1980 VESPA P-200E, 1800 miles, ex cellent condition. Cottage Grove 942-1622. 5-10 '63 VW BUG, Sunroof, new engine, and trans. Cosmetic work needed Call 746-9625 or 343-8043. Doug. Offer.5-10 ONE-WAY AIRLINE ticket for female. Portland to Chicago, June 11. $129. Call Judy 687-8609 eves._ 5-18 RONDTRIP AIRLINE TICKET, anywhere in US anytime for $300. 683-0944. 5-10 PORTLAND-HAWAII TICKET: One way. male, good until August 28. 343-1964 $150. 5-10 EUGENE FREE SOUTH AFRICA SHOW SUPPORT FOR DIVESTITURE BILL RALLY STARTS AT 10 AM IN SALEM CARPOOL 15th « MOSS 8:45 DEPARTURE VOLUNTEER U of O CREW COACH for men's and women's teams during 85-86 season. Must have strong will to face early mornings, tired rowers and temperamental bus. Guaranteed good times and great returns on your invest ment. Interested? Contact Club Sports EMU. Eugene OR 97403 or call 686-3733 5130:510 THE UO YWCA seeks coordinators for its Multi-Cultural Friendship Program and Exceptional Friendship Program beginning Fall 1985. For more informa tion, contact the YWCA at 686-4439. Deadline is May 24th! 5-17 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for all staff positions for 1985-86. The deadline for applying for managing editor is May 13 at 5 p.m. Applications for all other positions are due May 20 at 5 p.m. Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald Office, EMU Suite 300. Staff positions are: Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Assistant Photo Editor Sports Editor Friday Editions Editors Sidelines Editor Graphics/Supplements Assistant Associate Editors: Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities General Assignment Community Features The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Affir mative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer tfn ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA PHI ETA SIGMA Sophomore members are eligible for a $300 scholarship that is based on scholarship, involvement with Alpha Lambda Delta/Phi Eta Sigma, and other campus activities. Pick up applications outside of Rm. 202 EMU. Deadline is May 20, 19854741:5-13X THE YWCA IS OFFERING the Ella Travis Edmunson & Mercy Travis Davis Scholarship Fall 1985. Sophomore, junior or senior women who will be full time are eligible. Applications are avialable at 841 East 18th Avenue.5-10 POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJORS! Political Science Peer Advising is now accepting applications for its 1985-86 staff. Applications are available in 907 PLC. Deadline is May 24th. 5160:5-14 WANT TO LOOK GREAT this summer? Lose weight quickly, easily, naturally Money making opportunity. Call Richard Bamatt 485-5848. 5153:5-15 ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT! Fisheries Earn S600 plus/per seek in cannery; S8000-$12000 plus tor 3 mon ths on fishing boat. Over 5000 open ings. For complete information and employer listings: send $5 to Hobpak, PO Box 85449, Seattle WA 98145-1449 5-13 CRUISESHIP HIRING DATA: Phone 707-778-1066 for Directory and Informa tion5-31 THE UO YWCA seeks an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR who will be responsible for its daily operational needs. For the job description and minimum qualifica tions, contact the YWCA at 686-4439 Completed applications must be receiv ed by May 17th!5-17 Not Wanted: MILITARY SOLUTIONS TO POL. AND ECON. PROBLEMS SANE- a national citizens lobby is hir ing for its Community Outreach Pro gram. Earn $160 to $200 per week while actively changing national policy. INTERVIEWS MAY 24 9X10 to 2X)0 Contact Emmett at 1511 Agate 686-3214 for appointment. 5-10X WANTED: PERSON FOR RETAIL sales. Must have drivers license and be able to travel in the state No vehicle needed Evenings 345-6800.5-10 FAMILY NEEDS RESPONSIBLE care giver for infant in our University-area home. Up to 24 hrs/wk. PO Box 3553 97403.5145V:5-17 COUNCELLORS FOR YMCA SUMMER camps programs. Full time/part time positions Child development and/or physical education background desired. Apply YMCA. resumes prefer red by 5/17. Janet Scheiderman, 686-9622. 5-10 FAIRMOUNT AREA 3 bedroom. 2 bath home for $72,500. Call Lucy at Jean Tate Real Estate 484-2022 or home 485-5493 5-8 LOW DOWN PAYMENT OK on this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home just 3 blocks to U of O $61,500. Call Lucy at Jean Tate Real Estate 484-2022 or home 485-5493. 5-8 Hillside View N Eugene, non smoker, tidy, $200 per 344-8311, Dan. Message 345-8086.5-10 SHARE LUXURY, restored 1919 charmer-fireplace, luandry, private yard deck, jacuzzi, natural wood through out, across from park Furnished room, own phone. Responisible party please 343-9089 keep trying. 5-10 UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility of immediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $142/mo., 1 bedroom $113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo Future openings expected, all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept , 686-4277 4043:ttn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment. Campus S210/S250- No pets 485-2823 4126:tfn SUMMER TERM ROOMS The Student's Cooperative Assn, is now accepting applications for summer. Room, board and all utilities included Single: $415 (8 weeks), $570 (11 weeks). Double: $350 (8 weeks). $480 (11 weeks) 683-34544552:6-10 SUPER SUMMER RATES. Furnished one bedroom next to campus, VERY clean VERY quiet Walk-in closet. Free covered parking. 1:00-6:00 p.m. 484-4103.4714:6-10 RESERVING FOR FALL AND SUMMER Low Summer Rate LARGE 2 bedroom, one block from cam pus, VERY clean VERY quiet. Furnish ed, dishwasher, disposal, nice kitchen, sun deck. Free covered parking. 1 p.m.-7 p.m., 683-8919. 4715:6-10 GRADUATE STUDENT 1591 Sylvan,AVAILABLE IN CHARM ING campus area triplex: -3 bedroom, sunny living room, fireplace, dining room, large fromt porch, garage for storage. $460 -Large, quiet one bedroom, private deck $215. Lamson Associates 683-2160.5015:tfn 1255 MILL ST. Five blocks to UO and downtown. 2 bedroom furnished, free cable TV, fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, balcony, laundry, covered parking, heated swimming pool. Available now Summer rates begin June 16. 361 E.13th One bedroom, 5 Vi blocks to UO. Unfur nished. fireplace, appliances and drapes Call Ken Shuulman, 345-4322. CHARLES ELLIS REALTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT _ 4745:tfn Summer Rates 1331 High Street Furnished Studios $170 UTILITIES INCLUDED. Private bath, share kitchen with one other, parking available Manager 2-B, 344-7241. Ben nett Management Co.5073:5-10 RENTING FOR SUMMER/FALL: 1414 E. 18th One and two bedroom apts. From *160. Lamson Associates. 683-2160 ___4740:lfn ROOMY 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished, ap pliances, waher/dryer *275. *100 refun dable deposit. Adults, no pets. 484-1057.5092: tfn HOME STAY available to foreign students Summer Term 485-6301 after 5 p.m.5-14 EUGENE MANOR. High-rise Hiving at its best. 2 blocks from campus. Securi ty building. 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, studios, and penthouse. 484-7441. 5142:ttn SUBLET 5/3M/14, *150/month. Furnish ed duplex. Quiet, private house, wood sy, close, two cats. 726-0098 5-10 LARGE 4 BEDROOM. 3 bath, two storey home with beautiful view of West hills Available June 15 to Sept. 1st. Students. 345-1791.[M0 SUMMER SUBLET with option to stay Furnished one bd. house with yard June 11- end of Sept. *250fmo. Terms negotiable 485-1254.5-15 FURNISHED THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, two miles from campus, large yard, washer, dishwasher, swing, skylight, woodstove, 15 month lease. *375. Available 6/22/85. 683-0944 5-10 FURNISHED STUDIO 1V4 blocks campus On-site laundry facilities. Call 345-8493 5146:tfn 888 E. 18th no.8, Furnished 2 bedroom available mid-May 344-3914 or see manager.5-10 Summer Rate Vacancy Unfurnished 1 bedroom *17ST 2 bedroom *200 Large deck, undercover parking. For quiet tenants only 1340 Mill St. 485-7279 5-10 NEWER QUAD, all utilities paid. *139 Near University. 1866 Harris 343-0981, or 344-8941.4423:tfn FREE UTILITIES! Great Low Summer Rates SPOTLESSLY CLEAN, modern deluxe campus quads. Completely furnished. FREE covered parking,laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! Excellent management. For Only *99! ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder 343-3509 PRIVATE BATH! LOW. LOW SUMMER RATES SPOTLESSLY clean, modern DELUXE campus quads Air conditioned, fur nished, FREE utilities. FREE covered parking, laundry facilities, refrigerator in each room! For Only *119 Vr Block to Campus & Shopping CAMPUS QUADS 751 East 16th 345-1272 FANTASTIC LOW SUMMER RATES DELUXE furnished quads. Open cour tyard, air conditioned, laundry facilities, COVERED FREE PARKING! Prompt maintenance guaranteed! Private baths available ALL THIS FROM ONLY $110 WOODSIDE MANOR 18th A Hard* 883-3005 LOW SUMMER RATES FREE UTILITIES TOP OF THE LINE DELUXE QUADS. 1 block from U of O library. Free utilities, nice SUNDECK, FREE cpvered parking! Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FROM ONLY $119 HURRY A SIGN UP TODAY) CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 344-5713 5053:5-5 REDUCED SUMMER RATES FREE UTILITIES BEAUTIFUL QUADS with private V4 baths, sundeck, completely furnished with individual refrigerators, laundry facilities. Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FOR ONLY $109 Across the street from U ot O SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE 1436 Alder 344-8302 FOUND: A BLACK LAB DOG on 4/27 at Hayward field during the track meet White chest, female Call 345-3919 5-10 LOST: M.O. KEYRING with keys last Thursday on lawn by Condon Hall Whomever has them, they are wor thless to you unless you call 485-0057. Then they're worth 310510 LADY'S WATCH FOUND. 5/2/85. science bldg entry Identify and claim. 344 PLC, Redman, 686-3947 513 HUNGRY? HOW ABOUT QUICHE! 9” Quiche $6 Bacon & Onion Broccoli Mushroom Plain FREE Delivery in U ol O Area With One Day's Notice Call Cindy’s PIE IN THE SKY 747-5771 5-10 Im I ^ I ■ ■ 11:30 • 2:00 Students Welcome FACULTY CLUB Collier House ll 70 East I3th Now we have Marco S GELATO Hai»an »ce cream m intense refreshing frurt nut & chocolate flavors FALL CREEK BAKERY 484-1662 M-F 8-6. Sal 8-3 • Eugene 881 East 13th next to UO Bookstore Doonesbury UBUTENANT? R5MBMB6RM5, WARSHAUSSROF j CHARUBCOM ' PANY? 5URS, HOPfS IT GOING, UARBHAUSSR? \ PR£TTYGOOD,9R. LISTEN, ueummr, mc and soms OF THS GUYS HAVS BS£N TALK ING, AND MS KJNDA HOURS WBOWS YOU AN APOLOGY. BY GARRY TRUDEAU wm we weee in-country, sysry TUING SSSMFPmOF CONTROL,YOU knowr -mpmmwmGewNG (meePALL TONSIL, ANPWSV Why ••HI* lor lot than the boat... TRACKTOWN PIZZA 484-2799 Events BLACK FOREST TOO, 211 Washington James "T" & The Tough- Tuesdays Margot Crystal, Folk Singer, Balladeer May 13, Monday 8 p.m. S4.5-13 WE NEED YOU. Hair coloring, perms, cuts free lor halrshow, Mon May 13. We need to preview your hair Call 485-6982 and come to the Eugene Hilton Sat May 11 at 9 a.m5-10 Men’s Club Sports SOCCER-A-THON Sat. May 11th, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the IM Field next to Hay ward. Spectators welcome. 5134:5-10 JAMES T AND THE TOUGH W/ HENRY VESTINE ROCK 'N' ROLL SOUL RIB TONITE & SAT! TAYLORS 13th & KINCAID 5-10 SATURDAY MARKET 10 a.m.: Choirs trom Spencer Butte and Roosevelt 12 Noon: Windiam Hill, recording ar tist Michael Harrison 2 p.m.: Sweet Harmony Also Stelie the clown and friends, and crafts demonstrations 5164 5-10 PROTEST OBJECTIFICATION OF WOMEN Join us in protesting Playboy on cam pus Meet ai noon, EMU Courtyard Mon May 13th. 686-3327 lor more in i°:_5157:5-13 ASUO WOMEN’S TASK FORCE presents Celeste George (Simon Fraser University) SOMEWHERE BETWEEN documentary film about Native Canadian woman Friday, May 10 7 PM, 101 EMU 51*7:5-10 CALS. CISCAP. WANO AND PJN present NO NUKES BALL featuring THE CASHIERS JOHNNY & THE DISTRACTIONS, AND ON THE EDGE with Roto & Laurie, Eugene Peace Choir, Sweetgrass, Dr. Atomic's Medicine Show, "Nuke Busters” with Solala and Don Skinner SUNDAY MAY 12 WOW Hall, 8th & Lincoln 6-12 p.m., Admission $4-6 _$1 off Hral hour ASUO WOMEN'S TASK FORCE praunti Jeannette Whitford Chlet Judge, Coeur d'Alene Trlbel Court Native American Women & Tribal Law Friday, May 10 4:30PM, EMU Forum 5146:5-10 EUGENE FREE SOUTH AFRICA SHOW SUPPORT FOR DIVESTITURE BILL RALLY STARTS AT 10 AM IN SALEM CARPOOL 15th & MOSS 8:45 DEPARTURE 5132:5-9 BEER GARDEN TODAY! WITH INCOG* NATION from Portland 4-7 EMU Dining Room FREE FREE FREE 5165:5-10 Entertainment LIVE MUSIC Craig Sorseth Acoustic Guitar & Vocals 8:00 11:00 pm Tonite ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1461 Va E. 19th Come have a beer and enjoy the sounds SKYLIGHT REFECTORY ITALIAN BEEF OR VEGETARIAN CALZONE Only $1.95 Seasoned beef or vegetarian with moz zarella cheese, olives and mushrooms Baked in a pizza shell smtnhered with tomato sauce. FRESH GROUND SPECIALTY COFFEES