Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Recycle This Paper Iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiihuhiii r I I lllllllllllllllllllllll Senate okays budget; student aid to be cut WASHINGTON (AP) — Here are highlights of the $965 billion budget for 1986, which the Senate approved Friday. The plan calls for spending cuts of $295 billion over a three-year period. •DEFICITS: The plan estimates deficits at $171.4 billion for 1986; $144.8 billion for 1987; and $104.3 billion for 1988. •SPENDING CUTS: The plan calls for reductions of $56 billion in 1986; $99.9 billion in 1987 and $139.3 billion in 1988. •TAX INCREASES: None. •EDUCATION: Guaranteed student loans would be restricted to students from families with incomes of $60,000 or below. Pell grants and other student aid programs would be frozen at 1985 levels. •DEFENSE: Defense spending authority would be allowed to rise with inflation, an increase of roughly 4 percent. That translates into an increase of $21.1 billion in actual spending over the estimated levels for 1985, to a total of $273.1 billion. •SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security cost-of-living benefits normally granted next Jan. 1 would be canceled. The regularly scheduled increases would resume in 1987. The one-year freeze would save $5.8 billion in 1986 and $21.9 billion over three years. PLAYBOY'S PHOTOGRAPHER IS NOW ON CAMPUS. playboy photographer David Chan and his assistant, Sherral Snow, are now interviewing coeds for playboy’s Girls of the PAC 10 pictorial. To qualify, you must be a female student 18 years of age or older, registered full- or part time at a PAC 10 Conference college. Call for more information and to schedule an interview. University of Oregon Students: Call David Chan on Friday, Monday or Tuesday, May 10, 13 or 14, at the Best Western New Oregon 1655 Franklin Blvd. Eugene (503) 683-3669 © 1985 Playboy Anti-terrorists organized by CIA WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA, with President Ronald Reagan’s approval, organized a Middle East anti-terrorist operation, which staged an unauthorized bombing attack that killed 80 people in Beirut, the Washington Post reported Sunday. Members of one of the counterterrorist groups, acting without authorization from the CIA, hired others in Lebanon to detonate the car bomb outside a Beirut apartment building March 8, the newspaper said in a report quoting unidentified sources. The operation was canceled soon after the bombing when worried administration and CIA officials realized the indirect connection between the blast and their anti-terrorist training program, the newspaper said. Late last year, Reagan gave his support to the plan, which was pushed by Secretary of State George Shultz and national security affairs adviser Robert McFariane, the Post said. Dotson’s sentence commuted CHICAGO (AP) — Gov. James Thompson on Sunday freed Gary Dotson, commuting his sentence after Dotson served six years in prison for a rape his former accuser now says never happened. Thompson, who refused to grant Dotson a pardon pro claiming his innocence, said he was acting “to do justice and mercy” and that “no good pur pose would be served” by retur ning Dotson to prison, where he WHERE'S : THE s BOH? was serving a 25- to 50-year sentence. Dotson, who has been free on bond and would have been eligible for parole in three years, said he would continue trying to clear his name, either through a new trial or by con tinuing his appeal before an ap pellate court. ‘‘I’ve still got a felony on my record that 1 want to clear,” he said. PROVO'S ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGHETTI FEED • $2.95 include* french breed. toup or talad served 7 day* a week. 4pm to doting 854 E. 13th • (Next to Kfrtkos) 342-2241 TUE5DAY I5 LADIES MIGHT at the IMTERMATIOMAL % $ JBjt' vfr W ^ ALL — DRIMK5 $^oo 8 50 to 18 00 at the 5hilo Inn GATEWAY 15 * ■J* f PITCHER OF HENRY'S FOR ONLY $105 YES! Anytime you buy a sandwich you can get a cool, refreshing pitcher of Henry's for only $1.05. Come in and try our food and enjoy a pitcher of Henry's. And after 3:30 you can buy pitchers for only $1.25. $115 PITCHERS After 3:30, until closing, you can enjoy pitchers of Henry's for only $1.25. Still only $1.05 when you buy any of our delicious sandwiches. Good Food PIZ AN9 S Good Prices 1225 Alder 343-9661 ■mag