SPECIAL STUDENT RATES. Roundtrip limited seats lo Tokyo- 6825 Singapore *749. Hong Kong *649 Cali Fujlko 1206) 696 9740 _M6 10 PARENTS/FRIENDS POR Graduation? Two RT tkla SF-Eug 1170 each Lorle 342-5227 515 Opportvnities\ THE UO YWCA seeks coordinm lie Mulli-Cultural Friendship Program and Exceptional Friendship Program beginning Fall 1986 For more Informs lion, contact the YWCA at 688-4439 Deadline is May 24thl 5-17 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS tor all atatf positions tor 1965-86 The deadline tor applying tor managing editor la May 13 at 5 p.m. Applications tor all other positions are due May 20 al 5 p m. Applications and |ob descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald Office. EMU Suite 300 Staff positions are Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Aasistant Photo Editor Sports Editor Friday Editions Editors Sidelines Editor Graphics/Supplement a Assistant Associate Editors Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities General Assignment Community Features The Oregon Daily Emerald is an At fir mstive Action/ Equal Opportunity E"»e*9wrii£i_ WANT TO LOOK OREAT this summer'’ Lose weight quickly, easily, naturally Money-making opportunity Call Richard Barnet! 4855648 5153 515 ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA PHI ETA SIGMA Sophomore members ere eligible tor a 1300 scholarship that la based on scholarship, involvement with Alpha Lambda Deltw'Phi Eta Sigma, and other campus activities Pick up applications outside ot Rm 202 EMU Deadline is May 20. 1985 4741 513X POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJORS! Political Science Pee* Advising is now accepting applications lo» its 1985-86 stall Applications are available in 907 PLC Oeadlme is May 24th 5160 514 STUDENTS: HOW ABOUT 3 CREDITS in 2 weeks'5 We have a real deal lor you - PS415 Political Parties, a seminar (rom June 17th through 28th- study the reali ty ol political lile with top officeholders and political prolasslonals More into? Call Oems Snook at X4876 weekday altemoons 5123 513X Help Wanted ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT! Fisheries Earn *600 plus/per seek in cannery *2000*12000 plus for 3 mon Ihs on fishing boat Over 5000 open mgs For complete information and employer listings send *6 to Hobpak. PO Box 85449. Seattle WA 98145 1449 5-13 CRUBESHIP HIRING DATA: Phone 707-778-1066 tor Directory and Informa tion _ 5-31 THE UO YWCA aeeks an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR who will be responsible for its daily operational needs For the tob description and minimum qualifica tions, contact the YWCA at 686-4439 Completed applications must be receiv ed by May 17th!_517 FAMILY NEEDS RESPONSIBLE care giver for infant In our University-area home Up to 24 hrs/wk PO Box 3553 97403 5145V5J7 LAW SCHOOL PLACE MENT & ALUMNI RELA TIONS JOBS: WORK STUDY tor students with good organizational skills and top clerical ability Respon siblllty and challenge are yours Call 3847 5168 517 STUDENT OFFICE WORKER wanted at School of Law Must be Work-Study Certified Duties include alt aspects of office work Some experience and typ ing is preferable Need for spring, sum mer and next academic year Call Sallie Kirkpatrick at 686-3852 at the Law School __SI69 517 NEEDED BUBJECTS: of college age or older, lor decision experiment In Political Science and Psychology Sponsored by the Political Science Department of the University of Oregon The experiments, which will laat bet ween 1 hour and an hour and a half, will be held on the University or Oregon campus Subjects’ payment Is depen dant on the group outcome of Individual decisions of participants In every ex perlment there will be subjects whose pay can vary from *0 to *8 There will be other subjects whose pay can vary Irom *4 to *6. *8. *20 or *36 depending on the experiment subjects get assigned to. Assignment will be by lottery Apart from this variable pay. everyone who is confirmed for participation and shows up at the appropriate time is paid (3 al the end of the experiment, so lor some participants the final pay can vary bet ween *3 and *11, and lor others bet ween *7 and *9, *11, *23, or *39 For participation and/or Information call 888-5062 workdays between 9am and 4 p m Potential subjects should NOT have participated In any experiments sponsored by the Political Science Department In the Iasi two years, 51/4 5 15 Oreonn lluilv Fmarald For Rent UO FAMILY MOUSING, possibility of immediate occupancy or place yourself on welting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $142/mo., 1 bedroom $113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo Future openings expected. all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept , 688 4277_ 40431In FURNISHED LAME ONE Mid two bedroom apartment Campus S21Q/S2S0. No pets. 4S8-2823. 4128:ttn SUMMER TERM ROOMS The Student's Cooperative Assn is now accepting applications for summer Room, board and all utilities included. Single $415(8 weeks). $570(11 weeks) Double $350 (8 weeks). $480 (11 weeks) 883-3454_4552810 SUPER SUMMER RATES. Furnished one bedroom next to campus. VERY clean VERY quiet Walk-in closet Free covered parking 1:00-6:00 p m 484-4103. 47148-10 RESERVING FOR FALL AND SUMMER Low Summer Rate LARGE 2 bedroom, one block from cam pus. VERY clean VERY quiet Furnish ed. dishwasher, disposal, nice kitchen, sun deck Free covered parking 1 pm 7 pm, 683-8919 47158-10 GRADUATE STUOENT 15*1 Sylvan AVAILABLE IN CHARM ING campul area triplex •3 bedroom, sunny living room, fireplace, dining room, large from! porth, garage for storage $460 Large, quiet one bedroom, private deck $215 Lams on Aaeociates S83-2180.5015:tfn 12S8 MILL ST. Five blocks to UO and downtown 2 bedroom furnished, free cable TV. fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, balcony, laundry, covered parking, heated swimming pool Available now Summer rates begin June 16 361 E. 13th One bedroom. 5V5 blocks to UO Unfur nished. fireplace, appliances and drapes Call Ken Shuulman. 345-4322 CHARLES ELLIS REALTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 4745 tin RENTING FOR SUMMER/FALL: 1414 E I8lh One and two bedroom apis From *160 Lamson Associates. 683-2160 __4740;t(n ROOMY 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished, ap pliances, waher/dryer *275 *100 refun dable deposit Adults, no pets 4641057 _ 5092ttn HOME STAY available lo foreign students Summer Term 4854301 after 5 pm 5-14 EUGENE MANOR. High-rise living at its best 2 blocks from campus Security building. 1 bedroom. 2 bedrooms studios, and penthouse 484-7441 5142.~ttn SUMMER SUBLET with option to stay Furnished one bd house with yard June 11- end of Sept J250rmo Terms negotiable 485-1254 5-15 FURNISHED STUDIO IVY blocks campus On-site laundry facilities Call 3458493 5148tfn AVAILABLE MAY 24, Cozy, quiet, unusual, weatherized, 1 bedroom, private deck, close to campus No pets or smoking *196. utilities included 345-9607 5170V:513 QUIET ADULT COMPLEX, Two bedrooms, IVY baths, pool, saunas, pets allowed, lorest setting *285*305 Call 687 1318 for directions._517 Summer Rates 1331 High Street Furnished Studios $130 UTILITIES INCLUOED Private bath, share kitchen with one other, parking available Manager 2-8, 344 7241 Ben nett Management Co. 5177:524 CAMPUS: Spacious 2 bedroom duple* only 5 blocks from campus Appliances, fireplace, and nice yard area Garage 2220 Hilyard *325 683-2271 MWF 513 | Jennings &Co. Quads H NEWER QUAD, all utilities paid *139 Near University, 1866 Harris 343-0961 or 344 8941 4423ttn LOW SUMMER RATES FREE UTI' 'TIES TOP OF THE LINE DELUXE QUADS 1 block from U of O library Free utilities, nice SUNDECK. FREE cpvered parking! Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FROM ONLY $119 HURRY A SIGN UP TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 344-5713 5053:55 REDUCE0 SUMMER RATES FREE UTILITIES BEAUTIFUL QUADS with private W baths, sundeck. completely furnished with individual refrigerators, laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FOR ONLY $109 Across the street from U ol O SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE 1436 Alder 344-8302 FREE UTILITIES! Great Low Sumffltr RMn SPOTLESSLY CLEAN, modern del uxe carnpu* quads Compietety furnished FREE covered parking,laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! Excellent management For Onfy *99' ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Aider 343-3SM 504955 PRIVATE BATH! LOW. LOW SUMMER RATES SPOTLESSLY clean, modern DELUXE campus quads Air conditioned, fur nished. FREE utilities FREE covered parking, laundry facilities,.refrigerator In each room! For Only $119 V> Block to Campus & Shopping CAMPUS QUADS 751 East 16th 345-1272 5051:55 FANTASTIC - LOW SUMMER RATES DELUXE furnished quads Open cour tyard. air conditioned, laundry facilities, COVERED FREE PARKING! Prompt maintenance guaranteed! Private baths available ALL THIS FROM ONLY $110 WOODSIDE MANOR 18th t Hards 663-3005 505255 LADY’S WATCH FOUND. 5,285 science bldg entry. Identify and claim 344 PLC. Redman 6853947 513 FOUND: CALCULATOR in Rm 123 Sc I Call 4853436514 $20 REWARD. LOST: A grey backback at the Bookstore I NEED MY NOTEBOOKS. 1 orange. 1 red psy and Trig. No questions 343-1946 513 Food & Drink Now Serving Breakfast 8 am -1 pm 790 E- 141h 14tt) * Ai / THAT CHAtY MAMA MAC£P MEOSNT H 7H£ SACS ' MU. SONtONC MAse ifum why worn, m m w mmmp vese cm? W-YW OftMi. wue o&wscy a WOMAN.. YCS-. A SMOOTH CACAMT-SKtNHEP WOMAN. sreoes see* wm* TBAA-6ASS€P Page 15 COME BACK TO THE FIVE AND DIME JIMMY DEAN JIMMY DEAN May 9-11, 16-18, 23-25 Arena Theatre (Villard Hall) 8 p.m. Tickets: Only $2 Tickets on seta no* at IDs Robinson Theatre Box Office or caH MB-41B1 (or ruTsitroril UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents William Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET This final offering in the 1964-65 season contains some of the loveliest and most exquisite verse plus the most violent fighting in all of Shakespeare You won't want to miss ! this exerting and beautiful production by the award-winning University Theatre May 16-18, 23-25 Robinson Theatre 8 PM Opening night ONLY: Free’ Renaissance musical concert on the steps of the Robinson Theatre Begin ning at 7:15 p m All seats are reserred Tickets are *5 t* ana onty T3 25 for UO students Call 686*191 for reservations FREE AMO WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright. 687-8651 623M WANTED Men s and Women's Clothing For Con signment Make extra money FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS, 720V E 13th. For appointment: 343-1312- 11-6 Mon-Sat- 3744M Learn to Sky Dive Weekly instruction at CSscount Prices Call 434-9868 Buy A Package (coupons not included*- Get a FREE PASS 1 Admission to the Bijou Theatre!!! Spring Term Unlimited S79 (S 70.10 with discount) 10 Sessions S30 SUN SHOWER 10% discount (not including coupon specials! tor students, faculty, and staff (Sacred Heart too!) Across 13tti from the UO Bookstore Akconditioned 687-1711 MAYFEST ICE CREAM SOCIAL Meet faculty and students informally Tuesday 4 5 30 pm Gerlinger ,-ounge Sponsored by SURC. 5173:5-13 ! MAYFEST BEGINS TODAY! WEEK LONG EVENTS. MYSTERY DUCK: A campus tradition continues! Watch for clues in the Oregon Daily Emerald and try to guess who the mystery duck is BLACK ARTS WEEK: Black Images Nee Prospectives " is the theme for a week filled with black art, culture, and 'music. MONOAY, MAY 13 NOON: MAYFEST OPENING CEREMONIES. EMU Courtyard Be there to celebrate the coming of spr ing Fun kickoff competitions highlight this beginning of the week s events Sponsored by SURC L____51723-13 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline. 24 hours- 7 days Strictly confidential Call 886-448* 3144 tfn | GET A JUMP ON THE JOB MARKET i Internships can give you important professional opportunities The j Career Development Internship Pro gram is offering internships summer and fall term for Juniors and Seniors *rith majors in the College of Arts and Sciences Sites include the Hilton, WtSTEC. City of Eugene. Lane Co. Historical Museum. Cawood Com-, munications, Eugene-Springfield Visitors 4 Convention Bureau. Bed Cross and Erb Memorial Union. In- : terns can earn 6 credit hours in the j summer, 3 in the fall Interview sign- ! | ups are May 6-17 in 221 Hendricks ! I Hall Stop by for more info.5095:5-14 j SISSEL Finally I feel safe going out with you Happy 21 er Let s continue working hard on it LOVE JU. F.F. 5-13 Beach Buddy Although things aren't right, things are right, and I'm happy Missed you Your study fat the beach7) Buddy-5-13 Parting Shots ARE COMING TAKE A STUDY BREAK and show your Parent the U of O! Parents' Weekend May 17-185171:5-13 THETA JANE ANN CONGRATULATIONS ALICE WOULD BE PROUD 5-13 KAO Announces our latest & greatest Members: Lisa Bordner Sarah Pierce Jane Anne Cooper Laura Reames Sheity Herbers Kim Rose Kristi Howton Karen Stiner Hotly Stutman-Ringotd S13 SARAH PIERCE You re 21, a theta member there's no stopping you now I'm proud of you- Theta love your ex roomie, SHELLY.S-13 SUBLIMINAL SEX OK Suzanne Baird, now that me have your attention, dkt you buy your tickets to the Ad Club banquet on May 16th yet? They 're available at the Emerald or Bob Taber More srv fo ...Call X3712. 51603-13 9 ? ■ s n O o During Mayfest. [ S.U-R.C. selects a | person or campus for their outstanding s contributions to the U of O as the Mystery Duck i Clues, Beginning to day. will appear everyday during - Mayfest If you think t •*J ! you know who the _ j Mystery Duck is, call ext. 55555 or j stop by 202 Johnson Hall and submit your guess Prizes will be awarded to the first three correct answers The Mystery Duck will be honored and the prize winners announced at Canoe Fete, Saturday 2 p.m at the Mitlrace Enjoy MAYFEST!! MYSTERY DUCK CLUE No. 1 Eleven years teaching without a bad test Ait his students are convinced he's still the best On the west side of campus he can be found. Although to the classroom he is not j bound MICK Are Your Friends Worth 25*? ... Then got arfth _THE BEAT_ i