Read The Friday Edition CIA denies training car-bomb unit WASHINGTON (AP) — The Central Intelligence Agency denied Monday that it had trained any Lebanese forces in volved in a March 8 car bombing in Beirut that killed 80 persons and injured 200. However, the denial did not rule out the possibility of some other connection between the CIA and the group that carried out the operation. According to an account in J VINO'S SPAGHETTI HOUSE T* jJt /Ov V 342-8111 TINO’S • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go -cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette New Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11:00-Midnight Fri. 11 00-1 00 a m Sat. 5:00-1 00 a m Sun. 5:00-11:00 p m J Muslim Student Union and the University of Oregon Presents ORIGINS OF ISLAM Lecture by: Dr. Jamal Badawi, PhD. World Renowned Islamic Scholar Wed. May 15 * 167 EMU *6:30 pm 1. Did Mohammed write the Koran? 2. Did the Koran anticipate any new discoveries? 3. Did the Koran borrow from the Bible? AMAZING NEW EVIDENCE Dr. Badawi has participated in International debates & panels on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Dr. Badawi has prepared numerous visual programs for TV in the U.S. and Canada. Following the lecture a slide show of Islamic Architecture Refreshments and Middle Eastern pastries will be served. ALL WELCOME ■* THERE ARE NO “BUNNIES” ON THIS CAMPUS! WOMEN are not bunnies! WOMEN are not for the entertainment of men. WOMEN are not marketable products. Our bodies are not profitable items. UO STUDENTS say “NO” to Playboy! Women and men at this university are saying NO to Playboy and the sexual inequality and stereotypes it reinforces. We must begin NOW by rejecting Playboy. Together we can fight Playboy and the Attitudes it dictates to all women and men. SAY NO TO PLAYBOY PAID FOR BY WOM. REF. AND RES. SERVICE Sunday’s editions of The Washington Post, a CIA-trained and -supported counterterrorist unit in Lebanon acted without CIA authorization in carrying out the bombing, which took place outside the residence of a militant Shiite Moslem leader who was believed responsible for terrorist attacks on U.S. installations. Breaking a 24-hour silence on the report, CIA spokesperson Patti Volz said, ‘‘The CIA never conducted any training of Lebanese security forces related to the events described” in the Post article. The Post story said the CIA and the Reagan administration quickly canceled the counterter rorism operation after the bomb ing for fear that the alleged U.S. ties to the group might be disclosed. A New York Times account on Monday of the same incident said the Lebanese unit had been "working with” the CIA. Volz' statement said the CIA had no prior knowledge of the "counterterrorism action" and added that the agency also “scrupulously observes” its obligation to keep congres sional intelligence oversight committees informed of its activities. House Democrats get set to vote on beneGts Geeze WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democratic leaders, vow ing to leave "hands off Social Security,” maneuvered Mon day for an early test vote on a resolution designed to demonstrate strong party op position to the one-year benefits freeze approved by the Senate and endorsed by President Ronald Reagan. A special meeting of the 253-member House Democratic Caucus was called for today to vote on a resolution condemn ing the Senate-passed 1986 budget — a vote leaders said would undermine Reagan’s claim of wide bipartisan sup port for restraining Social Security cost-of-living increases. A lopsided vote by the caucus also could head off a possible move by the House Budget Committee to incorporate curbs on Social Security benefits in its version of the 1986 budget, some key Democrats suggested. Democrats on the panel, meanwhile, met behind closed doors late Monday to try to com plete outlines of a budget plan in advance of the start of formal committee sessions expected later this week. Budget Committee sources, who spoke only on the condi tion that they not be identified, said so far the Democrats have agreed on a plan that would reduce the deficit by about $46 billion in 1986 — about $10 billion short of the reduction in the Senate-passed budget. The tentative plan calls for an across-the-board freeze on most federal programs — including holding Pentagon spending at the 1985 spending level — and. like the Senate proposal, does not call for new taxes, the sources said. ‘Born to run’ from the mob LAKE. UbWEliU (AH) — Bruce Springsteen may be rock’s working-class hero, but the clientele at a blue-collar tavern didn’t bat an eye when ‘‘The Boss” played pool and sang to his own records on the jukebox there. rii'if Clothing K _ 72JJP TO 70% Springsteen, who was mar ried to Julianne Phillips in her hometown early Monday, had been hiding in her parents’ home in this well-to-do Portland suburb since Thurs day, relatives revealed. It was on Friday that Spring steen, Phillips’ brothers and father sneaked out a back door at the residence, eluding nearby reporters, photographers and fans, and drove to the Firestone Inn, a beer bar and pool hall on Portland’s Southwest Pacific Highway.