3'), Bricks and more ..683-7496 o 683-7456. 5-11 THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy*Seli*Trade Musical instruments, stereo, tools. Photographic and Backpacking Equipement 361 W. 5th. OPENINGS FOR JUNE. Guitar, piano bass lessons. All styles, all ages. Johr Sharkey. 344-5530 5006:5-17 PEAVEY GUITAR AMP, Backstage 3C watts, *90. Chris call 683-3777 even ings.5-ir KEYBOARD Rhodes 88 with 100 watt amp. Must sell - *1000 obo. Darryl a' 485-3436. 5-17 • Local * National • Overseas • RESUMES $10 & UP To Executive Presentations Writing - Typing - Printing • Free Consultation* •Guaranteed Results* A Professional Resume Service 1374 Willamette No.9 343-2767 VOCALIST Weddings, Church Services, Etc. Col lege age - References - Will audition Norma Leutschaft - 746-6678 5-17 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistica specialist. IBM Corr. Set. Grad, approv ed. Near campus. 344-0759. 3159:tfr TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes, & mass mailings, Grad. Sch. approved. WordStyles A Typescripts CINDY 454-5454 BRANDY 4545044 3150:tfn WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED 5 blocks to UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 485-3853 4308:MWH WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Call Karen, 4541646 3146:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE WORD PROCESSING Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 455-3914 3143:tfn Word Processing/Typing: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, mass mailings, micro-cassette transcription. Grad Sch app. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 655-3953. ‘ 3157:ttn THE TYPED WORD Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates. Editing included \ 345-4379.3028:tfn i TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 3154 :tfn Graphic Services the professionals resumes: $15-25 business cards: $5-10 300 EMU 686-5511 See The Difference tfn EXCELLENT TYPIST, Graduate school approved. 20 years experience. Call Doris, 484-1094 4S49:UH RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 484-9405 3145:tfn DEADLINES ALWAYS MET Typed copy always proofed Ruth 345-5614 3227:UH GUARANTEED TYPING ft EDITING, Self-Correcting Electronic. 20 yrs. secretarial exper. Call Anne 3435122. 515 WORD PROCESSING/TYPING, $1/page. Near campus. Call any time 3432975. 514 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Term papers, resumes, letters Fast...Accurate 344-5858 5185:517 JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1627 Pearl Street 3437683 Monday thru Friday 9 a m - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a m -1 p.m. 3148:517 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% off list prices •Textbooks'Cliff Notes'magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13tti 3152:tfn Miller Lite SPRING TENNIS CLASSIC Mens, Women's, Mixed Singles and Doubles Entries Due May 17, 5 p.m. RIM, 103 Ger X4121 for info Free T-shirt for 1st 150 participants 5-15 PEUGEOT 12-SPEED. 25 ' frame Ex cellent cond., 2 years old Good alloy components. Rack and fenders. $160 485-9442, Dan.5-14 SCHWINN 10 SPEED, 23" Traveler with fenders $75 Brian 342-6527 5-16 YELLOW TOYOTA CORONA, 1971, 2 DR, stick. Looks good, runs good. Like new tires $800 Julie, 683-2335 ttn MUST SELL HONDA 360 Excellent condition. 345-4725 5-15 ’84 HONDA AERO 125 683-4523 5-16 SCOOTER, 1978 HONDA Express SOcc Excellent condition $250 726-9152 5-16 SPRING IS HERE! Top-down fun for sale or trade '64 Midget. Looks great, runs great Asking $1295 686-2246 eves 5 weekends5-15 1981 HONDA PASSPORT 70. 800 miles, Mint Condition. $600 FIRM 746-7252 _5-is '68 VW RED BUG with sunroof. Runs Great! $1395 485-9682, Jeff 5-15 ONE-WAY AIRLINE" ticket for female Portland to Chicago, June 11. $129. Call Judy 687-8609 eves5-18 SPECIAL STUDENT RATES, Roundtrip. limited seats: to Tokyo- $625; Singapore- $749; Hong Kong- $649. Call Fujiko (206) 696-9740.M6-10 PARENTS/FRIENDS FOR Graduation? Two RT tkts SF-Eug. $170 each Lorie 342-5227. 5-15 WANT TO LOOK GREAT this summer? Lose weight quickly, easily, naturally Money-making opportunity. Call Richard Barnatt 485-5848. 5153:5-15 THE OREGON DAILY EMERAIO IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS lor all stall positions lor 1985-86 The deadline lor applying lor managing editor Is May 13 at 5 p.m. Applications tor all oilier positions are due May 20 at 5 p.m Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald Ollice, EMU Suite 300. Stall positions are: Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Assistant Photo Editor Sports Editor Friday Editions Editors Sidelines Editor Graphic ^Supplement s Assistant Associate Editors: Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities General Assignment Community Features The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affir mative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer._tfn POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJORS) Political Science Peer Advising is now accepting applications for its 1905-86 staff Applications are available in 907 PLC Deadline Is May 24th 5180:514 THE UO YWCA seeks coordinators for its Multi-Cultural Friendship Program and Exceptional Friendship Program beginning Fall 1965. For more informa tion, contact the YWCA at 686-4439 Deadline Is May 24th!5-17 STUDENT OFFICE WORKER wanted at School of Law Must be Work-Study Certified. Duties Include all aspects of office work. Some experience and typ ing is preferable Need for spring, sum mer and next academic year Call Sallie Kirkpatrick at 686-3852 at the Law School5169:5-17 NEEDED SUBJECTS: of college age or older, for decision experiment In Political Science and Psychology Sponsored by the Political Science Department of the University of Oregon The experiments, which will last bet ween 1 hour and an hour and a halt, will be held on the University or Oregon campus Subjects' payment is depen dant on the group outcome of individual decisions of participants In every ex periment there will be subjects whose pay can vary from $0 to *8 There will be other subfects whose pay can vary from *4 to $6, 58, *20 or *36 depending on the experiment subjects get assigned to Assignment will be by lottery Apart from this variable pay. everyone who Is confirmed for participation and shows up at the appropriate time Is paid *3 al the end of the experiment, so for some participants the final pay can vary bet ween *3 and *11, and for others bet ween *7 and *9, *11, *23, or *39 For participation and/or information call 686-5082 workdays between 9 a m and 4 p.m. Potential subjects should NOT have participated in any experiments sponsored by the Political Science Department in the last two years 5174:5-15 CRUISESHIP HIRING DATA: Phone 707-776-1066 I of Directory end Informs Hon. _~ ;9-31 THE 00 YWCA seek* an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR who will be reeponeible tor Its dally operational needs For the |ob descnptlon and minimum qualities Hons, contact the YWCA at 686-4439 Completed applications must be recaiv ed by May 17th!611 FAMILY NEEDS RESPONSIBLE care giver tor Inlant In our University-area home Up to 24 hrs/wk PO Bov 3693 97403 5145V617 SUPPORT TRAINER, 20 hours weekly lor semi-independent living program Teach span men t living skills to mental ly retarded adults Ability to work In dependently with creative solutions to clients needs Evenings and some weekends S3 69/4 29 per hour Ex perience and car necessary Apply 1893 Alder Weekdays 93. 5164:616 LAW SCHOOL PLACE MENT & ALUMNI RELA TIONS JOBS: WORK STUDY lor students with good organizational skills and top clerical ability Respon slbtllty and challenge are yours Call L3a«L___SSKSdZj The ASUO is now accepting applies lions tor executive positions lot I he 196666 school year Applications and Job descriptions will be available in Suite 4. EMU. Wednesday, May 15, lor the totlowing positions: Finance Coordinator Finance Assistant Program Coordinator University Affairs Coordinator Minority Affairs Coordinator Women s Task Force Coordinator Events Coordinator Fundraising Coordinator Slate Affairs Coordinator Publicity Coordinator Off the Record Editor Guide Editor Comptrollers Deadline for applications Is Wednesday May 22. 5 p m These are stipend post tions. work study available The ASUO is an affirmative action/equal opportuni ty employer Women, minorities and dll terently abled students are encouraged to apply 3902-620 Roommates BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Washer, dryer, quiet neighborhood Near Campus Large yard, fireplace, NO DOGS *150 plus 3468219 515 For Rent HOME STAY available to foreign students Summer Term 469-6301 after 5 p.m6J4 EUGENE MANOR, High-rise living at its best 2 blocks from campus Security building 1 bedroom. 2 bedrooms, studios, and penthouse 464 7441 5142:tfn 1266 MILL ST. Five blocks to UO and downtown 2 bedroom furnished, free cable TV, fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, balcony, laundry, covered parking, heated swimming pool Available now Summer rates begin June 16 Ml E. 13th One bedroom, 5Vi Mock* lo UO Unfur nished, fireplace appliance* and drape* Call Ken Shuulman. 345-4322 CHARLES ELLIS REALTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTING FOR SUMMER/FALL: 1414 E 18th One and I wo bedroom apis From $160 Lam son Associates. 683-2160 ____4740 tin SUBLET; 2 Bedroom House, good I oca lion, lurnished 1120 plus utilities Available June 17th Labor Oay (nego ) Single adult only 344-2745 f 14 RESERVING FOR FALL AND SUMMER Low Summer Rate LARGE 2 bedroom, one Mock from cam pus. VERY clean VERY quiet Furnish ed. dishwasher, disposal, nice kitchen, sun deck. Free covered parking 1 p m -7 p m 683-6919 4715610 GRADUATE STUDENT 1591 Sylvan.AVAILABLE IN CHARM ING campus area triple* -3 bedroom, sunny living room, fireplace, dining room, large from! porch, garage tor storage $460 -Large, quiet one bedroom, private deck $215 Lamson Associate* 683-2190-50)5 tin SUMMER SUBLET with option to stay Furnished on* bd house with yard June t1- end of Sept $2S0rmo Terms negotlabte 486-1254_5-15 FURNISHED STUDIO 1V6 Mocks campus On-site laundry facilities Catl 345-8493 5146 tin OUICT ADULT COMPLEX. Two bedrooms, tvi baths, pool, saunas, pets allowed, forest setting $286-5306 Call 687 1318 tor directions 617 Summer Rates 1331 High Street Furnished Studios $130 UTILITIES INCLUDED Private bath, share kitchen with one other, parking available Manager 2-B. 344-7241 Ben nett Management Co 5177 624 HUGE DUPLEX FOR RENT 2000 sq ft 3Vi bedrooms Just over Glenwood Bridge $360/mo 3461861 J517 UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility o' immediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $ 142/mo t bedroom $113/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo Future openings eipected, ail areas Contact UO Hous Ing Dept 686-42774043ltn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment Campus $210/5250 No pets 4862823 4126 tin SUMMER TERM ROOMS The Student's Cooperative Assn is now accepting applications tor summer Room, board and all utilities Included Single $415 (8 weeks), $570 (11 weeks) Double $350 (8 weeks). $480 (11 weeks) 683 3454 4552 6 10 SUPER SUMMER RATES Furnished one bedroom next lo campus, VERY clean VERY quiet Walk in closet Free covered parking 1 00-6 00 p m 4644103 4714 6 10 15th & Hilyard Furnished 2 bdrm Large rooms Dishwasher, covered parking pool Great for summer! Call 345-0580 617 Doonesbury YUP TO A F6U0W VA6PANT. we hgurbpoltt that if we no! amN&aR social seem He MS AGAINST IT AT FIRST, 3UT THEN HBBE GAN TO Set ALLTHG WANTAGES OF POOLING OUR CHECKS. BY GARRY TRUDEAU SkYl K.m RKFKlTOR\ FREE SPECIALTY COFFEE Ynnr tlinin’ n) hreinli Rmisl. Cnslil Rii im, brewed de-i'ii). nr bhui, ten wild die fiiiri base n/ inn entree Refills half-price with the sales slip.