EMU Board to reconsider new affirmative action rule use ui imviu privileges may soon have to post their position on affir mative action if- the EMU Board approves a compromise to a new affirmative action policy. Attempting to avoid a veto by University President Paul Olum. the EMU Board propos ed the plan on Thursday after Olum told the board he would veto an affirmative action policy that the board had passed in April, The original proposal would have added a clause to the EMU’s existing affirmative action policy that would restrict EMU privileges, such as the use of peg boards, lobby tables and office space, to only groups that comply with the EMU’s affirmative action practices. This would include the practice of equal rights without regard to sexual orientation. The proposal was initially a political effort to exclude recruiters who discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, said Kevin Lewis, a board member. Lewis, who opposed the policy, said the board probably will repeal the policy at its next meeting. He added that Mark Nalia, EMU Board chair, will try to pass the compromise plan. Thd alternative plan presented by members of the board will make groups’ affir mative action practices a matter of public record by requiring them to post a sign stating whether or not they comply with the EMU policy. “The sign was the best compromise,” said board member Mary Kay Menard. “We wanted to make a positive step for ward for gay and lesbian people, but we didn’t want to run into a brick wall, which is what would have happened if it was vetoed,” she said. Adell McMillan, director of the EMU, ap pealed the policy to Olum, “It is inappropriate for the institution to deny access of students to groups they are in terested in talking to, particularly in the EMU," McMillan said. Til Continued from Page 1 they could do; we photograph their beauty, their true visual beauty, and offer them the op portunity to see the outside world that they didn’t know existed. EMERALD: Where does Playboy draw the line on how photographs are taken and what is exposed? CHAN: All of the photographers are in the position to shoot what they want. There is no specific policy as to what you can and cannot shoot. Most of the photographers are veterans; I’ve been there for 18 years, Pompeo (Posar) for 25. We’re all season ed, we know what we've mold ed the magazine into, and we’re not gynecological photographers. We photograph the beauty of a woman, whatever brings out the natural beauty of a subject. That is what we photograph. Just the same way Renoir emphasized the total beauty, and that’s what we do. EMERALD: You've met opposi tion at every campus yet visited. Have the protests had any effect on Playboy or the pornography issue? CHAN: I think the protests have been a good thing for both sides; they need the publicity, and so do we. Whenever Playboy is in a town, it makes headlines. They use us to get on the bandwagon and get themselves exposed at the same time. We are the vehicle, and they exploit us to bring their own views of what they want through us. EMERALD: What was your most difficult assignment? CHAN: About six years ago I was asked to shoot a man, a film star, from Australia — naked. I didn’t know what to do; I had never shot a naked man before. 1 had done portraits but not —UQ Bookstore— Maximize Your Workouts UNIPRO PEAK PERFORMANCE NOW AT THE UO BOOKSTORE FROM THE 1984 OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Used by Olympic and Professional Athletes across the country! • Reduces body fat • Improved recovery times • Enhance energy and endurance MWe ovoitobh to toe t>0ium I UO 13th & Kincaid MF 7:30 5 30 SAT 10 00 3 00 BOOKSTORE Supplies 686 4331 nudes. I like the challenge, it re quires an entirely different kind of lighting, everything is dif ferent. It’s a whole new ballgame. Muslim Student Lectur Wo Wed. M 1. Did Moll 2. Did the I 3. Did the I AMAZINC Dr. Badawi has participated and Islam. Dr. Badawi has p Canada. Following the lecture a slid Eastern pastries will be serv THERE ARE NO “BUNNIES” ON THIS CAMPUS! WOMEN are not bunnies! WOMEN are not for the entertainment of men. WOMEN are not marketable products. Our bodies are not profitable items. UO STUDENTS say “NO” to Playboy! Women and men at this university are saying NO to Playboy and the sexual inequality and stereotypes it reinforces. We must begin NOW by rejecting Playboy. Together we can fight Playboy and the Attitudes it dictates to all women and men. SAY NO TO PLAYBOY PAID FOR BY WOM. REF. AND RES. 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