oipeNWeiDeR Swirling rhythms dancing to a singing harp, flowing with the sound of dripping water. Children laughing. Voices chanting. Nature com ing together into a form of music nobody can classify. These words still fall short of fully describing the magic Andreas Vollenweider and Friends create — music that touches parts that are rarely touched within people, filling empty spaces. Vollenweider’s music is his communication, and what he communicates is life, says Terrence Yallop, coordinator of Real to Reel distributors. “You can only convey to people that this music is an incredible amount of life and energy,” Yallop says. “There are quite a few peo ple who come away with this energy, and everytime they hear music for the next 20 years, that energy comes back.” To celebrate the release of their third album “White Winds,” Vollenweider (pronounced Fole-en-veye-der) and Friends will perform for the first time in Eugene on Saturday at 7 p.m. in the Silva Concert Hall of the Hult Center. & FRIENDS I Their first two albums, “Behind the Gardens....’’ and “Caverna Magica,’’ created the group's international following. Their music has been placed at the top of European and American pop, jazz and classical charts, and their music also is known as the theme song on Na tional Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.” Vollenweider’s name is not as well known as his music. Most people absorb the colorful vibra tions of the sounds in metaphysical bookstores and become addicted to the music's “beauty," Yallop says. Blends of the Far East, Caribbean and “new age” electronic acoustics could be a vital descrip tion, but Vollenweider’s music "breaks all bar riers,” Yallop adds. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15TH THDRSDAY.MAY1STH Ford is back on campus with FORI) GREAT START D/ft'! Come see, kick, and feel the latest cars and trucks from Ford I )ivi sion and ask about the special values available to your campus community. Wind Sailboard! Fill out the entrv form below and drop &£ it off at FORI) GREAT START DAY. The winning entry will be drawn at the end of vour school’s GREAT START DAY event! CO-SPONSORED BY CULTURAL FORUM FORD DEALER LOCATION/ TIME KENDALL FORD Metered Parking Spaces 13th & University Sts. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. WIN A SAILBOARD FROM FORD! (Complete this form for a chance to win. Please print.) Name __ _ Address (home) __ Phone Number (_)_ Major ___ Graduation Date __ Make and Year of Vehicle Owned _ Did you purchase your car □ new or □ used? HOW TOW IN: Bv attending your school's Ford Orc«it Sun Day event you can be eligible to win a sailboard from Ford Division of Ford Motor (Company just fill out this entry form and drop it in the box marked "Ford Sailboard Drawing “ 'I'he w inning entry will be drawn at the end of the Ford Great Start Day event Winner need not be present. Good luck!