.••• v University Theatre's Second Season presents COME BACK TO THE FIVE AND DIME JIMMY DEAN JIMMY DEAN May 9-11, 16-18. 23-25 Arena Theatre (Villard Hall) 8 p.m. Tickets: Only $2 Tickets on sale now at the Robinson Theatre Boa Ottlce or ceil MS 41S1 tor reservations 5135:5-13 Catalyst Film* pminlt WOODY ALLEN’S A MID SUMMER NIGHT’S CFX COMEDY FRIDAY 7:30 & 9:30 180 PLC Adult $2/Kids $1 TONITE! Comedian J.P. LINDE WILL HOST THE ALL NEW STUPID HOME MOVIE AWARDS 8PM 150 GEOL FREE! Warning: You will ba subjected to visual abuse unmatched by even the worst episode of “Lost in Space.” REGGAE to raise hell and BAIL for demonstrators "Strictly Roots" at Campbell Club, 1670 Alder Sat May 11, 9 p m. *3 *4 sliding 5-10 WERNER HERZOG WEEKEND ★ ★ ★ ★ Cultural Forum films ★ ★ ★ ★ SATURDAY 7 and 9:30 180 PLC FITZ CARR ALDO 3rlanSweeney Fitzgerald Fltzcarraldo ■ has a preposterous I tream to build an opera house In a fesoiate. untamed ram forest In south America and Invite the great Caruso to sing there. Klaus Kinski j plays Fltzcarraldo. opera lover and wild-eyed dreamer Director Werner Herzog (Nosferatu the Vampyre! has created a remarkable lilm of epic pro portions, filmed entirely on location in the Amazon jungles of Peru. Her zog and his crew dragged an actual steamship up a steep mountainside! j In Fitzcarraldo. Herzog has created a j tribute to life's mad dreamers ★ ★ ★ ★ SUNDAY 7 and 9 180 PLC AGUIRRE THE WRATH OF GOD "This is a splendid and haunting work. The film is Incredibly rich and lush looking Herzog is a poet who constantly surprises us with unex pected juxtapositions " — Vincent Canby, The New York Times Klaus Kinski delvers a magnificent performance as Don Lope de Aguirre, a power-driven lunatic leading a party of t6th-Century Spanish con quistadors in the Amazon They never return ★ ★ ★ ★ ALL SHOWS: $2 Adults $1 Children 686-245* STOP MAKING SENSE Talking Heads 7:30 A 9:30 MISER MONOAY S3 GEN. ADM. $4 BIJOU LATE NITE 11:30 THURS AOM. $2.50 MIDNITE FRI &SAT Slop Making Sense buttons available at Sunahower Tanning Center. FREE while limited supply lasts. _ Asian American Theatre Co. Presents: “Not My Fault” Improvisational Comedy Group From San Francisco Cultural Forum May 11 8:00 PM Sponsored by Asian American Stu dent Union Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U o( O telephone hotline, 24 hour*- 7 days. Strictly confidential Call W44M3144:tfn FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion • the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1 600-772-9100. 2 p.m M-F 3162WHF MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344 7039 360 E. 11th 1948:WHF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP. Free pregnancy testing. Birthright 687 8651. ___623F PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smears, birth control methods and counseling Day and evening appt Call M-F 344-9411,4115:F Learn to Sky Dive Weekly instruction at Discount Prices call 464-9868 GAMES Super hero and Fantasy Role-playing games at Emerald City Comics 770 E. 13th 345-2568 4664 HFttn GET A JUMP ON THE JOB MARKET Internships can give you important professional opportunities The Career Development Internship Pro gram is offering internships summer and fall term for Juniors and Seniors with majors In the College of Arts and Sciences Sites include the Hilton. WISTEC, City of Eugene, Lane Co. Historical Museum, Cawood Com munications. Eugene-Springfield Visitors & Convention Bureau Red Cross and Erb Memorial Union in terns can earn 6 credit hours in the summer. 3 in the fall Interview sign ups are May 6-17 in 221 Hendricks Hall. Stop by for more info 5095:5-14 Newman Center Roman Catholic Community cit the i inlversity of Oregon Worship with us Weekdays 5 15pm Sundays: 9:00 am 11 00am • 7 30pm Special Student Worship Wednesdays at 9:00pm 1850 Emerald St. • 343 7021 Buy A Package (coupons not included); Get a FREE PASS 1 Admission to the Bijou Theatre!!! Spring Term Unlimited $79 (*70.10 with discount) 10 Sessions *30 SUN SHOWER 10% discount (not including coupon specials) for students, laculty. and stall (Sacred Heart too!) Across t3th from the UO Bookstore Airconditioned __■ Moimcom 687-1711 | |//£4 A New Commandment For South Africa hocus tor Worthip at Tha Waalay Cantar Sunday Worthip 11 am. 1236 Kincaid Love Class: Wednesdays 5-6pm 1308 HILYARD MON • SAT 9:30 • 6 SUN 12-5 MOTHER’S DAY IS MAY 12th WE RE READY FOR IT! ARE YOU? JABBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFT5 Now that your picture's In the paper Being rythmically admired You can have anyone That you have ever desired Happy Birthday, Steven L. Tom and Bob P.S. Mystery Dance tonight! MAYFEST ’85 MYSTERY DUCK, WHO ARE YOU? Watch out on Monday for details! _5159:5-10 BEWARE MONDAY MAYFEST IS COMING TO CAMPUS! 5 10 lios ann day i am so proud of you fly high sweet one oxoxo 5-10 Theta Holly Hyphen Good luck and congrats on initiation Love, Erin and Pam M. 5-10 DUCK U Good LuckUO Crew this weekend at Regionals! Widder _5-10 Crazed warriors start drum beat in S. Pacific. Echoes heard in Eugene. 5-10 ! Ruby Lewis Thanks for a Idfsure weekend You're a great friend - not a bad giraffe, either. LOVE, LILY BETTY.5-10 ANGELA, It's your birhtday? Well, good! Hope it's happy Cocktails at 6:30? We'll be there! C.C. * S.R.5^ LISA BORDNER, Hope the week was fun but the best is yet to come! Welcome to Theta! LOVE YOU, KRIS. 5-10 OINK Have a healthy, happy and sober (ha!) 21st B-Day SCRAGGY __5-10 KIM, Congratulations on becoming a member. We re so proud to have you! LOVE, MOLLY.__5-10 KRIS OSTMAN (alias Senor Frog) is 21 if you know of this girl or would like to know her come and help us celebrate. Happy Birthday My friend! Love, Senor Frog II 5-10 Parting Shots ARE COMING Help prospective Students learn more about your University! Volunteers needed to host prospective UO students visiting campus. Must be responsible, personable and have good communications skills and a positive attitude about UO. Volunteers must be available at 11.30 a m to take visisting students to lunch in dorms (paid by Ad missions Office) and then take students to class For more info catt Kelley Leavitt at Admissions Office Ext. 4091 __5120:5-10 BRAIN TRANSPLANTS - S29S! Let me upgrade your 128K Macintosh computer to 512K, Over 24 successful ‘operations '. 90 day guarantee 484-4618 eveningstweekends. 5-10 Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity is now conducting Informal Rush For info on dates and times call 485-7452 __5J0 TO THE PERSON WHO MISTAKENLY GRABBED my black jacket Saturday night at Lambda Chi: I feel like a duck without feathers Please return. I'm cold. That's my only coat. 484-2173.5-10 You’ve seen their videos on MTV, now see them LIVE LAST NAME FIRST and REVERB Friday Night 8 p.m. Bean East Quad Free Admission 5-10 THEAT SHELLY Congratulations You did it, you’ll make a great new member! LOVE. JULIA AND THE THEATS. 5-10 ORVILLE Here’s to the Cincinnati Reds, goatees handlebar mustaches, and honeydew melon that grow back before your very eyes! I’d write more but I’ve got to catch a plane to Portland Wanna come along? Love, your sister SPIKE 5-10 THETA LAURA: The end of "I” week is now almost here, and soon you'll be a member by dear! Good luck with Initiation. Your Theta bud, Shelley S. GAMMA PHIS RENE AND KARYN THANKS FOR EVERYTHING. I'M PSYCHED TO LIVE IN. SEE YOU SUNDAY! vto Kristi Howton May Theta bring you much more love, laughter, and friendship Congratula tions!5-10 Theta Karen Stiner Hydrotubing was unforgetable and as a Theta you're incredible Get excited for tonight, cause we thing you’re alright! THETA LOVE, KAREN E.5-10 TO THE ATHLETIC TRAINER NAMED DICK: Staying dry will be quite a trick, the water is cool, in Doc Lawton's pool. We hope you don’t get sick WONG'S HOUSE OF WATER._5-10 FIJI JEFF The Islander it is! We ll have loads of fun and I'm looking forward to it. Danielle.5-10 Look out U of O Donald Is Here 5-10 J.C. HAPPY 21st! We love you, Babe & S.C. 5-10 M & M PRODUC TIONS Executive Staff GREETINGS! Just a reminder that we are in the final countdown Only 7 more days remain until the fateful date. Never fear, with the 7 of us Witty. Creative, Wonderful, (Laying it on a bit thick, aren't I) people, nothing could possibly go WONG Sorry I missed the meeting on Wednesday, but believe it or not, I had (gasp) other commitments. When's our next meeting? Let s show the peo ple what we've got! Best wished on a Fantastic project! YOUR EVER FAITHFUL GENERAL ATMOSPHERE COORDINATOR.5-10 ROB COLLIAS, We exist too! DAVE & MANNY.5-10 DEREK, DWIGHT, ERIC & KEVIN: Hawaiian tropics barbeque & quarters revenge awaits Saturday at 7. THE BUD DHAS.5-10 JIN- Happy 21 Love, HO HO HO 500 HAVE YOUR PARENTS JOIN you at the Beer Gardens during PARENT’S WEEKEND MAY 17 & 18. 5138:5-10 TO OUR ALPHA DELTA PI Beach Party Dates: Get ready for fun, sun, and a wild crazy Saturday. LOVE, YOUR DATES. 5158:5-10 GAMMA PHIS RENE AND KARYN Thanks for everything. I’m psyched to live in. See you Sunday! 5-10 DEAR DIMPLES. First Pennies fell from heaven then phone calls after eleven Now you’re pulling the strings to my heart But I think tonight will just be the start! 5-10 Birthday m BEA-mm CHOI SEUNG JIN BRUCE COUTANT SHARON LINK JIN CHOI ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Are Your Friends Worth 25*? ... Then get with _THE BEAT_ BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed pie ax / m treat 1 anp PON T FOR A MOMCNT F€El AN MtoATlON TV ROW this oesrm with rvhst a ms/omre pis- rv!^J HAY Of AFFECTION 11 ' UTTER THIS — BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed €L BLOB / uho 6 that Noeoev!' ume Mfoei so back mm with* to me baa LOOK' LOOK ah. am at ms eves' Am... I TH/S MAH IS UK YOU S/M.Y AMSH IN